1. Why do Sliders only have to be kept around forever and can't go in containers like everything else?
2. Why are sliders not selected when I click on them? Is it a hover?
3. Why do fonts render blank? Also when I scroll they slowly disappear until there's a column.
* A designer tool to help find characters for foreground, background, and figure out their colors.
* renderer's mouse coordinates are totally wrong. Need to put glyph bounds into the panel and then you can ask if a mouse click is on a panel, and what the _panel's_ coordinates are.
* A condition map that indicates what each tile's condition is, so it can have "watery", "wet", "mossy", "burned", and that changes the color of the foreground/background but not the actual tile.
* A tile will then denote a kind of surface, so stone, water, lava, etc.