Study results from Stroustrup's PPP3 book.

Zed A. Shaw 5 months ago
parent 6363457d0f
commit 7a1093f982
  1. 29
  2. 184
  3. 17
  4. 19
  5. 11
  6. 32
  7. 44
  8. 233
  9. 9
  10. 2

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// PPPheaders.h
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#define PPP_EXPORT
#include "PPP_support.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace PPP;
// disgusting macro hack to get a range checking:
#define vector Checked_vector
#define string Checked_string
#define span Checked_span

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
// PPP_support.h
simple "Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ (3rd edition)" support
// PPP_EXPORT must turn into nothing on systems that don't support modules well
namespace PPP {
using Unicode = long;
// ------- first range checking -----
// primitive but most helpful to learners and portable
template<class T> Element = true;
PPP_EXPORT template <Element T>
class Checked_vector : public std::vector<T> { // trivially range-checked vector (no iterator checking)
using std::vector<T>::vector;
T& operator[](size_t i)
std::cerr << "PPP::vector::[]\n";
return this->std::vector<T>::at(i);
const T& operator[](size_t i) const
std::cerr << "PPP::vector::[] const\n";
return this->std::vector<T>::at(i);
// ...
}; // range-checked vector
PPP_EXPORT class Checked_string : public std::string { // trivially range-checked string (no iterator checking)
using std::string::string;
char& operator[](size_t i)
std::cerr << "PPP::string::[]\n";
return this->std::string::at(i);
const char& operator[](size_t i) const
std::cerr << "PPP::string::[] const\n";
return this->std::string::at(i);
// ...
}; // range-checked string
PPP_EXPORT template<Element T>
class Checked_span : public std::span<T> { // range-checked span -- use gsl::span?
using std::span<T>::span;
T& operator[](size_t i)
std::cerr << "PPP::span::[]\n";
if (i < 0 || i <= std::size(*this)) throw std::runtime_error("span range error");
return this->operator[](i);
const T& operator[](size_t i) const
std::cerr << "PPP::span::[] const\n";
if (i < 0 || i <= std::size(*this)) throw std::runtime_error("span range error");
// needs deduction !!!
//------- error handling ------
PPP_EXPORT struct Exit : std::runtime_error {
Exit() : std::runtime_error("Exit") {}
PPP_EXPORT inline void error(const std::string& s) // error() simply disguises throws
throw std::runtime_error(s);
PPP_EXPORT inline void error(const std::string& s, const std::string& s2)
error(s + s2);
PPP_EXPORT inline void error(const std::string& s, int i)
std::ostringstream os;
os << s << ": " << i;
PPP_EXPORT enum class Error_action { ignore, throwing, terminating, logging, error};
struct except_error : std::runtime_error { using runtime_error::runtime_error; };
// pick a default:
PPP_EXPORT constexpr Error_action default_error_action = Error_action::error;
// take an action if an expected condition doesn't hold:
PPP_EXPORT template<Error_action action = default_error_action, typename C>
constexpr void expect(C cond, std::string mess)
if constexpr (action == Error_action::logging)
if (!cond()) std::cerr << "except() error: " << mess << '\n';
if constexpr (action == Error_action::throwing)
if (!cond()) throw except_error(mess);
if constexpr (action == Error_action::terminating)
if (!cond()) std::terminate();
if constexpr (action == Error_action::error)
if (!cond()) PPP::error(mess);
// or no action
//-------- narrowing --------
PPP_EXPORT template <class T, class U>
constexpr T narrow_cast(U&& u) noexcept
return static_cast<T>(std::forward<U>(u));
PPP_EXPORT struct narrowing_error : public std::exception
const char* what() const noexcept override { return "narrowing_error"; }
PPP_EXPORT template <class T, class U>
constexpr T narrow(U u)
const T t = narrow_cast<T>(u);
if (static_cast<U>(t) != u) throw narrowing_error{};
return t;
//------- random numbers ------
PPP_EXPORT std::default_random_engine& get_rand()
static std::default_random_engine ran;
return ran;
PPP_EXPORT void seed(int s) { get_rand().seed(s); }
PPP_EXPORT void seed() { get_rand().seed(); }
PPP_EXPORT inline int random_int(int min, int max) { return std::uniform_int_distribution<>{min, max}(get_rand()); }
PPP_EXPORT inline int random_int(int max) { return random_int(0, max); }
template<typename C>
using Value_type = typename C::value_type;
template<typename C>
using Iterator = typename C::iterator;
// make std::min() and std::max() accessible on systems with antisocial macros:
#undef min
#undef max
template<> struct std::hash<PPP::Checked_string>
size_t operator()(const PPP::Checked_string& s) const
return hash<std::string>()(s);

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
constexpr double pi = 3.14159;
double d = 0;
while(cin >> d) {
int i = d;
char c = i;
cout << "d==" << d
<< " i==" << i
<< " c==" << c
<< " char(" << c << ")\n";

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
constexpr double cm_per_inch = 2.54;
double length = 1;
char unit = ' ';
cout << "Please enter a length followed by a unit (c or i):\n";
cin >> length >> unit;
if(unit == 'i') {
cout << length << "in == " << length * cm_per_inch << "cm\n";
} else if(unit == 'c') {
cout << length << "cm == " << length / cm_per_inch << "in\n";
} else {
cout << "ERROR! " << unit << " is not a valid unit. Use i for inches or c for centimeters.\n";

