Exploring raycasters and possibly make a little "doom like" game based on it.
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
ProjectFileVersion = 1.1
Program name = ZedCaster
Program version = 0.1
Windows XP = 0
Windows Server 2003 = 0
Windows Vista = 0
Windows Server 2008 = 0
Windows 7 = 0
Windows 8 = 0
Windows 10 = 1
Windows Server 2016 = 0
Windows Server 2019 = 0
Windows Server 2022 = 0
Windows 11 = 1
DoNotCheckOS = 0
Company name = ZedAShaw
Website = https://twitch.tv/zedashaw
SFA = 0
DFA = 0
Comp = 1
Wizard image = <main>
Header image = <main>
Show Label = 1
VisualStylesEnabled = 1
Installation path = <ProgramFiles>\<Company>\<AppName>\
Autcip = 0
Vwau = 0
Website = https://
Include uninstaller = 1
Uninstaller filename = Uninstall
UseCustomDisplayIcon = 0
CustomDisplayIcon = <InstallPath>\
Licence dialog = 0
Sart program = 1
Reboot computer = 0
Program = <InstallPath>\
ProgramArguments =
Allowtc = 0
Shortcut path = <Company>\<AppName>\
Allows = 0
Number = 1000
Mask = #####-#####-#####-#####
Image =
Sound =
Time = 2
PlaySound = 0
Allow = 0
File = C:\Users\lcthw\Projects\raycaster\builddir\zedcaster-windows-x86-64.exe
SetupIconPath = ..\icons\ancient.ico
UninstallIconPath = ..\icons\ancient.ico
CompressionMethod = 2
CompressionLevel = 2
Allow = 0
1 = <AppName>
2 = <AppVersion>
3 = http://
4 = http://
5 = http://
6 = Update
Language = 0
RunProg =
RunProgs = 0
Execdlls = 0
8.5 MB
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil Arial;}}
{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\fs20 It's Copyright.\f1\par