@ -1,3 +1,48 @@ |
# windows-vim |
This is a quick dump of my windows Vim setup. I run |
gvim on windows with this setup and also in the browser. |
This is a quick dump of my windows vim setup. This works fairly well and I've written a lot of software using this. I also include other software I installed. |
This is the list of vim-plugins that I install via pathogen: |
``` |
ale |
bufexplorer |
codi.vim |
emmet-vim |
fzf |
fzf.vim |
html5.vim |
ListToggle |
nim.vim |
scss-syntax.vim |
tagbar |
tlib_vim |
vim-addon-mw-utils |
vim-css3-syntax |
vim-dispatch |
vim-easymotion |
vim-fugitive |
vim-gitgutter |
vim-indent-guides |
vim-javascript |
vim-sensible |
vim-snipmate |
vim-snippets |
vim-surround |
vim-svelte |
vim-test |
``` |
Remove what you don't want. I also have the following software installed: |
Software |
== |
[PowerToys]( - Remap keys and other useful things like alt-space search. |
[AG]( - Good code search, but not good all files search. |
[RipGrep]( -- Mediocre grep alternative. It works but it will consistently skip files in arbitrary situations for "speed". |
[cmder]( -- A PowerShell reskin/terminal that includes most of the stuff you need as a developer, like git. Also has something called "posh git" that gives improved CLI status, but it's slow so consider removing it. |
Fonts |
== |
[VictorMono]( -- Great for Vim, but on the web the author decided to _by default_ enable sigils that convert code text to arbitrary math symbols nobody wants. |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
execute pathogen#infect() |
syntax enable |
filetype plugin indent on |
set diffopt+=iwhite,vertical |
set fileformat=unix |
set statusline+=%#warningmsg# |
set statusline+=%* |
" my customizations from my previous |
nmap <Leader>S <ESC>:setlocal spell spelllang=en_us<CR> |
set number |
nmap <Leader>M <ESC>:wa<CR>:make!<CR> |
nmap <Leader>D <ESC>:w<CR>:diffthis<CR> |
nmap <Leader>d <ESC>:w<CR>:diffoff<CR> |
nmap f <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f) |
nmap F <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f) |
nmap <Leader>n :cnext<CR> |
nmap <Leader>p :cprevious<CR> |
nmap <Leader>g :Ag<CR> |
nmap <Leader>f :Files<CR> |
nmap <Leader>b :Buffers<CR> |
" under windows not a damn thing about dispatch or test works |
" you have to reconfigure vim to use powershell then you have |
" run: |
" |
" Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CurrentUser |
set shell=powershell |
set shellcmdflag=-c |
set shellquote=\" |
set shellxquote= |
nmap <Leader>T :TestSuite<CR> |
set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep |
colorscheme industry |
" set sane autoindent and 4 space soft tabs |
syntax enable |
set cindent |
set nopaste " people say this has to be off |
set tabstop=4 |
set shiftwidth=2 |
set softtabstop=2 |
set expandtab |
set autoindent |
set smartindent |
autocmd FileType js setlocal shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab |
autocmd FileType svelte setlocal shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab |
autocmd FileType markdown setl noai nocin nosi inde=<CR> tw=100 |
set guifont=Consolas:h22:cANSI:qDRAFT |
set hidden |
nnoremap <MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
nnoremap <2-MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
nnoremap <3-MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
nnoremap <4-MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
inoremap <MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
inoremap <2-MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
inoremap <3-MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
inoremap <4-MiddleMouse> <Nop> |
nnoremap <F8> :setl noai nocin nosi inde=<CR> tw=100 |
set visualbell |
augroup VimCSS3Syntax |
autocmd! |
autocmd FileType css setlocal iskeyword+=- |
augroup END |
let g:gitgutter_git_executable = 'C:\Shared\cmder\vendor\git-for-windows\bin\git.exe' |
highlight clear SignColumn |
highlight GitGutterAdd ctermfg=green guifg=darkgreen |
highlight GitGutterChange ctermfg=yellow guifg=darkyellow |
highlight GitGutterDelete ctermfg=red guifg=darkred |
highlight GitGutterChangeDelete ctermfg=yellow guifg=darkyellow |
let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1 |
let g:indent_guides_color_change_percent = 3 |
let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 1 |
let test#strategy = "dispatch" |
let g:ale_linter_aliases = { |
\ 'svelte': ['css', 'javascript'], |
\ 'css': ['css'], |
\} |
let g:ale_linters = { |
\ 'css': ['stylelint'], |
\ 'svelte': ['stylelint', 'eslint'], |
\ 'javascript': ['eslint'], |
\ 'nim': ['nimlsp', 'nimcheck'], |
\} |
let g:ale_fixers = { |
\ '*': ['remove_trailing_lines', 'trim_whitespace'], |
\ 'nim': ['nimpretty'], |
\} |
let g:ale_linters_explicit = 1 |
let g:ale_set_loclist = 0 |
let g:ale_set_quickfix = 0 |
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never' |
let g:ale_lint_on_insert_leave = 0 |
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 |
let g:ale_sign_error = '!' |
let g:ale_sign_warning = '?' |
highlight ALEErrorSign guifg=Red |
highlight ALEWarningSign guifg=Yellow |
set ff=unix |
set ffs=unix |
fun! JumpToDef() |
if exists("*GotoDefinition_" . &filetype) |
call GotoDefinition_{&filetype}() |
else |
exe "norm! \<C-]>" |
endif |
endf |
" Jump to tag |
nn <M-g> :call JumpToDef()<cr> |
ino <M-g> <esc>:call JumpToDef()<cr>i |
Reference in new issue