These are the projects for the JavaScript Level 2 module in Learn JS the Hard Way.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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## Replicate `find`
This exercise is very similar to the `ls` exercise, but instead of simply listing based on a pattern you are taking various commands to more finely control the search. This will help you solidify your understanding of the `fs` module which will be _essential_ for future exercises.
## Notes on Commander.js
The `find` command is an odd one because it uses the non-standard `-name` style (one dash, one word) while the rest of Unix tools use `--name` style (two dash, one word) or `-n` (one dash, one letter) style. For now, if you want to keep using [commander.js]( then you'll have to use the `--name` style and just go with it for now.
## `find` For Windows
Windows doesn't have `find` so you'll have to research how it works either inside `Windows Subsystem for Linux` or from the [man page](
Another option is to replicate the PowerShell [Get-ChildItem]( or `gci` for short. If you're not interested in running WSL for this exercise then I recommend this path, but my tutorial will replicate `find`.
## Learning Objectives
This exercise is all about cementing your understanding of everything learned so far:
1. Patterns using Regular Expressions (RegExp).
2. Recursively processing and finding files.
3. Using `fs.stat` to read the attributes of a file.
4. Getting command line options from the user.
Once you're done with this exercise you should be well versed in files, directories, file attributes, and how to find them for processing.