Exploring raycasters and possibly make a little "doom like" game based on it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.4 KiB

#include "textures.hpp"
#include <SFML/Graphics/Image.hpp>
#include "dbc.hpp"
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "config.hpp"
#include "constants.hpp"
#include <memory>
namespace textures {
using std::shared_ptr, std::make_shared;
static TextureManager TMGR;
static bool initialized = false;
void load_sprites() {
Config assets("assets/config.json");
for(auto& el : assets["sprites"].items()) {
string path = el.value();
auto texture = make_shared<sf::Texture>(path);
auto sprite = make_shared<sf::Sprite>(*texture);
string name = el.key();
TMGR.sprite_textures.try_emplace(name, name, sprite, texture);
TMGR.floor = load_image(assets["sprites"]["floor"]);
TMGR.ceiling = load_image(assets["sprites"]["ceiling"]);
void load_tiles() {
Config assets("assets/tiles.json");
auto &tiles = assets.json();
for(auto &el : tiles.items()) {
auto &config = el.value();
std::wstring display = assets.wstring(el.key(), "display");
int surface_i = TMGR.surfaces.size() - 1;
wchar_t tid = display[0];
TMGR.char_to_texture[tid] = surface_i;
void init() {
if(!initialized) {
initialized = true;
SpriteTexture get(std::string name) {
fmt::format("!!!!! texture pack does not contain {} sprite", name));
return TMGR.sprite_textures.at(name);
sf::Image load_image(std::string filename) {
sf::Image texture;
bool good = texture.loadFromFile(filename);
dbc::check(good, fmt::format("failed to load {}", filename));
return texture;
const uint32_t* get_surface(size_t num) {
return (const uint32_t *)TMGR.surfaces[num].getPixelsPtr();
matrix::Matrix convert_char_to_texture(matrix::Matrix &tile_ids) {
auto result = matrix::make(matrix::width(tile_ids), matrix::height(tile_ids));
for(matrix::each_cell it(tile_ids); it.next();) {
wchar_t tid = tile_ids[it.y][it.x];
result[it.y][it.x] = TMGR.char_to_texture.at(tid);
return result;
const uint32_t* get_floor() {
return (const uint32_t *)TMGR.floor.getPixelsPtr();
const uint32_t* get_ceiling() {
return (const uint32_t *)TMGR.ceiling.getPixelsPtr();