Brought in Amit's latest code and converted it to use either dumb lighting or his new torch lighting, then threw in the FPS counter from last night.

Zed A. Shaw 2 months ago
parent 53a151511e
commit 831e15ca18
  1. 47
  2. 551
  3. 76
  4. 4
  5. 1
  6. 74

@ -3,14 +3,8 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
#define RAY_VIEW_WIDTH 960
#define RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT 720
#define RAY_VIEW_X (1280 - RAY_VIEW_WIDTH)
#define RAY_VIEW_Y 0
static const int SCREEN_HEIGHT=720;
static const int SCREEN_WIDTH=1280;
#include "constants.hpp"
#include "stats.hpp"
Matrix MAP{
@ -24,16 +18,27 @@ Matrix MAP{
void draw_gui(sf::RenderWindow &window) {
sf::RectangleShape rect({SCREEN_WIDTH - RAY_VIEW_WIDTH, 300});
void draw_gui(sf::RenderWindow &window, sf::Text &text, Stats &stats) {
rect.setFillColor({100, 100, 100});
rect.setFillColor({50, 50, 50});
fmt::format("FPS\nmean:{:>8.5}\nsdev: {:>8.5}\nmin: {:>8.5}\nmax: {:>8.5}\ncount:{:<10}\n\nVSync? {}\nDebug? {}\n\nHit R to reset.",
stats.mean(), stats.stddev(), stats.min, stats.max, stats.n, VSYNC, DEBUG_BUILD));
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode({SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT}), "Zed's Ray Caster Game Thing");
sf::Font font{"./assets/text.otf"};
sf::Text text{font};
//ZED this should set with a function
float player_x = MAP.rows() / 2;
float player_y = MAP.cols() / 2;
@ -50,26 +55,16 @@ int main() {
Stats stats;
std::size_t const max_count = 100;
std::vector<double> frames(max_count);
std::size_t it = 1;
while(window.isOpen()) {
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration<double>(end - start);
auto frame = 1 / elapsed.count();
if (it % max_count == 0) {
auto frame = std::accumulate(frames.begin(), frames.end(), 0., std::plus<>{}) / max_count;
std::cout << "Frame: " << frame << '\n';
it = 1;
draw_gui(window, text, stats);
if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::W)) {
@ -84,6 +79,10 @@ int main() {
rayview.rotate(rotSpeed, 1);
if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::R)) {

@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
#include "matrix.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <bit>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
namespace amt {
@ -54,74 +57,87 @@ namespace amt {
struct RGBA {
using pixel_t = std::uint8_t;
pixel_t r{}; // 0-255
pixel_t g{}; // 0-255
pixel_t b{}; // 0-255
pixel_t a{}; // 0-255
using pixels_t = std::uint32_t;
constexpr RGBA() noexcept = default;
constexpr RGBA(RGBA const&) noexcept = default;
constexpr RGBA(RGBA &&) noexcept = default;
RGBA& operator=(RGBA const& other) noexcept {
// HACK: clang was unable to optimize the copy using a single move instruction.
auto& self = *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(this);
auto color = *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t const*>(&other);
self = color;
return *this;
RGBA& operator=(RGBA && other) noexcept {
// HACK: clang was unable to optimize the copy using a single move instruction
auto& self = *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(this);
auto color = *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t const*>(&other);
self = color;
return *this;
constexpr RGBA& operator=(RGBA const& other) noexcept = default;
constexpr RGBA& operator=(RGBA && other) noexcept = default;
constexpr ~RGBA() noexcept = default;
explicit constexpr RGBA(pixels_t color) noexcept
: m_data({ .color = color })
constexpr RGBA(pixel_t r, pixel_t g, pixel_t b, pixel_t a = 0xff) noexcept
: r(r)
, g(g)
, b(b)
, a(a)
: m_data({ .rgba = { r, g, b, a } })
constexpr RGBA(pixel_t color, pixel_t a = 0xff) noexcept
: RGBA(color, color, color, a)
constexpr static auto from_hex(std::uint32_t color) noexcept -> RGBA {
return RGBA(
((color >> (8 * 3)) & 0xff),
((color >> (8 * 2)) & 0xff),
((color >> (8 * 1)) & 0xff),
((color >> (8 * 0)) & 0xff)
constexpr auto to_hex() const noexcept -> pixels_t {
if constexpr (std::endian::native == std::endian::little) {
auto r = static_cast<pixels_t>(this->r());
auto b = static_cast<pixels_t>(this->b());
auto g = static_cast<pixels_t>(this->g());
auto a = static_cast<pixels_t>(this->a());
return (r << (8 * 3)) | (g << (8 * 2)) | (b << (8 * 1)) | (a << (8 * 0));
} else {
return m_data.color;
constexpr auto to_hex() const noexcept -> std::uint32_t {
