# Exercise 01: CSV is Easy...Right? This is exercise 01 of `JavaScript Level 2` in [Learn JavaScript the Hard Way](https://learnjsthehardway.com/). It is meant to be done as a challenge with _incorrect_ starting code that you are expected to fix and improve. I repeat, this code is _incorrect_ on _purpose_ so you can fix it and attempt to do better. * `step1.js` -- Use two projects to get CSV samples and try to write a simple parser that can parse all of the samples. * `step2.js` -- This is a starter in case you are stuck, but it still fails and would fail on many CSV files. CSV is more complex than its name lets on. * `step3.js` -- Take your parser and use the [deep-equal](https://www.npmjs.com/package/deep-equal) project to compare your results to the [csv-spectrum](https://github.com/maxogden/csv-spectrum) project's tests. * `step4.js` -- Let's up the game and make this a unit test with [ava](https://github.com/avajs/ava), except it doesn't work because of promises/async/await not working with callbacks and events. * `step5.js` -- First solution to `step4.js` that uses `Promise` directly to wrap callbacks and events. * `step6.js` -- Second solution that uses [util.promisify](https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#utilpromisifyoriginal) to convert the `spectrum` callback to a `Promise` automatically. If you attempt this challenge then point me at your solution at [@lzsthw](https://twitter.com/lzsthw) and I'll take a look.