@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ First, you run the `base.ps1` script to get an initial setup of basic things all |
need. This allows you to then install any other languages very quickly: |
```shell |
irm https://learncodethehardway.com/setup/base.ps1 > base.ps1 |
irm https://learncodethehardway.com/setup/base.ps1 -outfile base.ps1 |
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\base.ps1 |
``` |
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ irm https://learncodethehardway.com/setup/python.ps1 | iex |
You can also save the script locally first and view it before running it: |
```shell |
irm https://learncodethehardway.com/setup/python.ps1 > python.ps1 |
irm https://learncodethehardway.com/setup/python.ps1 -outfile python.ps1 |
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\python.ps1 |
``` |