Write-Host"Failure detected while installing via GitHub method. Continuing with Chocolatey method as fallback."-ForegroundColorRed
Write-Host"Failure detected while installing via GitHub method. Your computer cannot run winget. Please email help@learncodethehardway.com to help find out why."-ForegroundColorRed
# In case install fails via GitHub method.
throw[WingetFailedInstall]::new('Failed to install!')
Write-Warning"This will use winget and chocolatey to do the installs."
Write-Warning"This will use winget to do the installs. If you already have this software installed then winget should only upgrade them. If you don't want this then abort now."
Read-Host-Prompt"Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort"|Out-Null
Read-Host-Prompt"Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort"|Out-Null
Write-Warning"Here's the version that Winget will install:"
Write-Warning"--- If you want me to replace your install with this version, then stop and"
Write-Warning"delete the $winlibsPath directory before hitting ENTER to continue."
Write-Warning"!!! If you do NOT want to replace this directory then hit CTRL-C now."
Read-Host-Prompt"Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort"|Out-Null
Write-Warning"!! Installing WinLibs in $winlibsPath"
Write-Warning"This has to be installed this way because winget won't add it to the path so I have to do it manually. If you don't want this, then hit CTRL-C and install WinLibs yourself."
Write-Warning"This has to be installed this way because winget won't add it to the path so I have to do it manually. If you don't want this, then hit CTRL-C and install WinLibs yourself."
Read-Host-Prompt"Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort"|Out-Null
Read-Host-Prompt"Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort"|Out-Null