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function Test-WinUtilPackageManager {
Checks if Winget and/or Choco are installed
Check if Winget is installed
Check if Chocolatey is installed
$status = "not-installed"
if ($winget) {
# Check if Winget is available while getting it's Version if it's available
$wingetExists = $true
try {
$wingetVersionFull = winget --version
} catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException], [System.Management.Automation.ApplicationFailedException] {
Write-Warning "Winget was not found due to un-availablity reasons"
$wingetExists = $false
} catch {
Write-Warning "Winget was not found due to un-known reasons, The Stack Trace is:`n$($psitem.Exception.StackTrace)"
$wingetExists = $false
# If Winget is available, Parse it's Version and give proper information to Terminal Output.
# If it isn't available, the return of this funtion will be "not-installed", indicating that
# Winget isn't installed/available on The System.
if ($wingetExists) {
# Check if Preview Version
if ($wingetVersionFull.Contains("-preview")) {
$wingetVersion = $wingetVersionFull.Trim("-preview")
$wingetPreview = $true
} else {
$wingetVersion = $wingetVersionFull
$wingetPreview = $false
# Check if Winget's Version is too old.
$wingetCurrentVersion = [System.Version]::Parse($wingetVersion.Trim('v'))
# Grabs the latest release of Winget from the Github API for version check process.
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
$wingetLatestVersion = [System.Version]::Parse(($response.tag_name).Trim('v')) #Stores version number of latest release.
$wingetOutdated = $wingetCurrentVersion -lt $wingetLatestVersion
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "--- Winget is installed ---" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Version: $wingetVersionFull" -ForegroundColor White
if (!$wingetPreview) {
Write-Host " - Winget is a release version." -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host " - Winget is a preview version. Unexpected problems may occur." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (!$wingetOutdated) {
Write-Host " - Winget is Up to Date" -ForegroundColor Green
$status = "installed"
else {
Write-Host " - Winget is Out of Date" -ForegroundColor Red
$status = "outdated"
} else {
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "--- Winget is not installed ---" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Red
$status = "not-installed"
if ($choco) {
if ((Get-Command -Name choco -ErrorAction Ignore) -and ($chocoVersion = (Get-Item "$env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe" -ErrorAction Ignore).VersionInfo.ProductVersion)) {
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "--- Chocolatey is installed ---" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Version: v$chocoVersion" -ForegroundColor White
$status = "installed"
} else {
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "--- Chocolatey is not installed ---" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "===========================================" -ForegroundColor Red
$status = "not-installed"
return $status
function Get-WinUtilWingetPrerequisites {
Downloads the Winget Prereqs.
Downloads Prereqs for Winget. Version numbers are coded as variables and can be updated as uncommonly as Microsoft updates the prereqs.
# I don't know of a way to detect the prereqs automatically, so if someone has a better way of defining these, that would be great.
# Microsoft.VCLibs version rarely changes, but for future compatibility I made it a variable.
$versionVCLibs = "14.00"
$fileVCLibs = "${versionVCLibs}.Desktop.appx"
# Write-Host "$fileVCLibs"
# Microsoft.UI.Xaml version changed recently, so I made the version numbers variables.
$versionUIXamlMinor = "2.8"
$versionUIXamlPatch = "2.8.6"
$fileUIXaml = "${versionUIXamlPatch}/Microsoft.UI.Xaml.${versionUIXamlMinor}.x64.appx"
# Write-Host "$fileUIXaml"
Write-Host "Downloading Microsoft.VCLibs Dependency..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $fileVCLibs -OutFile $ENV:TEMP\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.Desktop.appx
Write-Host "Downloading Microsoft.UI.Xaml Dependency...`n"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $fileUIXaml -OutFile $ENV:TEMP\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.x64.appx
throw [WingetFailedInstall]::new('Failed to install prerequsites')
function Get-WinUtilWingetLatest {
Uses GitHub API to check for the latest release of Winget.
This function grabs the latest version of Winget and returns the download path to Install-WinUtilWinget for installation.
# Invoke-WebRequest is notoriously slow when the byte progress is displayed. The following lines disable the progress bar and reset them at the end of the function
$PreviousProgressPreference = $ProgressPreference
$ProgressPreference = "silentlyContinue"
# Grabs the latest release of Winget from the Github API for the install process.
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
$latestVersion = $response.tag_name #Stores version number of latest release.
$licenseWingetUrl = $response.assets.browser_download_url | Where-Object {$_ -like "*License1.xml"} #Index value for License file.
