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399 lines
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399 lines
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#include "raycaster.hpp"
#include "dbc.hpp"
#include "matrix.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <memory>
#include <numbers>
#include "components.hpp"
#include "textures.hpp"
using namespace fmt;
using std::make_unique;
union ColorConv {
struct {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t a;
} as_color;
uint32_t as_int;
/* It's hard to believe, but this is faster than any bitfiddling
* I could devise. Just use a union with a struct, do the math
* and I guess the compiler can handle it better than shifting
* bits around.
inline uint32_t new_lighting(uint32_t pixel, int level) {
float factor = level * PERCENT;
ColorConv conv{.as_int=pixel};
conv.as_color.r *= factor;
conv.as_color.g *= factor;
conv.as_color.b *= factor;
return conv.as_int;
Raycaster::Raycaster(int width, int height) :
$view_texture(sf::Vector2u{(unsigned int)width, (unsigned int)height}),
$width(width), $height(height),
$view_sprite.setPosition({0, 0});
$pixels = make_unique<RGBA[]>($width * $height);
$floor_texture = textures::get_floor();
$ceiling_texture = textures::get_ceiling();
void Raycaster::set_position(int x, int y) {
$screen_pos_x = x;
$screen_pos_y = y;
$view_sprite.setPosition({(float)x, (float)y});
void Raycaster::position_camera(float player_x, float player_y) {
// x and y start position
$pos_x = player_x;
$pos_y = player_y;
$dir_x = 1;
$dir_y = 0;
$plane_x = 0;
$plane_y = 0.66;
void Raycaster::draw_pixel_buffer() {
$view_texture.update((uint8_t *)$pixels.get(), {(unsigned int)$width, (unsigned int)$height}, {0, 0});
void Raycaster::sprite_casting(sf::RenderTarget &target) {
constexpr const int texture_width = TEXTURE_WIDTH;
constexpr const int texture_height = TEXTURE_HEIGHT;
constexpr const int half_height = TEXTURE_HEIGHT / 2;
auto& lights = $level.lights->lighting();
// sort sprites from far to close
auto sprite_order = $level.collision->distance_sorted({(size_t)$pos_x, (size_t)$pos_y}, 500);
// after sorting the sprites, do the projection
for(auto& rec : sprite_order) {
if(!$sprites.contains(rec.second)) continue;
auto& sprite_texture = $;
auto& sf_sprite = sprite_texture.sprite;
auto sprite_pos = $>get<components::Position>(rec.second);
double sprite_x = double(sprite_pos.location.x) - $pos_x + 0.5;
double sprite_y = double(sprite_pos.location.y) - $pos_y + 0.5;
double inv_det = 1.0 / ($plane_x * $dir_y - $dir_x * $plane_y); // required for correct matrix multiplication
double transform_x = inv_det * ($dir_y * sprite_x - $dir_x * sprite_y);
//this is actually the depth inside the screen, that what Z is in 3D, the distance of sprite to player, matching sqrt(spriteDistance[i])
double transform_y = inv_det * (-$plane_y * sprite_x + $plane_x * sprite_y);
int sprite_screen_x = int(($width / 2) * (1 + transform_x / transform_y));
// calculate the height of the sprite on screen
//using "transform_y" instead of the real distance prevents fisheye
int sprite_height = abs(int($height / transform_y));
if(sprite_height == 0) continue;
// calculate width the the sprite
// same as height of sprite, given that it's square
int sprite_width = abs(int($height / transform_y));
if(sprite_width == 0) continue;
int draw_start_x = -sprite_width / 2 + sprite_screen_x;
if(draw_start_x < 0) draw_start_x = 0;
int draw_end_x = sprite_width / 2 + sprite_screen_x;
if(draw_end_x > $width) draw_end_x = $width;
int stripe = draw_start_x;
for(; stripe < draw_end_x; stripe++) {
//the conditions in the if are:
//1) it's in front of camera plane so you don't see things behind you
//2) $zbuffer, with perpendicular distance
if(!(transform_y > 0 && transform_y < $zbuffer[stripe])) break;
int tex_x_end = int(texture_width * (stripe - (-sprite_width / 2 + sprite_screen_x)) * texture_width / sprite_width) / texture_width;
if(draw_start_x < draw_end_x && transform_y > 0 && transform_y < $zbuffer[draw_start_x]) {
//calculate lowest and highest pixel to fill in current stripe
