An experiment in cleaning up CSS by just avoiding dis-features and focusing on flexbox and CSS grids.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
2.7 KiB

import {link} from 'svelte-spa-router';
import Icon from './components/Icon.svelte';
hero {
display: block;
padding: 3rem;
background-color: var(--color-bg-secondary);
hero h1 {
font-size: 3rem;
aside a {
--text-decoration: underline;
rationale {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-size: 1.5em;
padding-left: 4rem;
padding-right: 4rem;
#demo-link {
margin-top: 1.5rem;
padding: 2rem;
font-size: 2em;
<h1>fsck CSS</h1>
<p>An experiment in cleaning up CSS and HTML with modern tools like <b>flexbox</b> and <b>grids</b>.</p>
<h3>Remove Classes</h3>
<Icon name="code" size="64" />
<p>Using a classless style like <a href="">MVP.css</a>, you
bring back CSS specificity to its original intent.</p>
<h3>Add Flexbox + Grids</h3>
<Icon name="box" size="64" />
<p>Using <a href="">flexbox</a> and <a href="">CSS grids</a> you can layout anything you want without structure divs.</p>
<h3>Modify with Variables</h3>
<Icon name="sliders" size="64" />
<p>Using CSS variables you can replace many uses of classes and ids, avoiding most specificity
issues. Try the dark mode button below.
<h1>Cleaner CSS</h1>
<p>This website is nothing more than a set of small demos for the idea of
using flexbox and grids to clean up and simplify CSS. Most everything else
about CSS stays. Filters, transforms, attributes, and everything that
applies to the visual display of the components of a design. What gets
removed is <b>div</b> heavy, class heavy, not-semantic-at-all layout
systems cluttering the real information available through simple HTML
<p>In short, if you're writing this:</p>
&lt;div class="grid col-1"&gt;
&lt;div class="card"&gt;
<p>You could write this if you use flexbox, grids, and variables:</p>
<p>I demonstrate the idea with a series of copies of existing websites and other layout problems
people frequently encounter. If you have a suggested layout challenge for me, then tell me on Twitter <a href="">@lzsthw</a> and I'll give it a shot.
<a href="/demos" use:link><button id="demo-link">View The Demos</button></a>