This is only for testing npm init for installing other things.
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import fs from "fs/promises";
import { mkdir_to, exec_i, copy, glob } from "../lib/builderator.js";
import { log } from "../lib/logging.js";
import path from "path";
export const BANDO_GIT = "";
export const description = "Generates projects using the Bandolier educational framework.";
export const options = [
["--repo", "repository to dupe and setup", BANDO_GIT],
["--template", "templates directory to use for setups", "commands/templates"]
export const argument = ["<target>", "name of the project directory (must not exist)"];
export const main = async (target, opts) => {
try {
await fs.access(target);
log.error(`Target ${target} exists. Won't install into it.`);
} catch(error) {
// access is stupid, it throws an exception but we want the negative response as a positive outcome
exec_i(`git clone --depth 1 ${BANDO_GIT} ${target}`);
// normalize the temp directory
const temp_dir = path.join(opts.template, '');
const temp_files = glob(path.join(target, temp_dir, "/**/*"));"Copying template files...");
// copy all of the template files to the destination
for(let f of temp_files) {
// kind of dumb way to trim the middle of the path out
const copy_to = f.replace(`${temp_dir}/`, '');
copy(f, copy_to); // we can add a template thing here
log.debug(`${f} ---> ${copy_to}`);