The code from the Learn JavaScript the Hard Way module JavaScript Level 1 exercises. This is a mirror of the code I have in the book, so if you're struggling you can use this to compare against your attempts.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19 lines
574 B

exports.fruit = [
['Apples', 12, 'AAA'], ['Oranges', 1, 'B'],
['Pears', 2, 'A'], ['Grapes', 14, 'UR']]; = [
['Cadillac', ['Black', 'Big', 34500]],
['Corvette', ['Red', 'Little', 1000000]],
['Ford', ['Blue', 'Medium', 1234]],
['BMW', ['White', 'Baby', 7890]]
exports.languages = [
['Python', ['Slow', ['Terrible', 'Mush']]],
['JavaSCript', ['Moderate', ['Alright', 'Bizarre']]],
['Perl6', ['Moderate', ['Fun', 'Weird']]],
['C', ['Fast', ['Annoying', 'Dangerous']]],
['Forth', ['Fast', ['Fun', 'Difficult']]],