auto r = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(this->r);
auto b = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(this->b);
auto g = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(this->g);
auto a = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(this->a);
return (r << (8 * 3)) | (g << (8 * 2)) | (b << (8 * 1)) | (a << (8 * 0));
constexpr auto r() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.rgba.r; }
constexpr auto g() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.rgba.g; }
constexpr auto b() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.rgba.b; }
constexpr auto a() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.rgba.a; }
constexpr auto r() noexcept -> pixel_t& { return m_data.rgba.r; }
constexpr auto g() noexcept -> pixel_t& { return m_data.rgba.g; }
constexpr auto b() noexcept -> pixel_t& { return m_data.rgba.b; }
constexpr auto a() noexcept -> pixel_t& { return m_data.rgba.a; }
* @returns the value is between 0 and 1
constexpr auto brightness() const noexcept -> float {
// 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B
auto tr = normalize(r());
auto tg = normalize(g());
auto tb = normalize(b());
return (0.299 * tr + 0.587 * tg + 0.114 * tb);
constexpr auto blend(RGBA color, BlendMode mode) const noexcept -> RGBA {
auto ab = normalize(a);
auto as = normalize(color.a);
// αs x 1 + αb x (1 – αs)
auto alpha = to_pixel(as + ab * (1 - as));
auto nr = blend_helper(normalize(r), normalize(color.r), normalize(a), mode);
auto ng = blend_helper(normalize(g), normalize(color.g), normalize(a), mode);
auto nb = blend_helper(normalize(b), normalize(color.b), normalize(a), mode);
template <typename T>
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T>
constexpr auto operator/(T val) const noexcept {
auto d = static_cast<float>(val);
auto tr = float(r());
auto tg = float(g());
auto tb = float(b());
return RGBA(
static_cast<pixel_t>(tr / d),
static_cast<pixel_t>(tg / d),
static_cast<pixel_t>(tb / d),
template <typename T>
requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T>
constexpr auto operator*(T val) const noexcept {
auto d = static_cast<float>(val);
return RGBA(
static_cast<pixel_t>(r() * d),
static_cast<pixel_t>(g() * d),
static_cast<pixel_t>(b() * d),
@ -130,118 +146,253 @@ namespace amt {
static constexpr auto to_pixel(float p) noexcept -> pixel_t {
return static_cast<pixel_t>(std::clamp(p, 0.f, 1.f) * 255);
return static_cast<pixel_t>(p * 255);
static constexpr auto apply_op(pixel_t l, pixel_t r, auto&& fn) noexcept -> pixel_t {
return RGBA::to_pixel(fn(RGBA::normalize(l), RGBA::normalize(r)));
static constexpr auto blend_helper(float bg, float fg, float alpha, BlendMode mode) noexcept -> float {
template <BlendMode M>
static constexpr auto blend_helper() noexcept {
constexpr auto mix_helper = [](float s, float b, float a) -> float {
// (1 - αb) x Cs + αb x B(Cb, Cs)
return (1 - a) * s + a * b;
switch (mode) {
case BlendMode::normal: return mix_helper(bg, fg, alpha);
case BlendMode::multiply: {
return mix_helper(bg, bg * fg, alpha);
case BlendMode::screen: {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
if constexpr (M == BlendMode::normal) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) { return mix_helper(bg, fg, alpha); };
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::multiply) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) { return mix_helper(bg, bg * fg, alpha); };
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::screen) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
// Cb + Cs -(Cb x Cs)
return b + s - (b * s);
auto bf = bg + fg - (bg * fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
case BlendMode::overlay: {
// HardLight(Cs, Cb)
auto hl = blend_helper(bg, fg, alpha, BlendMode::hardLight);
return mix_helper(bg, hl, alpha);
case BlendMode::darken: return mix_helper(bg, std::min(bg, fg), alpha);
case BlendMode::lighten: return mix_helper(bg, std::max(bg, fg), alpha);
case BlendMode::colorDodge: {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
if (b == 0) return 0;
if (s == 255) return 255;
return std::min(1.f, b / (1.f - s));
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::overlay) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha, auto&& hard_light_fn, auto&& multiply_fn, auto&& screen_fn) {