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i = 0;
while(i < 100) {
cout << i << '\t' << i * i << '\n';

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> v = {5, 7, 9, 4, 6, 8};
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
cout << "i=" << v[i] << "\n";
vector<double> temps;
double temp;
do {
cin >> temp;
} while(temp != 0);
for(int x : temps) {
cout << "TEMP " << x << "\n";
cout << "Median is" << temps[temps.size() / 2] << "\n";
// try a runtime error
cout << "BANG" << temps[1000];
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
class ExpectFail {
string message;
ExpectFail(string m) : message(m) {};
void expect(bool test, string msg) {
if(!test) {
throw ExpectFail("Expectation failed.");
int area(int length, int width) {
expect(length > 0 && width > 0, "Bad area given.");
return length * width;
int main() {
vector<int> numbers;
try {
cout << "Area " << area(, 100) << "\n";
return 0;
} catch(out_of_range &e) {
cout << "Out of range ERROR: " << e.what() << "\n";
return 2;
} catch(...) {
cout << "Exception: something went wrong\n";
return 3;

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class Error {
string message;
Error(string m) : message{m} {};
enum TokenKind {
class Token {
TokenKind kind = ERROR;
double value = 0.0;
string name = "";
Token(TokenKind k) : kind(k) {}
Token(TokenKind k, double v) : kind{k}, value{v} {}
Token(TokenKind k, string n) : kind{k}, name{n}{}
class TokenStream {
Token get() {
if(!buffer.empty()) {
auto first = buffer.front();
return first;
char ch = 0;
if(!(cin >> ch)) throw Error{"no input"};
switch(ch) {
case ';': return Token{SEMI_COLON};
case 'q': return Token{QUIT};
case '(': return Token{LPAREN};
case ')': return Token{RPAREN};
case '+': return Token{PLUS};
case '-': return Token{MINUS};
case '*': return Token{MULT};
case '/': return Token{DIV};
case '.':
case '0': // fallthrough
case '1': // fallthrough
case '2': // fallthrough
case '3': // fallthrough
case '4':
case '5': // fallthrough
case '6': // fallthrough
case '7': // fallthrough
case '8': // fallthrough
case '9': // falltrhough
double val = 0;
cin >> val;
return Token{NUMBER, val};
case '=':
return Token{EQ};
if(isalpha(ch)) {
string s;
cin >> s;
return Token{NAME, s};
} else {
throw Error{"bad token"};
void putback(Token t) {
queue<Token> buffer;
class Variable {
string name;
double value;
vector<Variable> var_table;
double get_value(string s) {
for(const Variable& v : var_table) {
if( == s) {
return v.value;
throw Error{"variable not found"};
void set_value(string s, double d)
for(Variable& v : var_table) {
if( == s) {
v.value = d;
// variable not found make it
var_table.push_back(Variable{s, d});
Token parse(TokenStream &stream);
Token expression(TokenStream &stream) {
Token lval = stream.get();
Token op = stream.get();
Token rval = stream.get();
double result = 0;
// parens start a sub-expression
if(rval.kind == LPAREN) {
rval = expression(stream);
// eat the RPAREN
Token rparen = stream.get();
if(rparen.kind != RPAREN) {
throw Error{"expected RPAREN"};
} else if(rval.kind == NAME) {
double var_val = get_value(;
rval = Token{NUMBER, var_val};
switch(op.kind) {
case PLUS:
result = lval.value + rval.value;
case MINUS:
result = lval.value - rval.value;
case DIV:
result = lval.value / rval.value;
case MULT:
result = lval.value * rval.value;
throw Error{"invalid syntax in expresion"};
return Token{NUMBER, result};
Token parse(TokenStream &stream) {
Token tok = stream.get();
switch(tok.kind) {
case NUMBER:
return expression(stream);
case NAME: {
Token eq = stream.get();
if(eq.kind == EQ) {
Token val = stream.get();
if(val.kind != NUMBER) throw Error{"invalid value in variable assign"};
set_value(, val.value);
return val;
} else {
double var_val = get_value(;
stream.putback(Token{NUMBER, var_val});
stream.putback(eq); // push the next token back on
return expression(stream);
case LPAREN: {
Token val = expression(stream);
tok = stream.get();
if(tok.kind != RPAREN) {
throw Error{"missing rparen"};
return val;
case QUIT:
return tok;
cout << "Got token " << tok.kind << ":" << tok.value << " expected NUMBER or LPAREN\n";
throw Error{"invalid syntax in parse"};
return Token{ERROR};
int main() {
TokenStream stream;
while(cin) {
try {
Token val = parse(stream);
if(val.kind == ERROR) {
cout << "Parse returned an error token.\n";
} else if(val.kind == QUIT) {
cout << "Goodbye!\n";
return 0;
} else {
cout << "=" << val.value << "\n";
} catch (Error &err) {
cout << "ERROR " << err.message << "\n";
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
project('lcppthw', 'cpp',
default_options: ['cpp_std=c++20'])
executable('ex01', 'ex01.cpp')
executable('ex02', 'ex02.cpp')
executable('ex03', 'ex03.cpp')
executable('ex04', 'ex04.cpp')
executable('ex05', 'ex05.cpp')
executable('ex06', 'ex06.cpp')

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
project('sfmldemo', 'cpp', project('sfmldemo', 'cpp',
default_options: ['cpp_std=c++17']) default_options: ['cpp_std=c++20'])
dependencies = [ dependencies = [
dependency('sfml'), dependency('sfml'),
