Map is now cleaned out of anything not directly related to the map, and there's a new WorldBuilder class that will turn into a more sophisticated random world generator.

Zed A. Shaw 3 months ago
parent 3f7a9cc124
commit 68d8bdce12
  1. 4
  2. 249
  3. 12
  4. 3
  5. 38
  6. 51
  7. 177
  8. 18

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "render.hpp"
#include "save.hpp"
#include "lights.hpp"
#include "worldbuilder.hpp"
#include "ftxui/screen/terminal.hpp" // for SetColorSupport, Color, TrueColor
#include <filesystem>
#include <fcntl.h>
@ -81,7 +82,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
fs::path save_path{argv[1]};
save::from_file(save_path, world, game_map);
} else {
WorldBuilder builder(game_map);
configure_world(world, game_map);

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "rand.hpp"
#include <utility>
using std::vector, std::pair;
@ -19,11 +18,6 @@ void dump_map(const std::string &msg, Matrix &map) {
* This will create an _inverted_ map that you
* can run make_rooms and generate on. It will
* NOT be valid until you actually run generate.
Map::Map(size_t width, size_t height) :
@ -36,72 +30,54 @@ void Map::make_paths() {
void Map::make_room(size_t origin_x, size_t origin_y, size_t w, size_t h) {
dbc::pre("y out of bounds", origin_y + h < $height);
dbc::pre("x out of bounds", origin_x + w < $width);
for(size_t y = origin_y; y < origin_y + h; ++y) {
for(size_t x = origin_x; x < origin_x + w; ++x) {
$walls[y][x] = INV_SPACE;
bool Map::inmap(size_t x, size_t y) {
return x < $width && y < $height;
inline int make_split(Room &cur, bool horiz) {
size_t dimension = horiz ? cur.height : cur.width;
int min = dimension / 4;
int max = dimension - min;
return Random::uniform<int>(min, max);
void Map::set_target(const Point &at, int value) {
$paths.set_target(at, value);
void Map::partition_map(Room &cur, int depth) {
if(cur.width >= 5 && cur.width <= 10 &&
cur.height >= 5 && cur.height <= 10) {
void Map::clear_target(const Point &at) {
bool horiz = cur.width > cur.height ? false : true;
int split = make_split(cur, horiz);
Room left = cur;
Room right = cur;
Point Map::place_entity(size_t room_index) {
dbc::check(room_index < $rooms.size(), "room_index is out of bounds, not enough rooms");
if(horiz) {
dbc::check(split > 0, "split is not > 0");
dbc::check(split < int(cur.height), "split is too big!");
left.height = size_t(split - 1);
right.y = cur.y + split;
right.height = size_t(cur.height - split);
} else {
dbc::check(split > 0, "split is not > 0");
dbc::check(split < int(cur.width), "split is too big!");
Room &start = $rooms[room_index];
return {start.x+1, start.y+1};
left.width = size_t(split-1);
right.x = cur.x + split,
right.width = size_t(cur.width - split);
bool Map::iswall(size_t x, size_t y) {
return $walls[y][x] == WALL_VALUE;
if(depth > 0 && left.width > 5 && left.height > 5) {
partition_map(left, depth-1);
void Map::dump() {
dump_map("WALLS", $walls);
if(depth > 0 && right.width > 5 && right.height > 5) {
partition_map(right, depth-1);
bool Map::can_move(Point move_to) {
return inmap(move_to.x, move_to.y) &&
!iswall(move_to.x, move_to.y);
void Map::place_rooms(Room &cur) {
for(auto &cur : $rooms) {
cur.x += 2;
cur.y += 2;
cur.width -= 4;
cur.height -= 4;
set_door(cur, INV_SPACE);
make_room(cur.x, cur.y, cur.width, cur.height);
Point Map::map_to_camera(const Point &loc, const Point &cam_orig) {
return {loc.x - cam_orig.x, loc.y - cam_orig.y};
Point Map::center_camera(const Point &around, size_t view_x, size_t view_y) {
int high_x = int(width() - view_x);
int high_y = int(height() - view_y);
int center_x = int(around.x - view_x / 2);