// HardLight(Cs, Cb)
auto hl = hard_light_fn(bg, fg, alpha, multiply_fn, screen_fn);
return mix_helper(bg, hl, alpha);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
case BlendMode::colorBurn: {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
if (b == 255) return 255;
if (s == 0) return 0;
return 1.f - std::min(1.f, (1.f - b) / s);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::darken) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
return mix_helper(bg, std::min(bg, fg), alpha);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
case BlendMode::hardLight: {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s, float a) -> float {
if (s <= 0.5f) {
return RGBA::blend_helper(b, 2.f * s, a, BlendMode::multiply);
} else {
return RGBA::blend_helper(b, 2.f * s - 1.f, a, BlendMode::screen);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::lighten) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
return mix_helper(bg, std::max(bg, fg), alpha);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg, alpha);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
case BlendMode::softLight: {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
if (s <= 0.5f) {
// B(Cb, Cs) = Cb - (1 - 2 x Cs) x Cb x (1 - Cb)
return b - (1.f - 2.f * s) * b * (1 - b);
} else {
float d{};
if (b <= 0.5f) {
// D(Cb) = ((16 * Cb - 12) x Cb + 4) x Cb
d = ((16 * b - 12) * b + 4) * b;
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::colorDodge) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
if (b == 0) return 0;
if (s == 255) return 255;
return std::min(1.f, b / (1.f - s));
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::colorBurn) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
if (b == 255) return 255;
if (s == 0) return 0;
return 1.f - std::min(1.f, (1.f - b) / s);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::hardLight) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha, auto&& multiply_fn, auto&& screen_fn) {
auto fn = [&multiply_fn, &screen_fn](float b, float s, float a) -> float {
if (s <= 0.5f) {
return multiply_fn(b, 2.f * s, a);
} else {
// D(Cb) = sqrt(Cb)
d = std::sqrt(b);
return screen_fn(b, 2.f * s - 1.f, a);
// B(Cb, Cs) = Cb + (2 x Cs - 1) x (D(Cb) - Cb)
return b + (2 * s - 1) * (d - b);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg, alpha);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
case BlendMode::difference: {
// B(Cb, Cs) = | Cb - Cs |
return mix_helper(bg, (bg > fg ? (bg - fg) : (fg - bg)), alpha);
case BlendMode::exclusion: {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
// B(Cb, Cs) = Cb + Cs - 2 x Cb x Cs
return b + s - 2 * b * s;
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::softLight) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
if (s <= 0.5f) {
// B(Cb, Cs) = Cb - (1 - 2 x Cs) x Cb x (1 - Cb)
return b - (1.f - 2.f * s) * b * (1 - b);
} else {
float d{};
if (b <= 0.5f) {
// D(Cb) = ((16 * Cb - 12) x Cb + 4) x Cb
d = ((16 * b - 12) * b + 4) * b;
} else {
// D(Cb) = sqrt(Cb)
d = std::sqrt(b);
// B(Cb, Cs) = Cb + (2 x Cs - 1) x (D(Cb) - Cb)
return b + (2 * s - 1) * (d - b);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::difference) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
// B(Cb, Cs) = | Cb - Cs |
return mix_helper(bg, (bg > fg ? (bg - fg) : (fg - bg)), alpha);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::exclusion) {
return [mix_helper](float bg, float fg, float alpha) {
constexpr auto fn = [](float b, float s) -> float {
// B(Cb, Cs) = Cb + Cs - 2 x Cb x Cs
return b + s - 2 * b * s;
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
auto bf = fn(bg, fg);
return mix_helper(bg, bf, alpha);
template <BlendMode M>
constexpr auto blend(RGBA color) const noexcept -> RGBA {
auto ab = normalize(a());
auto as = normalize(color.a());
// αs x 1 + αb x (1 – αs)
auto alpha = to_pixel(as + ab * (1 - as));
auto lr = normalize(r());
auto lg = normalize(g());
auto lb = normalize(b());
auto rr = normalize(color.r());
auto rg = normalize(color.g());
auto rb = normalize(color.b());
auto nr = 0.f;
auto ng = 0.f;
auto nb = 0.f;
