The next little game in the series where I make a fancy rogue game.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
1.6 KiB

#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <string>
#include "config.hpp"
#include <any>
#include "dinkyecs.hpp"
#include "components.hpp"
using namespace fmt;
using std::string;
TEST_CASE("basic configuration system", "[config]") {
Config config("./tests/config.json");
REQUIRE_THROWS([&]{ config["blahblah"]; }());
auto not_found = config["types"]["NOTFOUND"];
REQUIRE(not_found == nullptr);
auto test_string = config["types"]["STRING"];
REQUIRE(test_string == L"\u2849█Ω♣");
std::wstring test_wstring = config.wstring("types", "STRING");
REQUIRE(test_wstring == L"\u2849█Ω♣");
wchar_t chr0 = test_wstring[0];
REQUIRE(chr0 == L'\u2849');
auto test_num = config["types"]["NUMBER"];
REQUIRE(test_num == 1234);
auto test_float = config["types"]["FLOAT"];
REQUIRE(test_num >= 0.1233f);
auto test_obj = config["types"]["OBJECT"];
REQUIRE(test_obj["name"] == "Zed");
void test_can_ref(Config &ref) {
REQUIRE(ref["types"]["OBJECT"]["name"] == "Zed");
TEST_CASE("can get references of config", "[config]") {
Config config("./tests/config.json");
TEST_CASE("store config in any", "[config]") {
auto as_any = std::make_any<Config>("./tests/config.json");
Config &cfg = std::any_cast<Config &>(as_any);
REQUIRE(cfg["types"]["NUMBER"] == 1234);
void test_will_live(DinkyECS::World &world) {
Config config("./tests/config.json");
TEST_CASE("can go into a world", "[config]") {
DinkyECS::World world;
Config &cfg = world.get_the<Config>();
REQUIRE(cfg["types"]["NUMBER"] == 1234);