This is a quick dump of my windows Vim setup. I run gvim on windows with this setup and also in the browser. This is the list of vim-plugins that I install via pathogen: ``` ale bufexplorer codi.vim emmet-vim fzf fzf.vim html5.vim ListToggle nim.vim scss-syntax.vim tagbar tlib_vim vim-addon-mw-utils vim-css3-syntax vim-dispatch vim-easymotion vim-fugitive vim-gitgutter vim-indent-guides vim-javascript vim-sensible vim-snipmate vim-snippets vim-surround vim-svelte vim-test ``` Remove what you don't want. I also have the following software installed: Software == [PowerToys]( - Remap keys and other useful things like alt-space search. [AG]( - Good code search, but not good all files search. [RipGrep]( -- Mediocre grep alternative. It works but it will consistently skip files in arbitrary situations for "speed". [cmder]( -- A PowerShell reskin/terminal that includes most of the stuff you need as a developer, like git. Also has something called "posh git" that gives improved CLI status, but it's slow so consider removing it. Fonts == [VictorMono]( -- Great for Vim, but on the web the author decided to _by default_ enable sigils that convert code text to arbitrary math symbols nobody wants.