if constexpr (M == BlendMode::normal) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::normal>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::multiply) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::multiply>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::screen) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::screen>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::overlay) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::overlay>();
auto hard_light_fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::hardLight>();
auto multiply_fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::multiply>();
auto screen_fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::screen>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab, hard_light_fn, multiply_fn, screen_fn);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab, hard_light_fn, multiply_fn, screen_fn);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab, hard_light_fn, multiply_fn, screen_fn);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::darken) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::darken>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::lighten) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::lighten>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::colorDodge) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::colorDodge>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::colorBurn) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::colorDodge>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::hardLight) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::hardLight>();
auto multiply_fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::multiply>();
auto screen_fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::screen>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab, multiply_fn, screen_fn);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab, multiply_fn, screen_fn);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab, multiply_fn, screen_fn);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::softLight) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::softLight>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::difference) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::difference>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
} else if constexpr (M == BlendMode::exclusion) {
auto fn = blend_helper<BlendMode::exclusion>();
nr = fn(lr, rr, ab);
ng = fn(lg, rg, ab);
nb = fn(lb, rb, ab);
return RGBA(
constexpr auto blend(RGBA color, BlendMode mode) const noexcept -> RGBA {
switch (mode) {
case BlendMode::normal: return blend<BlendMode::normal>(color);
case BlendMode::multiply: return blend<BlendMode::multiply>(color);
case BlendMode::screen: return blend<BlendMode::screen>(color);
case BlendMode::overlay: return blend<BlendMode::overlay>(color);
case BlendMode::darken: return blend<BlendMode::darken>(color);
case BlendMode::lighten: return blend<BlendMode::lighten>(color);
case BlendMode::colorDodge: return blend<BlendMode::colorDodge>(color);
case BlendMode::colorBurn: return blend<BlendMode::colorBurn>(color);
case BlendMode::hardLight: return blend<BlendMode::hardLight>(color);
case BlendMode::softLight: return blend<BlendMode::softLight>(color);
case BlendMode::difference: return blend<BlendMode::difference>(color);
case BlendMode::exclusion: return blend<BlendMode::exclusion>(color);
union {
struct {
pixel_t r;
pixel_t g;
pixel_t b;
pixel_t a;
} rgba;
pixels_t color;
} m_data {};
struct HSLA {
using pixel_t = float;
pixel_t h{}; // hue: 0-360
pixel_t s{}; // saturation: 0-100%
pixel_t l{}; // lightness: 0-100%
pixel_t a{}; // alpha: 0-100%
using pixels_t = float[4];
// ensures pixel to be in range
template <unsigned min, unsigned max>
struct PixelWrapper {
pixel_t& p;
constexpr PixelWrapper& operator=(float val) noexcept {
p = std::clamp(val, float(min), float(max));
constexpr operator pixel_t() const noexcept { return p; }
constexpr HSLA() noexcept = default;
constexpr HSLA(HSLA const&) noexcept = default;
constexpr HSLA(HSLA &&) noexcept = default;
@ -250,33 +401,29 @@ namespace amt {
constexpr ~HSLA() noexcept = default;
constexpr HSLA(pixel_t h, pixel_t s, pixel_t l, pixel_t a = 100) noexcept
: h(h)
, s(s)
, l(l)
, a(a)
: m_data({ .hsla = { .h = h, .s = s, .l = l, .a = a } })
constexpr HSLA(RGBA color) noexcept {
auto tr = float(color.r) / 255;
auto tg = float(color.g) / 255;
auto tb = float(color.b) / 255;
auto ta = float(color.a) / 255;