Write-Host "Latest Version:`t$($latestVersion)`n"
Write-Host "Downloading..."
$assetUrl = $response.assets.browser_download_url | Where-Object {$_ -like "*Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle"}
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $licenseWingetUrl -OutFile $ENV:TEMP\License1.xml
# The only pain is that the msixbundle for winget-cli is 246MB. In some situations this can take a bit, with slower connections.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $assetUrl -OutFile $ENV:TEMP\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller.msixbundle
throw [WingetFailedInstall]::new('Failed to get latest Winget release and license')
$ProgressPreference = $PreviousProgressPreference
function Install-WinUtilWinget {
Installs Winget if it is not already installed.
This function will download the latest version of Winget and install it. If Winget is already installed, it will do nothing.
$isWingetInstalled = Test-WinUtilPackageManager -winget
Try {
if ($isWingetInstalled -eq "installed") {
Write-Host "`nWinget is already installed.`r" -ForegroundColor Green
} elseif ($isWingetInstalled -eq "outdated") {
Write-Host "`nWinget is Outdated. Continuing with install.`r" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
Write-Host "`nWinget is not Installed. Continuing with install.`r" -ForegroundColor Red
# Gets the computer's information
if ($null -eq $sync.ComputerInfo){
$ComputerInfo = Get-ComputerInfo -ErrorAction Stop
} else {
$ComputerInfo = $sync.ComputerInfo
if (($ComputerInfo.WindowsVersion) -lt "1809") {
# Checks if Windows Version is too old for Winget
Write-Host "Winget is not supported on this version of Windows (Pre-1809)" -ForegroundColor Red
# Install Winget via GitHub method.
# Used part of my own script with some modification: ruxunderscore/windows-initialization
Write-Host "Downloading Winget Prerequsites`n"
Write-Host "Downloading Winget and License File`r"
Write-Host "Installing Winget w/ Prerequsites`r"
Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath $ENV:TEMP\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller.msixbundle -DependencyPackagePath $ENV:TEMP\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.Desktop.appx, $ENV:TEMP\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.x64.appx -LicensePath $ENV:TEMP\License1.xml
Write-Host "Manually adding Winget Sources, from Winget CDN."
Add-AppxPackage -Path #Seems some installs of Winget don't add the repo source, this should makes sure that it's installed every time.
Write-Host "Winget Installed" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Enabling NuGet and Module..."
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.WinGet.Client -Force
# Winget only needs a refresh of the environment variables to be used.
Write-Output "Refreshing Environment Variables...`n"
$ENV:PATH = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User")
} Catch {
Write-Host "Failure detected while installing via GitHub method. Continuing with Chocolatey method as fallback." -ForegroundColor Red
# In case install fails via GitHub method.
Try {
# Install Choco if not already present
Start-Process -Verb runas -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList "choco install winget-cli"
Write-Host "Winget Installed" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Output "Refreshing Environment Variables...`n"
$ENV:PATH = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User")
} Catch {
throw [WingetFailedInstall]::new('Failed to install!')
$isAdmin = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]::new(
if(-not $isAdmin) {
$params = @{
FilePath = 'powershell' # or pwsh if Core
Verb = 'RunAs'
ArgumentList = @(
'-ExecutionPolicy ByPass'
'-File "{0}"' -f $PSCommandPath
Write-Warning "About to install winget"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort" | Out-Null
Start-Process -Wait @params
Write-Host "Admin stuff done..."
} else {
Write-Host "In Admin stuff..."
Write-Warning "About to install the following software:"
Write-Warning "-----------------------------------------"
foreach($pkg in $installs) { Write-Host $pkg }
foreach($pkg in $choco_installs) { Write-Host $pkg }
Write-Warning "-----------------------------------------"
Write-Warning "This will use winget and chocolatey to do the installs."
Read-Host -Prompt "Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort" | Out-Null
foreach($pkg in $installs) {
Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait winget -ArgumentList 'install',$pkg
Write-Warning "!! Installing WinLibs in $env:HOMEPATH\WinLibs"
Write-Warning "This has to be installed this way because winget won't add it to the path so I have to do it manually. If you don't want this, then hit CTRL-C and install WinLibs yourself."
Read-Host -Prompt "Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to abort" | Out-Null
winget install --location "$env:HOMEPATH\WinLibs" -e BrechtSanders.WinLibs.POSIX.UCRT.LLVM
$newPath = $Env:PATH + ";$env:HOMEPATH\WinLibs\mingw64\bin"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $newPath, "User")