Currently it's only officially tested on Windows, but I'm not really using anything OS specific (I
## Where's the LICENSE?
You don't need a LICENSE that gives everything away to thieving corporations just to publish your
works online. Nobody makes artists, musicians, painters, photographers, or sculptors get a license
before posting online, so why do programmers need one? You worried you'll get sued? Ok, so just put
a disclaimer but why do you _also_ have to give your hard work away for anyone to steal and profit
from just so they don't sue you?
You don't, and no matter what the OSI says, nobody can sue you if they steal your code and cause a
plane to crash. _They_ would get sued for stealing your code and putting it in a plane, not you.
Requiring _only_ programmers to release their code with a license to avoid lawsuits creates a
[Chilling Effect]( on programmer free speech and that violates the First Amendment.
So this code isn't licensed, it's copyright by default. I'm publishing it using my free speech
rights to express myself and that means you can look at it the same as if I posted a painting or an
essay on my blog. I obviously can't sue you for just looking at it and playing the game because I
published it so you can, but _that doesn't mean you own it._ You can't resell it, fork it,
Just grab the code and play it. That's it. Tell people about it. Fair use says you can even record
videos reviewing it and talking about it.
See? That's how Free Speech works. You don't need a LICENSE.
## Build Instructions
On all platforms you'll need these components:
* [Meson]( -- which needs Python.
* C++ Compiler -- Tested with Clang and G++. You can use my [Windows C++ Setup Guide]( which features an automated installer for Windows.
* [GNU make]( -- For the convenience Makefile. On Windows you should have this if you used my setup scripts. Otherwise `winget install ezwinports.make` will set you up.
* [git]( -- Which should be on almost every platform, and is installed by default with my Windows setup scripts.
### Windows Instructions
I primarily develop in Windows using the above setup, so this should work the best. Open [Windows
Terminal]( and run these commands _one at a time_. Don't
After that the game should be running. It'll be in different states depending on how far I've
pushed it, but you should at least have a few enemies, some loot, and rooms light in it. Go find them.
## Linux and OSX
Linux and OSX have the same requirements as Windows and almost the same install steps. The only
difference is that once you get your developer tools installed then you only need [Meson]( Linux and OSX should have everything else you need or there's a package for it.
Once you have that installed you can run these commands:
* Quite a bad experience. Need to install Python, cmake, meson, and ninja all which are in homebrew but if you don't use homebrew then this is a problem.
* You need to run the .command script in Application/your python that updates the SSL certs.
* You have to give iTerm access to your keystrokes...because wtf it already has them?