int center_y = int(around.y - view_y / 2);
// BUG: is clamp really the best thing here? this seems wrong.
size_t start_x = high_x > 0 ? std::clamp(center_x, 0, high_x) : 0;
size_t start_y = high_y > 0 ? std::clamp(center_y, 0, high_y) : 0;
return {start_x, start_y};
bool Map::neighbors(Point &out, bool greater) {
@ -142,159 +118,6 @@ bool Map::neighbors(Point &out, bool greater) {
bool Map::inmap(size_t x, size_t y) {
return x < $width && y < $height;
void Map::set_door(Room &room, int value) {
$walls[room.entry.y][room.entry.x] = value;
$walls[room.exit.y][room.exit.x] = value;
void rand_side(Room &room, Point &door) {
int rand_x = Random::uniform<int>(0, room.width - 1);
int rand_y = Random::uniform<int>(0, room.height - 1);
switch(Random::uniform<int>(0,3)) {
case 0: // north
door.x = room.x + rand_x;
door.y = room.y-1;
case 1: // south
door.x = room.x + rand_x;
door.y = room.y + room.height;
case 2: // east
door.x = room.x + room.width;
door.y = room.y + rand_y;
case 3: // west
door.x = room.x - 1;
door.y = room.y + rand_y;
dbc::sentinel("impossible side");
void Map::add_door(Room &room) {
rand_side(room, room.entry);
rand_side(room, room.exit);
bool Map::walk(Point &src, Point &target) {
Matrix &paths = $paths.$paths;
// this sets the target for the path
dbc::check($paths.$input[target.y][target.x] == 0, "target point not set to 0");
$walls[src.y][src.x] = INV_WALL;
$walls[target.y][target.x] = INV_WALL;
// for the walk this needs to be walls since it's inverted?
dbc::check($walls[src.y][src.x] == INV_WALL,
"src room has a wall at exit door");
dbc::check($walls[target.y][target.x] == INV_WALL,
"target room has a wall at entry door");
bool found = false;
Point out{src.x, src.y};
int count = 0;
do {
$walls[out.y][out.x] = INV_SPACE;
found = neighbors(out, true);
if(paths[out.y][out.x] == 0) {
$walls[out.y][out.x] = INV_SPACE;
return true;
} while(found && out.x > 0 && out.y > 0 && ++count < 100);
return false;
void Map::set_target(const Point &at, int value) {
$paths.set_target(at, value);
void Map::clear_target(const Point &at) {
Point Map::place_entity(size_t room_index) {
dbc::check(room_index < $rooms.size(), "room_index is out of bounds, not enough rooms");
Room &start = $rooms[room_index];
return {start.x+1, start.y+1};
void Map::generate() {
Room root{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = $width,
.height = $height
partition_map(root, 10);
for(size_t i = 0; i < $rooms.size() - 1; i++) {
Room &src = $rooms[i];
Room &target = $rooms[i+1];
bool found = walk(src.exit, target.entry);
if(!found) {
println("ROOM NOT FOUND!");
Room &src = $rooms.back();
Room &target = $rooms.front();
walk(src.exit, target.entry);
for(size_t y = 0; y < $height; ++y) {
for(size_t x = 0; x < $width; ++x) {
$walls[y][x] = !$walls[y][x];
bool Map::iswall(size_t x, size_t y) {
return $walls[y][x] == WALL_VALUE;
void Map::dump() {
dump_map("WALLS", $walls);
bool Map::can_move(Point move_to) {
return inmap(move_to.x, move_to.y) &&
!iswall(move_to.x, move_to.y);
Point Map::map_to_camera(const Point &loc, const Point &cam_orig) {
return {loc.x - cam_orig.x, loc.y - cam_orig.y};
Point Map::center_camera(const Point &around, size_t view_x, size_t view_y) {
int high_x = int(width() - view_x);
int high_y = int(height() - view_y);
int center_x = int(around.x - view_x / 2);
int center_y = int(around.y - view_y / 2);
// BUG: is clamp really the best thing here? this seems wrong.
size_t start_x = high_x > 0 ? std::clamp(center_x, 0, high_x) : 0;
size_t start_y = high_y > 0 ? std::clamp(center_y, 0, high_y) : 0;
return {start_x, start_y};
bool Map::INVARIANT() {
using dbc::check;

