A set of PowerShell scripts that install a base developer environment and multiple languages for Windows.
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Zed A. Shaw e93dc46116 Add a warning about what software will be installed. 1 month ago
.gitignore First cut of an simple install system that can support many languages for people starting out on Windows. 3 months ago
LICENSE Now add installers for bun, node, ruby, go, crystal, zig, and include winutil.LICENSE plus my own. 3 months ago
README.md Document the rust and extras setup, then add a few more things to extras. Also use @() arrays since they're getting a big large. 3 months ago
base.ps1 Add a warning about what software will be installed. 1 month ago
bigtest.ps1 Wrong filename for extras.ps1 3 months ago
bunjs.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
cpp.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
crystal.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
extras.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
go.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
nodejs.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
python.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
ruby.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
rust.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago
winutil.LICENSE Now add installers for bun, node, ruby, go, crystal, zig, and include winutil.LICENSE plus my own. 3 months ago
zig.ps1 Convert from utf-16 to ascii to possibly solve an issue with some people running it and seeing tons of windows opening. 3 months ago


Windows Install Scripts for Real Programmers

This is a collection of automated installer scripts for "real programmers." These scripts will install various base packages most programmers need, and then specific packages you'll need to work in the language you choose. The scripts are based on Chris Titus' Winutil but redesigned to allow you to run the script as a normal user and becoming admin as needed. If you want more software then check out Chris' very nice script.

How to Use It

First, you run the base.ps1 script to get an initial setup of basic things all other languages need. This allows you to then install any other languages very quickly:

irm https://learncodethehardway.com/setup/base.ps1 -outfile base.ps1
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\base.ps1

After this script runs you should be ready, but close this PowerShell instance and start a new one just in case. Then run this:

irm https://learncodethehardway.com/setup/python.ps1 -outfile python.ps1
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\python.ps1

If you get an error that "Chocolatey is not installed" then you forgot to close your PowerShell and start a new one. It's because the PATH needs to be reset because Windows is dumb.

You can also use winget and/or choco to install what you want manually. See the instructions below for your language to learn how to do that, or get the script and just look at it. Usually the only thing each language script does is run some winget commands.

Base Packages

The base.ps1 script installs the following packages:

  • winget -- Package installer created by Microsoft.
  • chocolatey -- Additional package installer.
  • git -- Installed via winget.
  • Windows Terminal -- The new Terminal package for Windows 10/11.
  • CMake -- Used in quite a lot of builds for plugins in other languages.
  • Visual C++ Redist 2015+ -- Also used in a lot of builds and runtimes.
  • Geany -- A nice cross platform basic programmer's editor.
  • winlibs -- The GCC toolchain compiled for Windows.
  • wizfile -- An insanely useful file search tool, so useful I just include it always.
  • sqlite3 -- Another insanely useful tool that seems to be used in lots of projects.
  • ugrep -- Another very useful tool for simply searching in files. If you want regular GNU grep then start an Administrator Terminal and type winget install GnuWin32.Grep.

This sets you up with most things every programmer needs no matter what language, and if you already installed something it will be skipped or upgraded instead. If you don't want to install something, just edit the script at the end and remove that line.

Each language specific script then installs additional packages. Also, these scripts should be compatible with each other since they won't install things more than once.

cpp.ps1 for C/C++

This script is meant for C/C++ programming and installs the following:

  • conan -- A very useful C++ package system that helps get access to C++ libraries.
  • meson -- So far the best cross platform build tool I've found, but it does have it's own problems.

I also recommend you install vcpkg to get access to even more C++ packages. Meson and CMake should use vcpkg installed packages.

To install yourself run:

choco install winlibs
choco install conan
choco install meson

The winlibs command is just to make sure it gets installed for people who don't use the base.ps1 script or if that script changes and doesn't install it as a base component. That means it may do nothing since you already have winlibs.

Either nodejs.ps1 or bunjs.ps1 for JavaScript

The nodejs.ps1 script installs:

  • NodeJS LTS -- I default to the LTS version but you can change it to the latest if you want.

To install this manually do:

winget install OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS

You can also install the latest version by using OpenJS.NodeJS instead of OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS.

The bunjs.ps1 script installs:

  • Bun.js -- Keep in mind that I do not use this and I'm only including it to be complete. If you have suggestions to improve this installer then let me know.
winget install Oven-sh.Bun

python.ps1 for Python

  • Anaconda -- This is mostly because I use it in my course, so feel free to edit the script and not install this.
  • Python 3 -- Yes, the one from the Microsoft store because it's the only Python installer that seems to be "allowed" to place itself in the PATH despite every other installer saying this is basically illegal.

To install yourseful run:

winget install Anaconda.Anaconda3
winget install Python.Python.3.12

ruby.ps1 for Ruby

  • ruby -- I'm actually not very up on Ruby these days so advice on the script welcome.

To install this yourself do:

winget install RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby.3.2

There is an alternative package that installs a "dev kit" but I'm not sure how this will interact with the winlibs package and other things installed so far. If you have any information on which one to use let me know.

winget install RubyInstallerTeam.RubyWithDevKit.3.2

go.ps1 for Go

  • go -- The Go language.

To install this yourself use:

winget install GoLang.Go

rust.ps1 for Rust

  • Rust -- The Rust language for the GNU Toolchain.

To install this yourself use:

winget install Rustlang.Rust.GNU

zig.ps1 for Zig

To install this yourself use:

winget install zig.zig
winget install zigtools.zls

crystal.ps1 for Crystal

  • Crystal -- The base crystal language.

To install this yourself use:

winget install CrystalLang.Crystal

The extras.ps1 Script

This is a script of additional useful tools I like to use for a better developer experience:

  • GnuWin32.Which -- The which command to find where stuff is, 'cause that's useful.
  • GNU.Wget2 -- Windows has its own hijack of wget and curl so this installs the real deal insead.
  • GNU.Nano -- Useful terminal only editor for quick edits of files.
  • eza-community.eza -- A nice ls alternative that gives better output than the obnoxious full form output PowerShell gives.
  • cURL.cURL -- Like wget2 it's a standard tool for grabbing things off the web.

The bigtest.ps1 Script

There's a test script that you can run if you want to install all scripts from the git repo to test it. You use it like this:

irm https://git.learnjsthehardway.com/learn-code-the-hard-way/lcthw-windows-installers/raw/branch/master/base.ps1 -outfile base.ps1
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\base.ps1

Then close your PowerShell to ensure you get the winget and choco installs. Then run the bigtest.ps1 script and be sure to stay near your computer to keep entering your password:

irm https://git.learnjsthehardway.com/learn-code-the-hard-way/lcthw-windows-installers/raw/branch/master/bigtest.ps1 -outfile bigtest.ps1
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\bigtest.ps1

After that you'll have every language I've figured out. Be sure to email help@learncodethehardway.com and tell me if it worked or not for you.

Contributing Installers

If you have a language that needs this kind of installer then feel free to grab one of these and modify it. If you can test that works and want me to include it then do a patch or pull request with your new script and I'll take a look. Due to the unsafe nature of these scripts I'll only be accepting PRs from people with an identifiable presence online, an actual face picture, and full real name. Basically, if I can't get you arrested for trying to hack people then I won't accept your script.

Be sure to test your scripts under the following conditions:

  1. Windows Home 10 -- Remember, the point is to make it easy for anyone to get your language, so Windows Pro is a non-starter.
  2. As a non-admin user. This is important, as if your script only runs as administrator then it's dead on arrival.
  3. Users will have a second account that is admin which they can enter a password for, and the scripts currently automatically switch to administrator as needed.