// Core variables $version: "0.5.8"; // Core features $rtl: false !default; // created by me just kind of randomly $black: hsl(309, 15%, 9%); $blue: hsl(216, 43%, 21%); $red: hsl(356, 71%, 25%); $yellow: hsl(42, 75%, 49%); $green: hsl(151, 50%, 55%); $snow: hsl(86, 23, 94); $white: #f8f8f2; // this comes from the code prism uses // Core colors $primary-color: $blue !default; $primary-color-dark: $black !default; $primary-color-light: hsl(181, 29%, 67%) !default; $secondary-color: hsl(218, 8%, 63%) !default; $secondary-color-dark: hsl(212, 20%, 31%) !default; $secondary-color-light: hsl(240, 11%, 78%) !default; // Gray colors $dark-color: darken($primary-color, 5%) !default; $light-color: lighten($snow, 3%) !default; $gray-color: lighten($blue, 55%) !default; $gray-color-dark: darken($gray-color, 30%) !default; $gray-color-light: lighten($gray-color, 18%) !default; $border-color: lighten($dark-color, 65%) !default; $border-color-dark: darken($border-color, 10%) !default; $border-color-light: lighten($border-color, 8%) !default; $bg-color: $gray-color-light !default; $bg-color-dark: darken($bg-color, 3%) !default; $bg-color-light: $light-color !default; // Control colors $success-color: darken($green, 5%) !default; $warning-color: $yellow !default; $error-color: $red !default; // Other colors $code-color: $snow !default; $highlight-color: #ffe9b3 !default; $body-bg: $bg-color-light !default; $body-font-color: lighten($dark-color, 5%) !default; $link-color: $primary-color !default; $link-color-dark: darken($red, 20%) !default; $link-color-light: lighten($link-color, 10%) !default; // Fonts // Credit: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/11/using-system-ui-fonts-practical-guide/ $base-font-family: "Arial", !default; $header-font-family: "Arial Black", !default; $mono-font-family: “Roboto”, “Droid Sans”, “Helvetica Neue”, sans-serif, !default; $fallback-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif !default; $body-font-family: $base-font-family, $fallback-font-family !default; // Unit sizes $unit-o: .1rem !default; $unit-h: .2rem !default; $unit-1: .3rem !default; $unit-2: .5rem !default; $unit-3: .7rem !default; $unit-4: .9rem !default; $unit-5: 1.1rem !default; $unit-6: 1.3rem !default; $unit-7: 1.5rem !default; $unit-8: 1.7rem !default; $unit-9: 1.9rem !default; $unit-10: 2.1rem !default; $unit-12: 2.5rem !default; $unit-16: 3.3rem !default; // Font sizes $html-font-size: 22px !default; $html-line-height: 35px !default; $font-size: 1rem !default; $font-size-sm: 0.9rem !default; $font-size-lg: 1.1rem !default; $line-height: 1.4rem !default; // Sizes $layout-spacing: $unit-2 !default; $layout-spacing-sm: $unit-1 !default; $layout-spacing-lg: $unit-4 !default; $layout-spacing-xl: $unit-6 !default; $border-radius: $unit-h !default; $border-width-sm: 1px !default; $border-width: $unit-o !default; $border-width-lg: $unit-h !default; $control-size: $unit-9 !default; $control-size-sm: $unit-7 !default; $control-size-lg: $unit-10 !default; $control-padding-x: $unit-2 !default; $control-padding-x-sm: $unit-2 * .75 !default; $control-padding-x-lg: $unit-2 * 1.5 !default; $control-padding-y: ($control-size - $line-height) / 2 - $border-width !default; $control-padding-y-sm: ($control-size-sm - $line-height) / 2 - $border-width !default; $control-padding-y-lg: ($control-size-lg - $line-height) / 2 - $border-width !default; $control-icon-size: 1rem !default; $control-width-xs: 180px !default; $control-width-sm: 320px !default; $control-width-md: 640px !default; $control-width-lg: 960px !default; $control-width-xl: 1280px !default; // Responsive breakpoints $size-xs: 480px !default; $size-sm: 600px !default; $size-md: 840px !default; $size-lg: 960px !default; $size-xl: 1257px !default; $size-2x: 1440px !default; $responsive-breakpoint: $size-xs !default; // Z-index $zindex-0: 1 !default; $zindex-1: 100 !default; $zindex-2: 200 !default; $zindex-3: 300 !default; $zindex-4: 400 !default;