@ -56,23 +56,15 @@ public:
Room &room(size_t at) { return $rooms[at]; }
size_t room_count() { return $rooms.size(); }
void partition_map(Room &cur, int depth);
void make_room(size_t origin_y, size_t origin_x, size_t width, size_t height);
void add_door(Room &room);
bool can_move(Point move_to);
void generate();
void set_door(Room &room, int value);
void place_rooms(Room &root);
Point place_entity(size_t room_index);
bool neighbors(Point &out, bool up);
bool inmap(size_t x, size_t y);
bool iswall(size_t x, size_t y);
bool can_move(Point move_to);
bool neighbors(Point &out, bool up);
void make_paths();
void set_target(const Point &at, int value=0);
void clear_target(const Point &at);
bool walk(Point &src, Point &target);
Point map_to_camera(const Point &loc, const Point &cam_orig);
Point center_camera(const Point &around, size_t view_x, size_t view_y);

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ runtests = executable('runtests', [
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ runtests = executable('runtests', [
dependencies: dependencies)
@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ roguish = executable('roguish', [
dependencies: dependencies)

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "map.hpp"
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include "map.hpp"
using namespace fmt;
using namespace nlohmann;
@ -40,39 +40,3 @@ TEST_CASE("dijkstra algo test", "[map]") {
// FIX ME: REQUIRE(paths == expected);
TEST_CASE("bsp algo test", "[map]") {
Map map(20, 20);
TEST_CASE("dumping and debugging", "[map]") {
Map map(20, 20);
dump_map("GENERATED", map.paths());
TEST_CASE("camera control", "[map]") {
Map map(20,20);
Point center = map.center_camera({10,10}, 5, 5);
REQUIRE(center.x == 8);
REQUIRE(center.y == 8);
Point translation = map.map_to_camera({10,10}, center);
REQUIRE(translation.x == 2);
REQUIRE(translation.y == 2);
TEST_CASE("pathing", "[map]") {
Map map(20,20);
REQUIRE(map.can_move({0,0}) == false);
REQUIRE(map.iswall(0,0) == true);

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include "map.hpp"
#include "worldbuilder.hpp"
using namespace fmt;
using namespace nlohmann;
using std::string;
TEST_CASE("bsp algo test", "[map]") {
Map map(20, 20);
WorldBuilder builder(map);
TEST_CASE("dumping and debugging", "[map]") {
Map map(20, 20);
WorldBuilder builder(map);
dump_map("GENERATED", map.paths());
TEST_CASE("camera control", "[map]") {
Map map(20, 20);
WorldBuilder builder(map);
Point center = map.center_camera({10,10}, 5, 5);
REQUIRE(center.x == 8);
REQUIRE(center.y == 8);
Point translation = map.map_to_camera({10,10}, center);
REQUIRE(translation.x == 2);
REQUIRE(translation.y == 2);
TEST_CASE("pathing", "[map]") {
Map map(20, 20);
WorldBuilder builder(map);
REQUIRE(map.can_move({0,0}) == false);
REQUIRE(map.iswall(0,0) == true);

