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104 lines
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104 lines
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1 month ago
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <string>
#include "dinkyecs.hpp"
#include "components.hpp"
#include "save.hpp"
#include <optional>
#include <iostream>
#include "map.hpp"
#include "worldbuilder.hpp"
#include "tser.hpp"
using namespace fmt;
using std::string;
using namespace components;
enum class Item : char {
RADAR = 'R',
TRAP = 'T',
ORE = 'O'
struct Pixel {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
struct Robot {
Pixel point;
std::wstring name;
std::optional<Item> item;
DEFINE_SERIALIZABLE(Robot, point, name, item);
TEST_CASE("test using tser for serialization", "[config]") {
auto robot = Robot{ Pixel{3,4}, L"BIG NAME", Item::RADAR};
tser::BinaryArchive archive;
std::string_view archive_view = archive.get_buffer();
tser::BinaryArchive archive2(0);
auto loadedRobot = archive2.load<Robot>();
REQUIRE(loadedRobot.point.x == robot.point.x);
REQUIRE(loadedRobot.point.y == robot.point.y);
REQUIRE(loadedRobot.item == robot.item);
TEST_CASE("basic save a world", "[save]") {
DinkyECS::World world;
Map map(20, 20);
WorldBuilder builder(map);
// configure a player as a fact of the world
Player player{world.entity()};
world.set<Position>(player.entity, {10,10});
world.set<Motion>(player.entity, {0, 0});
world.set<Combat>(player.entity, {100, 10});
world.set<Tile>(player.entity, {"@"});
world.set<Inventory>(player.entity, {102});
save::to_file("./", world, map);
DinkyECS::World in_world;
Map in_map(0, 0); // this will be changed on load
save::from_file("./", in_world, in_map);
Position &position1 = world.get<Position>(player.entity);
Position &position2 = in_world.get<Position>(player.entity);
REQUIRE(position1.location.x == position2.location.x);
REQUIRE(position1.location.y == position2.location.y);
Combat &combat1 = world.get<Combat>(player.entity);
Combat &combat2 = in_world.get<Combat>(player.entity);
REQUIRE(combat1.hp == combat2.hp);
Motion &motion1 = world.get<Motion>(player.entity);
Motion &motion2 = in_world.get<Motion>(player.entity);
REQUIRE(motion1.dx == motion2.dx);
REQUIRE(motion1.dy == motion2.dy);
Tile &tile1 = world.get<Tile>(player.entity);
Tile &tile2 = in_world.get<Tile>(player.entity);
REQUIRE(tile1.chr == tile2.chr);
REQUIRE(map.width() == in_map.width());
REQUIRE(map.height() == in_map.height());
REQUIRE(map.$walls == in_map.$walls);
Inventory &inv = world.get<Inventory>(player.entity);
REQUIRE( == 102);