The code from the Learn JavaScript the Hard Way module JavaScript Level 1 exercises. This is a mirror of the code I have in the book, so if you're struggling you can use this to compare against your attempts.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.1 KiB

class Guitar {
constructor (color, name, wood) {
this.color = color; = name;
this.wood = wood;
play(note) {
console.log(`${}:${this.color}:${this.wood} plays ${note}`);
class Jazzmaster extends Guitar {
constructor (color, name, wood) {
super(color, name, wood);
this.volume = 0;
this.tone = 0;
volume(level) {
this.volume = level;
tone(level) {
this.tone = level;
class BassVI extends Jazzmaster {
play(note) {
class Person {
constructor (name, age, eyes) { = name;
this.age = age;
talk(words) {
console.log(`I am ${} and ${words}.`);
class Musician extends Person {
play(instrument, sheet_music) {
for(let note of sheet_music) {;
let babbington = new Musician("Roy Babbington", 78);
let harris = new Musician("Jet Harris", 71);
let taliesin = new BassVI("red", "Taliesin");
let golden = new BassVI("gold", "Golden Arm");, ['a','b','c','d']);, ['a','b','c','d']);