This is the template project that's checked out and configured when you run the bando-up command from ljsthw-bandolier. This is where the code really lives.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1017 B

"entryPoints": ["./client/main.js"],
"mainFields": ["svelte", "browser", "module", "main"],
"outfile": "./public/client/bundle.js",
"format": "iife",
"target": "es2017",
"minify": true,
"legalComments": "linked",
"bundle": true,
"metafile": "./debug/client_build.json",
"errorFile": "./debug/client_errors.json",
"splitting": false,
"sourcemap": false,
"loader": {".svg": "text"},
"treeShaking": true,
"logLevel": "error",
"prod": true
"entryPoints": ["./admin/main.js"],
"mainFields": ["svelte", "browser", "module", "main"],
"outfile": "./public/admin/bundle.js",
"format": "iife",
"target": "es2017",
"minify": true,
"legalComments": "linked",
"bundle": true,
"metafile": "./debug/admin_build.json",
"errorFile": "./debug/admin_errors.json",
"splitting": false,
"sourcemap": false,
"loader": {".svg": "text"},
"treeShaking": true,
"logLevel": "error",
"prod": true