Trying again...sigh.

Zed A. Shaw 2 months ago
parent 2ab3888f56
commit 53fba91e24
  1. 29

@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ if(-not $isAdmin) {
Write-Warning "About to install the following software:"
@ -241,15 +241,6 @@ foreach($pkg in $installs) {
Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait winget -ArgumentList 'install',$pkg
$gitPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath("$env:APPDATA\..\Local\Programs\Git\cmd")
if($env:PATH.contains($gitPath)) {
Write-Warning "!! Looks like your git installed correctly, but if it fails to run then uninstall it with 'winget remove git.git' then install it again with 'winget install git.git'"
} else {
Write-Warning "!! Git.Git did not add itself to the Path. The directory $gitPath is missing so I'll add it now."
$newPath = $Env:PATH + ";$gitPath"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $newPath, "User")
$winlibsPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath("$env:APPDATA\..\Local\Programs\WinLibs")
@ -282,3 +273,21 @@ if($env:PATH.contains($winlibsPath)) {
$newPath = $Env:PATH + ";$winlibsPath\mingw64\bin"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $newPath, "User")
$gitPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath("$env:APPDATA\..\Local\Programs\Git\cmd")
if($env:PATH.contains($gitPath)) {
Write-Warning "!! Looks like your git installed correctly, but if it fails to run then uninstall it with 'winget remove git.git' then install it again with 'winget install git.git'"
} else {
Write-Warning "!! Git.Git did not add itself to the Path. The directory $gitPath is missing so I'll add it now."
$newPath = $Env:PATH + ";$gitPath"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $newPath, "User")
if($env:PATH.contains($gitPath)) {
Write-Warning "?? Great, git is in the path so if it is gone after this then something is going on."
} else {
Write-Warning "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Despite manually forcing the git $gitPath into the path it is _still_ not there."
Write-Warning "You'll have to manually install it later with: winget install git.git."
winget remove git.git
