This is the template project that's checked out and configured when you run the bando-up command from ljsthw-bandolier. This is where the code really lives.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
4.6 KiB

// you may not need all of these but they come up a lot
import fs from "fs";
import assert from "assert";
import logging from '../lib/logging.js';
import glob from "fast-glob";
import path from "path";
import template from "lodash/template.js";
import PDFDocument from "pdfkit";
const log = logging.create(import.meta.url);
const title_box = { x: 17, y: 415, width: 405, align: "center" };
const summary_box = { width: 405, height: 540 };
const main_title = { align: "center", width: 1196, height: 883, x: 586, y: 99};
const main_box = { width: 928, height: 535, x: 720, y: 273};
export const description = "Generates a PDF presentation from an input .md file and a background template."
// your command uses the npm package commander's options format
export const options = [
["--heading-font <path>", "Font file to use for headings.", "static/fonts/VictorMono-Bold.ttf"],
["--body-font <path>", "Font file to use for body text.", "static/fonts/VictorMono-Medium.ttf"],
// put required options in the required variable
export const required = [
["--input <path>", "The input .md file for the generated presentation."],
["--output <path>", "The output .pdf file to write."],
["--template <path>", "The background template image to use."],
// handy function for checking things are good and aborting
const check = (test, fail_message) => {
if(!test) {
export const start_pdf = (opts) => {
const doc = new PDFDocument({
font: "Courier",
size: [1920, 1080],
info: {
"Title": "Test",
"Author": "Zed A. Shaw",
"Subject": "Test subject",
"Keywords": "test test test",
"CreationDate": new Date(),
"ModDate": new Date(),
const out_stream = doc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(opts.output));
doc.registerFont("heading", opts.headingFont);
doc.registerFont("body", opts.bodyFont);
return [doc, out_stream];
const write_page = (doc, template, content) => {
// place the background image
doc.image(template, 0, 0, {
width: 1920,
height: 1080
// create the left side constant summary
doc.font("heading").text(content.title, title_box.x, title_box.y, title_box);
// the lesson summary
doc.font("body").text(content.summary, summary_box);
if(content.type == "title-bullets") {
// add the title/body text
doc.font("heading").text(content.slide_title, main_title.x, main_title.y, main_title);
doc.list(content.slide_body, main_box.x, main_box.y, main_box);
} else if(content.type == "title-only") {
// it's a title only slide
doc.font("heading").text(content.slide_title, main_title.x, main_title.y + (main_title.height / 3), main_title);
} else {
// this handles title-text slides, and anything else
// add the title/body text
doc.font("heading").text(content.slide_title, main_title.x, main_title.y, main_title);
doc.font("body").text(content.slide_body, main_box.x, main_box.y, main_box);
const next_page = (doc) => {
const end_pdf = (doc) => {
const parse_input = (input) => {
const data = fs.readFileSync(input).toString();
const result = [];
const [head_data, slides_data] = data.split("===");
const head = JSON.parse(head_data);
for(let slide of slides_data.split("---")) {
const split = slide.trim().split("\n");
const title = split.shift();
const body = split.join("\n").trim();
if(title || body) {
const page = {
slide_title: title,
slide_body: body,
if(!body) {
page.type = "title-only";
} else if(body.startsWith("*")) {
page.type = "title-bullets";
page.slide_body = body.split("\n").map(l => l.slice(1).trim());
} else {
page.type = "title-text";
return result;
export const main = async (opts) => {
try {
const [doc, out_stream] = start_pdf(opts);
out_stream.on("finish", () => process.exit(0));
const pages = parse_input(opts.input);
for(let page of pages) {
console.log("PAGE", page);
write_page(doc, opts.template, page);
write_page(doc, opts.template, {
"title": pages[0].title,
"summary": pages[0].summary,
"slide_title": "The End",
"slide_body": "See you soon.",
"type": "title-text"
} catch(error) {