auto min = std::min({color.r(), color.g(), color.b()});
auto max = std::max({color.r(), color.g(), color.b()});
auto c = (max - min) / 255.f;
auto min = std::min({tr, tg, tb});
auto max = std::max({tr, tg, tb});
auto c = max - min;
auto tr = float(color.r()) / 255;
auto tg = float(color.g()) / 255;
auto tb = float(color.b()) / 255;
auto ta = float(color.a()) / 255;
float hue = 0;
float s = 0;
auto l = (max + min) / 2;
auto l = ((max + min) / 2.f) / 255.f;
if (!detail::compare_float(c, 0)) {
auto temp_max = std::max({color.r, color.g, color.b});
if (temp_max == color.r) {
if (min == max) {
if (max == color.r()) {
auto seg = (tg - tb) / c;
auto shift = (seg < 0 ? 360.f : 0.f) / 60.f;
hue = seg + shift;
} else if (temp_max == color.g) {
} else if (max == color.g()) {
auto seg = (tb - tr) / c;
auto shift = 120.f / 60.f;
hue = seg + shift;
@ -292,27 +439,28 @@ namespace amt {
auto q = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(hue / 360.f));
hue -= q * 360.f;
this->h = hue;
this->s = s * 100.f;
this->l = l * 100.f;
this->a = ta * 100.f;
m_data.hsla.h = hue;
m_data.hsla.s = s * 100.f;
m_data.hsla.l = l * 100.f;
m_data.hsla.a = ta * 100.f;
constexpr operator RGBA() const noexcept {
auto th = std::clamp(h, 0.f, 360.f) / 360;
auto ts = std::clamp(s, 0.f, 100.f) / 100;
auto tl = std::clamp(l, 0.f, 100.f) / 100;
auto ta = std::clamp(a, 0.f, 100.f) / 100;
if (detail::compare_float(ts, 0)) return RGBA(to_int(tl), to_int(ta));
auto ts = s() / 100.f;
auto tl = l() / 100.f;
auto ta = a() / 100.f;
if (s() == 0) return RGBA(to_pixel(tl), to_pixel(ta));
auto th = h() / 360.f;
float const q = tl < 0.5 ? tl * (1 + ts) : tl + ts - tl * ts;
float const p = 2 * tl - q;
return RGBA(
to_int(convert_hue(p, q, th + 1.f / 3)),
to_int(convert_hue(p, q, th)),
to_int(convert_hue(p, q, th - 1.f / 3)),
to_pixel(convert_hue(p, q, th + 1.f / 3)),
to_pixel(convert_hue(p, q, th)),
to_pixel(convert_hue(p, q, th - 1.f / 3)),
@ -321,51 +469,70 @@ namespace amt {
auto rhs = RGBA(color);
return HSLA(lhs.blend(rhs, mode));
constexpr auto h() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.hsla.h; }
constexpr auto s() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.hsla.s; }
constexpr auto l() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.hsla.l; }
constexpr auto a() const noexcept -> pixel_t { return m_data.hsla.a; }
constexpr auto h() noexcept -> PixelWrapper<0, 360> { return { m_data.hsla.h }; }
constexpr auto s() noexcept -> PixelWrapper<0, 100> { return { m_data.hsla.s }; }
constexpr auto l() noexcept -> PixelWrapper<0, 100> { return { m_data.hsla.l }; }
constexpr auto a() noexcept -> PixelWrapper<0, 100> { return { m_data.hsla.a }; }
static constexpr auto to_int(float a, float max = 1) noexcept -> std::uint8_t {
return static_cast<std::uint8_t>((a / max) * 255);
static constexpr auto to_pixel(float a) noexcept -> RGBA::pixel_t {
return static_cast<RGBA::pixel_t>(a * 255);
static constexpr auto convert_hue(float p, float q, float t) noexcept -> float {
if (t < 0) t += 1;
if (t > 1) t -= 1;
t = t - (t > 1) + (t < 0);
if (t * 6 < 1) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if (t * 2 < 1) return q;
if (t * 3 < 2) return p + (q - p) * (2.f / 3 - t) * 6;
return p;
union {
struct {
pixel_t h{}; // hue: 0-360
pixel_t s{}; // saturation: 0-100%
pixel_t l{}; // lightness: 0-100%
pixel_t a{}; // alpha: 0-100%
} hsla;
pixels_t color;
} m_data{};
namespace detail {
template <PixelFormat F>
inline static constexpr auto parse_pixel_helper(RGBA color, std::uint8_t* out_ptr) noexcept {
if constexpr (F == PixelFormat::rgba) {
out_ptr[0] = color.r;
out_ptr[1] = color.g;
out_ptr[2] = color.b;
out_ptr[3] = color.a;
out_ptr[0] = color.r();
out_ptr[1] = color.g();
out_ptr[2] = color.b();
out_ptr[3] = color.a();
} else if constexpr (F == PixelFormat::abgr) {
out_ptr[0] = color.a;
out_ptr[1] = color.b;
out_ptr[2] = color.g;
out_ptr[3] = color.r;
out_ptr[0] = color.a();
out_ptr[1] = color.b();
out_ptr[2] = color.g();
out_ptr[3] = color.r();
} else if constexpr (F == PixelFormat::rgb) {
out_ptr[0] = color.r;
out_ptr[1] = color.g;
out_ptr[2] = color.b;
out_ptr[0] = color.r();
out_ptr[1] = color.g();
out_ptr[2] = color.b();
} else if constexpr (F == PixelFormat::bgr) {
out_ptr[0] = color.b;
out_ptr[1] = color.g;
out_ptr[2] = color.r;
out_ptr[0] = color.b();
out_ptr[1] = color.g();
out_ptr[2] = color.r();
