Exploring raycasters and possibly make a little "doom like" game based on it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

158 lines
3.5 KiB

project('raycaster', 'cpp',
version: '0.1.0',
default_options: [
# use this for common options only for our executables
# these are passed as override_defaults
exe_defaults = [ 'warning_level=2' ]
cc = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
dependencies = []
if build_machine.system() == 'windows'
sfml_main = dependency('sfml_main')
opengl32 = cc.find_library('opengl32', required: true)
winmm = cc.find_library('winmm', required: true)
gdi32 = cc.find_library('gdi32', required: true)
language: 'cpp',
dependencies += [
opengl32, winmm, gdi32, sfml_main
exe_defaults += ['werror=true']
elif build_machine.system() == 'darwin'
language: 'cpp',
opengl = dependency('OpenGL')
corefoundation = dependency('CoreFoundation')
carbon = dependency('Carbon')
cocoa = dependency('Cocoa')
iokit = dependency('IOKit')
corevideo = dependency('CoreVideo')
link_args += ['-ObjC']
exe_defaults += ['werror=false']
dependencies += [
opengl, corefoundation, carbon, cocoa, iokit, corevideo
catch2 = dependency('catch2-with-main')
fmt = subproject('fmt').get_variable('fmt_dep')
json = dependency('nlohmann_json')
freetype2 = dependency('freetype2')
flac = dependency('flac')
ogg = dependency('ogg')
vorbis = dependency('vorbis')
vorbisfile = dependency('vorbisfile')
vorbisenc = dependency('vorbisenc')
sfml_audio = dependency('sfml_audio')
sfml_graphics = dependency('sfml_graphics')
sfml_network = dependency('sfml_network')
sfml_system = dependency('sfml_system')
sfml_window = dependency('sfml_window',
default_options: ['default_library=shared'])
ftxui_screen = dependency('ftxui-screen')
ftxui_dom = dependency('ftxui-dom')
ftxui_component = dependency('ftxui-component')
dependencies += [
fmt, json, freetype2,
flac, ogg, vorbis, vorbisfile, vorbisenc,
sfml_audio, sfml_graphics,
sfml_network, sfml_system,
sfml_window, ftxui_screen, ftxui_dom, ftxui_component
sources = [
executable('runtests', sources + [
cpp_args: cpp_args,
link_args: link_args,
override_options: exe_defaults,
dependencies: dependencies + [catch2])
sources + [ 'main.cpp' ],
cpp_args: cpp_args,
link_args: link_args,
override_options: exe_defaults,
dependencies: dependencies)