@ -5,95 +5,7 @@ |
using namespace components; |
using namespace DinkyECS; |
TEST_CASE("all components can work in the world", "[components]") { |
World world; |
auto ent1 = world.entity(); |
world.set<Player>(ent1, {ent1}); |
world.set<Position>(ent1, {{10,1}}); |
world.set<Motion>(ent1, {1,0}); |
world.set<Loot>(ent1, {100}); |
world.set<Inventory>(ent1, {0}); |
world.set<Tile>(ent1, {"Z"}); |
world.set<EnemyConfig>(ent1, {4}); |
auto player = world.get<Player>(ent1); |
REQUIRE(player.entity == ent1); |
auto position = world.get<Position>(ent1); |
REQUIRE(position.location.x == 10); |
REQUIRE(position.location.y == 1); |
auto motion = world.get<Motion>(ent1); |
REQUIRE(motion.dx == 1); |
REQUIRE(motion.dy == 0); |
auto loot = world.get<Loot>(ent1); |
REQUIRE(loot.amount == 100); |
auto inv = world.get<Inventory>(ent1); |
REQUIRE(inv.gold == 0); |
auto tile = world.get<Tile>(ent1); |
REQUIRE(tile.chr == "Z"); |
} |
TEST_CASE("all components can be facts", "[components]") { |
World world; |
auto ent1 = world.entity(); |
world.set_the<Player>({ent1}); |
world.set_the<Position>({{10,1}}); |
world.set_the<Motion>({1,0}); |
world.set_the<Loot>({100}); |
world.set_the<Inventory>({0}); |
world.set_the<Tile>({"Z"}); |
world.set_the<EnemyConfig>({4}); |
auto player = world.get_the<Player>(); |
REQUIRE(player.entity == ent1); |
auto position = world.get_the<Position>(); |
REQUIRE(position.location.x == 10); |
REQUIRE(position.location.y == 1); |
auto motion = world.get_the<Motion>(); |
REQUIRE(motion.dx == 1); |
REQUIRE(motion.dy == 0); |
auto loot = world.get_the<Loot>(); |
REQUIRE(loot.amount == 100); |
auto inv = world.get_the<Inventory>(); |
REQUIRE(inv.gold == 0); |
auto tile = world.get_the<Tile>(); |
REQUIRE(tile.chr == "Z"); |
} |
TEST_CASE("confirm combat works", "[components]") { |
World world; |
auto player = world.entity(); |
auto enemy = world.entity(); |
world.set<Combat>(player, {100, 10}); |
world.set<Combat>(enemy, {20, 10}); |
auto p_fight = world.get<Combat>(player); |
REQUIRE(p_fight.hp == 100); |
REQUIRE(p_fight.damage == 10); |
REQUIRE(p_fight.dead == false); |
auto e_fight = world.get<Combat>(enemy); |
REQUIRE(e_fight.hp == 20); |
REQUIRE(e_fight.damage == 10); |
REQUIRE(e_fight.dead == false); |
for(int i = 0; e_fight.hp > 0 && i < 100; i++) { |
p_fight.attack(e_fight); |
} |
} |
TEST_CASE("MapConfig loads from JSON", "[components]") { |
TEST_CASE("confirm component loading works", "[components]") { |
components::ComponentMap comp_map; |
components::configure(comp_map); |
} |