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#include "worldbuilder.hpp"
#include "rand.hpp"
#include <fmt/core.h>
using namespace fmt;
inline int make_split(Room &cur, bool horiz) {
size_t dimension = horiz ? cur.height : cur.width;
int min = dimension / 4;
int max = dimension - min;
return Random::uniform<int>(min, max);
void WorldBuilder::set_door(Room &room, int value) {
$map.$walls[room.entry.y][room.entry.x] = value;
$map.$walls[room.exit.y][room.exit.x] = value;
void rand_side(Room &room, Point &door) {
int rand_x = Random::uniform<int>(0, room.width - 1);
int rand_y = Random::uniform<int>(0, room.height - 1);
switch(Random::uniform<int>(0,3)) {
case 0: // north
door.x = room.x + rand_x;
door.y = room.y-1;
case 1: // south
door.x = room.x + rand_x;
door.y = room.y + room.height;
case 2: // east
door.x = room.x + room.width;
door.y = room.y + rand_y;
case 3: // west
door.x = room.x - 1;
door.y = room.y + rand_y;
dbc::sentinel("impossible side");
void WorldBuilder::add_door(Room &room) {
rand_side(room, room.entry);
rand_side(room, room.exit);
void WorldBuilder::partition_map(Room &cur, int depth) {
if(cur.width >= 5 && cur.width <= 10 &&
cur.height >= 5 && cur.height <= 10) {
bool horiz = cur.width > cur.height ? false : true;
int split = make_split(cur, horiz);
Room left = cur;
Room right = cur;
if(horiz) {
dbc::check(split > 0, "split is not > 0");
dbc::check(split < int(cur.height), "split is too big!");
left.height = size_t(split - 1);
right.y = cur.y + split;
right.height = size_t(cur.height - split);
} else {
dbc::check(split > 0, "split is not > 0");
dbc::check(split < int(cur.width), "split is too big!");
left.width = size_t(split-1);
right.x = cur.x + split,
right.width = size_t(cur.width - split);
if(depth > 0 && left.width > 5 && left.height > 5) {
partition_map(left, depth-1);
if(depth > 0 && right.width > 5 && right.height > 5) {
partition_map(right, depth-1);
void WorldBuilder::generate() {
Room root{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = $map.$width,
.height = $map.$height
partition_map(root, 10);
for(size_t i = 0; i < $map.$rooms.size() - 1; i++) {
Room &src = $map.$rooms[i];
Room &target = $map.$rooms[i+1];
bool found = dig_tunnel(src.exit, target.entry);
if(!found) {
println("ROOM NOT FOUND!");
Room &src = $map.$rooms.back();
Room &target = $map.$rooms.front();
dig_tunnel(src.exit, target.entry);
for(size_t y = 0; y < $map.$height; ++y) {
for(size_t x = 0; x < $map.$width; ++x) {
$map.$walls[y][x] = !$map.$walls[y][x];
void WorldBuilder::make_room(size_t origin_x, size_t origin_y, size_t w, size_t h) {
dbc::pre("y out of bounds", origin_y + h < $map.$height);
dbc::pre("x out of bounds", origin_x + w < $map.$width);
for(size_t y = origin_y; y < origin_y + h; ++y) {
for(size_t x = origin_x; x < origin_x + w; ++x) {
$map.$walls[y][x] = INV_SPACE;
void WorldBuilder::place_rooms(Room &cur) {
for(auto &cur : $map.$rooms) {
cur.x += 2;
cur.y += 2;
cur.width -= 4;
cur.height -= 4;
set_door(cur, INV_SPACE);
make_room(cur.x, cur.y, cur.width, cur.height);
bool WorldBuilder::dig_tunnel(Point &src, Point &target) {
Matrix &paths = $map.paths();
Matrix &walls = $map.walls();
walls[src.y][src.x] = INV_WALL;
walls[target.y][target.x] = INV_WALL;
// for the walk this needs to be walls since it's inverted?
dbc::check(walls[src.y][src.x] == INV_WALL,
"src room has a wall at exit door");
dbc::check(walls[target.y][target.x] == INV_WALL,
"target room has a wall at entry door");
bool found = false;
Point out{src.x, src.y};
int count = 0;
do {
walls[out.y][out.x] = INV_SPACE;
found = $map.neighbors(out, true);
if(paths[out.y][out.x] == 0) {
walls[out.y][out.x] = INV_SPACE;
return true;
} while(found && out.x > 0 && out.y > 0 && ++count < 100);
return false;

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#pragma once
#include "map.hpp"
class WorldBuilder {
Map& $map;
WorldBuilder(Map &map) : $map(map) { }
void partition_map(Room &cur, int depth);
void make_room(size_t origin_y, size_t origin_x, size_t width, size_t height);
void add_door(Room &room);
void generate();
void set_door(Room &room, int value);
void place_rooms(Room &root);
bool dig_tunnel(Point &src, Point &target);