Lighting is now in its own class using the new Pathing class. This should allow me to make it more consistent and possibly make Pathing more efficient.
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
#include "lights.hpp" |
#include <vector> |
const int WALL_LIGHT_LEVEL = 3; |
using std::vector; |
namespace lighting { |
void LightRender::render_light(LightSource source, Point at) { |
const int UNPATH = $limit; |
Point min, max; |
light_box(source, at, min, max); |
clear_light_target(at); |
vector<Point> has_light; |
for(size_t y = min.y; y <= max.y; ++y) { |
auto &light_row = $lightmap[y]; |
auto &path_row = $light.$paths[y]; |
for(size_t x = min.x; x <= max.x; ++x) { |
if(path_row[x] != UNPATH) { |
light_row[x] = light_level(source.strength, x, y); |
has_light.push_back({x,y}); |
} |
} |
} |
const int wall_light = source.strength + WALL_LIGHT_LEVEL; |
for(auto point : has_light) { |
for(int j = -1;point.y+j >= 0 && j <= 1 && point.y+j < $height; j++) { |
auto &path_row = $light.$paths[point.y+j]; |
auto &light_row = $lightmap[point.y+j]; |
for(int i = -1; point.x+i >= 0 && i <= 1 && point.x+i < $width; i++) { |
if(path_row[point.x+i] == UNPATH) { |
light_row[point.x+i] = light_level(wall_light, point.x, point.y); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
int LightRender::light_level(int level, size_t x, size_t y) { |
size_t at = level + $light.$paths[y][x]; |
int cur_level = $lightmap[y][x]; |
int new_level = at < lighting::LEVELS.size() ? lighting::LEVELS[at] : lighting::MIN; |
return cur_level < new_level ? new_level : cur_level; |
} |
void LightRender::reset_light() { |
for(auto &row : $lightmap) { |
row.assign(row.size(), lighting::MIN); |
} |
} |
void LightRender::clear_light_target(const Point &at) { |
$light.clear_target(at); |
} |
void LightRender::set_light_target(const Point &at, int value) { |
$light.set_target(at, value); |
} |
void LightRender::path_light(Matrix &walls) { |
$light.compute_paths(walls); |
} |
void LightRender::light_box(LightSource source, Point from, Point &min_out, Point &max_out) { |
using std::min, std::max; |
min_out.x = max(int(from.x), source.distance) - source.distance; |
max_out.x = min(from.x + source.distance, $width - 1); |
min_out.y = max(int(from.y), source.distance) - source.distance; |
max_out.y = min(from.y + source.distance, $height - 1); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp> |
#include <fmt/core.h> |
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp> |
#include <fstream> |
#include "map.hpp" |
#include "lights.hpp" |
#include "point.hpp" |
using namespace lighting; |
TEST_CASE("lighting a map works", "[lighting]") { |
Map map(20,20); |
map.generate(); |
Point light1 = map.place_entity(0); |
Point light2 = map.place_entity(1); |
LightSource source1{7,1}; |
LightSource source2{3,2}; |
LightRender lr(map.width(), map.height(), map.limit()); |
lr.reset_light(); |
lr.set_light_target(light1); |
lr.set_light_target(light2); |
lr.path_light(map.walls()); |
lr.render_light(source1, light1); |
lr.render_light(source2, light2); |
lr.clear_light_target(light1); |
lr.clear_light_target(light2); |
const auto &lighting =; |
// confirm light is set at least at and around the two points
REQUIRE(lighting[light1.y][light1.x] == lighting::LEVELS[source1.strength]); |
REQUIRE(lighting[light2.y][light2.x] == lighting::LEVELS[source2.strength]); |
} |
Reference in new issue