int draw_start_y = -sprite_height / 2 + $height / 2;
if(draw_start_y < 0) draw_start_y = 0;
int tex_x = int(texture_width * (draw_start_x - (-sprite_width / 2 + sprite_screen_x)) * texture_width / sprite_width) / texture_width;
int tex_render_width = tex_x_end - tex_x;
// avoid drawing sprites that are not visible (width < 0)
if(tex_render_width <= 0) continue;
float x = float(draw_start_x + $screen_pos_x);
float y = float(draw_start_y + $screen_pos_y);
if(x < $screen_pos_x) fmt::println("X < rayview left bounds");
if(y < $screen_pos_y) fmt::println("Y < rayview top bounds");
if(x >= SCREEN_WIDTH) fmt::println("OUT OF BOUNDS X");
if(y >= $height) fmt::println("OUT OF BOUNDS Y");
float sprite_scale_w = float(sprite_width) / float(texture_width);
float sprite_scale_h = float(sprite_height) / float(texture_height);
int d = y * texture_height - $height * half_height + sprite_height * half_height;
int tex_y = ((d * texture_height) / sprite_height) / texture_height;
sf::Vector2f origin{texture_width / 2, texture_height / 2};
sf::Vector2f scale{sprite_scale_w, sprite_scale_h};
sf::Vector2f position{x + origin.x * scale.x, y + origin.y * scale.y};
sf::IntRect in_texture{ {tex_x, tex_y}, {tex_render_width, texture_height}};
if($>has<components::Animation>(rec.second)) {
auto& animation = $>get<components::Animation>(rec.second);
if(animation.playing) animation.step(scale, position, in_texture);
$brightness.setUniform("offsetFactor", sf::Glsl::Vec2{0.0f, 0.0f});
// the SpatialMap.distance_sorted only calculates the
// (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 portion of distance, so to get
// the actual distance we need to sqrt that.
// float level = sqrt(rec.first);
float level = lights[sprite_pos.location.y][sprite_pos.location.x] * PERCENT;
$brightness.setUniform("darkness", level);
target.draw(*sf_sprite, &$brightness);
void Raycaster::cast_rays() {
constexpr static const int texture_width = TEXTURE_WIDTH;
constexpr static const int texture_height = TEXTURE_HEIGHT;
double perp_wall_dist;
auto& lights = $level.lights->lighting();
for(int x = 0; x < $width; x++) {
// calculate ray position and direction
double cameraX = 2 * x / double($width) - 1; // x-coord in camera space
double ray_dir_x = $dir_x + $plane_x * cameraX;
double ray_dir_y = $dir_y + $plane_y * cameraX;
// which box of the map we're in
int map_x = int($pos_x);
int map_y = int($pos_y);
// length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
double delta_dist_x = std::abs(1.0 / ray_dir_x);
double delta_dist_y = std::abs(1.0 / ray_dir_y);
int step_x = 0;
int step_y = 0;
int hit = 0;
int side = 0;
// length of ray from current pos to next x or y-side
double side_dist_x;
double side_dist_y;
if(ray_dir_x < 0) {
step_x = -1;
side_dist_x = ($pos_x - map_x) * delta_dist_x;
} else {
step_x = 1;
side_dist_x = (map_x + 1.0 - $pos_x) * delta_dist_x;
if(ray_dir_y < 0) {
step_y = -1;
side_dist_y = ($pos_y - map_y) * delta_dist_y;
} else {
step_y = 1;
side_dist_y = (map_y + 1.0 - $pos_y) * delta_dist_y;
// perform DDA
while(hit == 0) {
if(side_dist_x < side_dist_y) {
side_dist_x += delta_dist_x;
map_x += step_x;
side = 0;
} else {
side_dist_y += delta_dist_y;
map_y += step_y;
side = 1;
if($map[map_y][map_x] > 0) hit = 1;
if(side == 0) {
perp_wall_dist = (side_dist_x - delta_dist_x);
} else {
perp_wall_dist = (side_dist_y - delta_dist_y);
int line_height = int($height / perp_wall_dist);
int draw_start = -line_height / 2 + $height / 2 + $pitch;
if(draw_start < 0) draw_start = 0;
int draw_end = line_height / 2 + $height / 2 + $pitch;
if(draw_end >= $height) draw_end = $height - 1;
auto texture = textures::get_surface($map[map_y][map_x] - 1);
// calculate value of wall_x
double wall_x; // where exactly the wall was hit
if(side == 0) {
wall_x = $pos_y + perp_wall_dist * ray_dir_y;
} else {
wall_x = $pos_x + perp_wall_dist * ray_dir_x;
wall_x -= floor(wall_x);
// x coorindate on the texture
int tex_x = int(wall_x * double(texture_width));
if(side == 0 && ray_dir_x > 0) tex_x = texture_width - tex_x - 1;
if(side == 1 && ray_dir_y < 0) tex_x = texture_width - tex_x - 1;