} else if constexpr (F == PixelFormat::ga) {
out_ptr[0] = color.r;
out_ptr[1] = color.a;
out_ptr[0] = color.r();
out_ptr[1] = color.a();
} else if constexpr (F == PixelFormat::ag) {
out_ptr[0] = color.a;
out_ptr[1] = color.r;
out_ptr[0] = color.a();
out_ptr[1] = color.r();
} else {
out_ptr[0] = color.r;
out_ptr[0] = color.r();
@ -548,7 +715,7 @@ namespace std {
auto format(amt::RGBA const& color, auto& ctx) const {
return format_to(ctx.out(), "rgba({}, {}, {}, {})", color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
return format_to(ctx.out(), "rgba({}, {}, {}, {})", color.r(), color.g(), color.b(), color.a());
@ -559,7 +726,7 @@ namespace std {
auto format(amt::HSLA const& color, auto& ctx) const {
return format_to(ctx.out(), "hsla({:.1f}deg, {:.1f}%, {:.1f}%, {:.1f}%)", color.h, color.s, color.l, color.a);
return format_to(ctx.out(), "hsla({:.1f}deg, {:.1f}%, {:.1f}%, {:.1f}%)", color.h(), color.s(), color.l(), color.a());
@ -592,4 +759,4 @@ namespace std {
} // namespace std
#endif // AMT_PIXEL_HPP
#endif // AMT_PIXEL_HPP

@ -1,44 +1,51 @@
#include "amt/raycaster.hpp"
#include "amt/texture.hpp"
#include "amt/pixel.hpp"
#include "constants.hpp"
using namespace fmt;
using std::make_unique;
union ColorConv {
struct {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
uint8_t a;
} as_color;
uint32_t as_int;
inline uint32_t dumb_lighting(uint32_t pixel, double distance) {
if(distance < 0.9) return pixel;
ColorConv conv{.as_int=pixel};
conv.as_color.r /= distance;
conv.as_color.g /= distance;
conv.as_color.b /= distance;
static constexpr auto room_brightness = 0.3f; // increse this to increase the room brightness. Higher value means brighter room.
#ifdef AMT_LIGHT
inline static constexpr amt::RGBA dumb_lighting(amt::RGBA pixel, double distance, double distance_from_center) {
auto const dim_pixel = pixel * room_brightness;
if (distance_from_center >= 0) {
auto const min_brightness = 1. / std::max(distance_from_center, 0.5); // farther away from the center darker it gets
auto const max_brightness = 1.; // brighness should not exceed 1
auto const pixel_brightness = std::max(min_brightness, std::min(max_brightness, distance));
auto const yellow_brightness = float(distance_from_center * 60);
amt::RGBA const yellow = amt::HSLA(40, 20, yellow_brightness);
return conv.as_int;
auto temp = (pixel / pixel_brightness).blend<amt::BlendMode::softLight>(yellow);
return temp.brightness() < 0.1f ? dim_pixel : temp;
} else {
return dim_pixel;
inline static constexpr amt::RGBA dumb_lighting(amt::RGBA pixel, double distance, double distance_from_center) {
if(distance < 0.9) return pixel;
return pixel / distance;
Raycaster::Raycaster(sf::RenderWindow& window, Matrix &map, int width, int height) :
view_texture({(unsigned int)width, (unsigned int)height}),
Raycaster::Raycaster(sf::RenderWindow& window, Matrix &map, unsigned width, unsigned height) :
view_texture(sf::Vector2u{width, height}),
$width(width), $height(height),
pixels(static_cast<size_t>(height), static_cast<std::size_t>(width)),
pixels(height, width),
view_sprite.setPosition({0, 0});
@ -139,9 +146,7 @@ void Raycaster::sprite_casting() {
// BUG: this crashes sometimes when the math goes out of bounds
auto color = sprite_texture[texY][texX];
// poor person's transparency, get current color from the texture
if((color.to_hex() & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0) {
pixels[y][stripe] = color;
pixels[y][stripe] = (color.to_hex() & 0xffffff00) ? color: pixels[y][stripe];
@ -149,7 +154,12 @@ void Raycaster::sprite_casting() {
void Raycaster::cast_rays() {
double perpWallDist;
double perpWallDist = 0;
auto const cx = $width / 2;
auto const cy = $height / 2;
double const radius = std::min($height, $width) / 2;
double const r_sq = radius * radius;
for(int x = 0; x < $width; x++) {
@ -247,7 +257,11 @@ void Raycaster::cast_rays() {
for(int y = drawStart; y < drawEnd; y++) {
int texY = (int)texPos & (textures.TEXTURE_HEIGHT - 1);
texPos += step;
pixels[y][x] = texture[texY][texX];
auto const dx = cx - x;
auto const dy = cy - y;
double const dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
auto color = dumb_lighting(texture[texY][texX], perpWallDist, (r_sq - dist) / r_sq);
pixels[y][x] = color;
@ -309,10 +323,10 @@ void Raycaster::draw_ceiling_floor() {
// floorX cellX to find the texture x/y. How?
