Zed A. Shaw
Started the overlay UI but need to make it possible to add/remove components to it.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Enemies now turn into a lootable device witha grave_stone sprite so you know they died. Need to implement noclipping on items with collision.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Small error in how mouse events are processed. I need to do them _outside_ of the guecs::UI so that the event is checked once and then confirmed in all grids. Then created a tombstone device to be used as a dead enemy marker that will later allow looting.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Make the FPS/debug output render in a better place and not so in your face.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Status UI now has a log and some buttons.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Added a Background guecs component.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Combat UI can now send events to the GUIwhen they click on buttons, and I've got a crappy wood texture for the buttons to test that.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Refactored the GUECS system to have its own namespace then got Meter to work.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
GUI for combat now works better and I can create sprites for things if I want.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
I now have a semi-functional GUI system that uses the ECS style to build gui elements rather than inheritance.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Combat Mode is more reliable now, just one little glitch that it doesn't exit on the last enemy dying.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
New design on LEL that's way more sane and allows for more flexible columns and rows.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Fixing more bugs related to percentages and then prototype a more complex UI.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Can click on buttons and make them change color.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
LEL is working at a basic grid level, able to render boxes where I want.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Basic combat system prototype works, but needs more GUI love to really work in the game.
3 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Start of V1 combat system where you get locked into combat when in range and have to work the turn system to get out.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
You now have blood on your screen when below half health.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Nuke taught me the other way to make class enums not suck so I guess no FU?
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Separate out the major UIs to get ready for their development, and enable debug button.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Got some buttons down now to make them do stuff.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Two main GUI elements are placed for the left side status and the bottom combat UIs.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Went with just making the left gui frame monochrome to sort out its value structure compared to the scene.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Have a sort of left gui going but not sure if I like it as a real texture yet. Will need to play with it more.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
All of the assets I need right now are done.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Basic UI positioning and layout prior to designing the UI and setting a place for the combat system.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
The lighting now uses the original grid based lighting calculations rather than a global single source from the player.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Clean up the GUI some by moving the map_view out into its own file.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Fixed player showing up as an enemy and did better map centering.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Let the jank FLOW through my veins like pure cocaine! We have animations now and can attack enemies. It's all garbage to replace next session but the idea is there.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Very basic attack system.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Converted all the variable names from Lode's tutorial style to the one I use in prep for some review and cleanup.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Fix up the colors and rendering so that tilemap just uses components::Tile all the time. Need to load all of the config data from json one time on system start instead of constantly, although constantly does make debugging live easier.
4 weeks ago |
Zed A. Shaw
We now have a full map that's basically the same mapping system from Roguish. There's a bug right now where it needs you to move once to calc the light and it's not being centered, but it does work.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Fix a bug where enemies will path into the player's space because collision isn't done at the right time. I think this may need another fix in the future when we get to the combat.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Sprites now have a distance lighting calculation that's the same as the raycaster using a shader.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
FINALLY fix that stupid bug. The cause was two-fold: I was giving every 'enemy' a sprite, but that automatically included the player in the list of enemies, which meant that I was rendering the player's sprite while moving. Then in the sprite casting loop I was rendering things at 0.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Really crappy minimap now displays.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
System now controls the motion better since it's not GUIs job.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
GUI MOVE state is now cleaner and the camera is more consistent.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Cleaned up a lot but now trying to refactor some more but making a mistake.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Movement is more correct now since it uses the System::motion to do it for the player, which will always keep all the things updated. I also put placeholder barrels for all the non-combatant entities in the map. Finally, it still has the backup bug and now won't close when you close the window.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Now have enemies chasing us around and implemented diagonal movement as a test but I kind of like it.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
More cleanup of the raycaster, finally removed the window as a dependency but I went against making it an sf::Drawable since that had a lot of code quality problems.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Raycaster now has wall collision so won't go through walls. Next step is to render all the sprites being places and then implement the Systems.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Clean up header includes.
1 month ago |
Zed A. Shaw
Refactored out main.cpp to be a separate gui and using an FSM to keep the turn based nature straight.
1 month ago |