// LODE: an integer-only bresenham or DDA like algorithm could make the texture coordinate stepping faster
// How much to increase the texture coordinate per screen pixel
double step = 1.0 * texture_height / line_height;
// Starting texture coordinate
double tex_pos = (draw_start - $pitch - $height / 2 + line_height / 2) * step;
for(int y = draw_start; y < draw_end; y++) {
int tex_y = (int)tex_pos & (texture_height - 1);
tex_pos += step;
RGBA pixel = texture[texture_height * tex_y + tex_x];
int light_level = lights[map_y][map_x];
$pixels[pixcoord(x, y)] = new_lighting(pixel, light_level);
$zbuffer[x] = perp_wall_dist;
void Raycaster::draw_ceiling_floor() {
constexpr static const int texture_width = TEXTURE_WIDTH;
constexpr static const int texture_height = TEXTURE_HEIGHT;
auto &lights = $level.lights->lighting();
for(int y = $height / 2 + 1; y < $height; ++y) {
// rayDir for leftmost ray (x=0) and rightmost (x = w)
float ray_dir_x0 = $dir_x - $plane_x;
float ray_dir_y0 = $dir_y - $plane_y;
float ray_dir_x1 = $dir_x + $plane_x;
float ray_dir_y1 = $dir_y + $plane_y;
// current y position compared to the horizon
int p = y - $height / 2;
// vertical position of the camera
// 0.5 will the camera at the center horizon. For a
// different value you need a separate loop for ceiling
// and floor since they're no longer symmetrical.
float pos_z = 0.5 * $height;
// horizontal distance from the camera to the floor for the current row
// 0.5 is the z position exactly in the middle between floor and ceiling
// See NOTE in Lode's code for more.
float row_distance = pos_z / p;
// calculate the real world step vector we have to add for each x (parallel to camera plane)
// adding step by step avoids multiplications with a wight in the inner loop
float floor_step_x = row_distance * (ray_dir_x1 - ray_dir_x0) / $width;
float floor_step_y = row_distance * (ray_dir_y1 - ray_dir_y0) / $width;
// real world coordinates of the leftmost column.
// This will be updated as we step to the right
float floor_x = $pos_x + row_distance * ray_dir_x0;
float floor_y = $pos_y + row_distance * ray_dir_y0;
for(int x = 0; x < $width; ++x) {
// the cell coord is simply taken from the int parts of
// floor_x and floor_y.
int cell_x = int(floor_x);
int cell_y = int(floor_y);
// get the texture coordinate from the fractional part
int tx = int(texture_width * (floor_x - cell_x)) & (texture_width - 1);
int ty = int(texture_width * (floor_y - cell_y)) & (texture_height - 1);
floor_x += floor_step_x;
floor_y += floor_step_y;
// now get the pixel from the texture
uint32_t color;
// this uses the previous ty/tx fractional parts of
// floor_x cell_x to find the texture x/y. How?
int map_x = int(floor_x);
int map_y = int(floor_y);
int light_level = matrix::inbounds(lights, map_x, map_y) ? lights[map_y][map_x] : 30;
color = $floor_texture[texture_width * ty + tx];
$pixels[pixcoord(x, y)] = new_lighting(color, light_level);
color = $ceiling_texture[texture_width * ty + tx];
$pixels[pixcoord(x, $height - y - 1)] = new_lighting(color, light_level);
void Raycaster::render() {
void Raycaster::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target) {
void Raycaster::update_sprite(DinkyECS::Entity ent, components::Sprite& sprite) {
fmt::println("entity UPDATE SPRITE {} will have sprite named {}", ent,;
auto sprite_txt = textures::get(;
$sprites.insert_or_assign(ent, sprite_txt);
void Raycaster::update_level(GameLevel level) {
$level = level;
auto& tiles = $>tiles();
$map = textures::convert_char_to_texture(tiles.$tile_ids);
$>query<components::Sprite>([&](const auto ent, auto& sprite) {
// player doesn't need a sprite
if($level.player == ent) return;
fmt::println("entity {} will have sprite named {}", ent,;
auto sprite_txt = textures::get(;
$sprites.insert_or_assign(ent, sprite_txt);
void Raycaster::init_shaders() {
dbc::check(sf::Shader::isAvailable(), "no shaders?!");
bool good = $brightness.loadFromFile("shaders/modal.frag", sf::Shader::Type::Fragment);
dbc::check(good, "shader could not be loaded");
$brightness.setUniform("source", sf::Shader::CurrentTexture);