{#if querying}{/if}

DNS Results { domain_name || "" }

{#if dns } {#if dns.ip4.host } {:else} {/if} {#if dns.ip6.host} {:else} {/if} {#if dns.mx} {:else} {/if} {#if dns.spf} {:else} {/if} {#if dns.dmarc} {:else} {/if}
IP4 Host{ dns.ip4.host[0] }
IP4 Reverse{ dns.ip4.reverse[0] }
IP4 Error{ dns.ip4.error.message }
IP6 Host{ dns.ip6.host[0] }
IP6 Reverse{ dns.ip6.reverse[0] }
IP6 Error{ dns.ip6.error.message }
MX Exchange{ dns.mx[0].exchange }
MX Priority{ dns.mx[0].priority }
MX Error{ dns.mx_error.message }
SPF{ dns.spf[0] }
SPF{ dns.spf_error.message }
DMARC{ dns.dmarc[0] }
DMARC{ dns.dmarc_error.message }
{:else if error} { error } {:else} Enter a domain name to see the results. {/if} {#if tests && tests.length > 0}

DNS Analysis

The following are recommendations based on errors found in your DNS records for { domain_name }.

{#each tests as result} activate(result.id)}> { result.title } {#if result.active}

{ result.text }

{:else if tests && tests.length == 0}

DNS Is Good

No common errors found so far in your DNS records. You should try sending yourself an email to test if it will deliver. These tests are performed against Googles public DNS at so they should be visible in Gmail now.