pixels[y][x] = textures.floor[ty][tx];
pixels[y][x] = textures.floor[ty][tx] * room_brightness;
pixels[$height - y - 1][x] = textures.ceiling[ty][tx];
pixels[$height - y - 1][x] = textures.ceiling[ty][tx] * room_brightness;

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct Raycaster {
std::vector<double> spriteDistance;
std::vector<double> ZBuffer; // width
Raycaster(sf::RenderWindow& window, Matrix &map, int width, int height);
Raycaster(sf::RenderWindow& window, Matrix &map, unsigned width, unsigned height);
void draw_pixel_buffer();
void clear();
@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ struct Raycaster {
return ((y) * $width) + (x);

@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ int main() {
draw_gui(window, text, stats);
rayview.rotate(rotSpeed, -1);
if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::W)) {, 1);

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <print>
#include "matrix.hpp"
#include "pixel.hpp"
using namespace amt;
int main() {
auto const format = PixelFormat::abgr;
PixelBuf b(2, 2, RGBA(0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04));
b[1][1] = HSLA(280, 20, 50, 80);
std::println("{:h}", b);
std::uint8_t ps[4 * 4] = {};
b.copy_to(ps, format);
/*for (auto i = 0zu; i < sizeof(ps); ++i) {*/
/* std::println("[{}]: 0x{:0x}", i, ps[i]);*/
PixelBuf test(ps, 2, 2, format);
for (auto i = 0zu; auto color: test) {
std::println("[{}]: {}", i++, color);
auto m = Matrix<int>{
{0, 1},
{3, 4}
std::println("{}", m);
auto ca = RGBA::from_hex(0x333333ff);
auto cb = RGBA::from_hex(0xaabbccff);
std::println("========= RGBA ===========");
std::println("Normal: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::normal).to_hex());
std::println("Multiply: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::multiply).to_hex());
std::println("Screen: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::screen).to_hex());
std::println("Overlay: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::overlay).to_hex());
std::println("darken: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::darken).to_hex());
std::println("lighten: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::lighten).to_hex());
std::println("Dodge: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::colorDodge).to_hex());
std::println("Burn: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::colorBurn).to_hex());
std::println("hard light: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::hardLight).to_hex());
std::println("soft light: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::softLight).to_hex());
std::println("difference: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::difference).to_hex());
std::println("exclusion: 0x{:0x}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::exclusion).to_hex());
HSLA ca = RGBA::from_hex(0x333333ff);
HSLA cb = RGBA::from_hex(0xaabbccff);
std::println("========= HSLA ===========");
std::println("Normal: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::normal));
std::println("Multiply: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::multiply));
std::println("Screen: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::screen));
std::println("Overlay: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::overlay));
std::println("darken: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::darken));
std::println("lighten: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::lighten));
std::println("Dodge: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::colorDodge));
std::println("Burn: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::colorBurn));
std::println("hard light: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::hardLight));
std::println("soft light: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::softLight));
std::println("difference: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::difference));
std::println("exclusion: {}", ca.blend(cb, BlendMode::exclusion));