<p>The Bandolier isn't "student grade". It's based on code used to power <ahref="https://learnjsthehardway.com">learnjsthehardway.com</a> supporting thousands of users all watching thousands of hours of <b>video</b>. <b>Yet, it's still easy to study and use.</b> The Bandolier demonstrates that you don't have to complicated to be useful.</p>
<p>The Bandolier isn't "student grade". It's based on code used to power <ahref="https://learnjsthehardway.com">learnjsthehardway.com</a> supporting thousands of users all watching thousands of hours of <b>video</b>. <b>Yet, it's still easy to study and use.</b> The Bandolier demonstrates that you don't have to be complicated to be useful.</p>