import { plugin as hydration, preprocess } from '@jamcart/7ty/hydrate' import { minify } from 'html-minifier-terser' import path from 'path'; import url from 'url'; import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'; import alias from '@rollup/plugin-alias' import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs' import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy' import css_chunks from 'rollup-plugin-css-chunks' import del from 'rollup-plugin-delete' import externals from 'rollup-plugin-node-externals' import glob from 'rollup-plugin-glob' import markdown from '@jackfranklin/rollup-plugin-markdown' import multi_input from 'rollup-plugin-multi-input' import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace' import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve' import svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte' import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser' // get the absolute path to the dir above this one and strip off the stupid file: in front // let nourl = url.parse(import.meta.url).pathname; // what in the world is wrong with people, url.pathname returns an invalid windows path if(nourl.slice(0, 3) === "/C:") { nourl = nourl.slice(1); } const root_path = path.dirname(nourl); console.log("ROOT PATH IS", root_path, "URL PATH", nourl); const minify_html = (options = {}) => { return { name: 'html-minifier-terser', generateBundle(outputOptions, bundle) { Object.values(bundle).forEach((file) => { if (file.type === 'asset' && file.fileName.endsWith('.html')) { file.source = minify(file.source.toString(), options) } }) } } } const shared_plugins = ({ browser, watch }) => { return [ alias({ resolve: ['.js', '.svelte'], entries: { '$': path.join(root_path, '..') } }), glob(), markdown(), replace({ 'process.browser': JSON.stringify(browser), 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(watch ? 'development' : ''), preventAssignment: true }), resolve({ browser }), commonjs({}), json(), ] } export const client = ({ watch }) => { return { input: ['build/html/**/*.html'], output: { chunkFileNames: '[hash].js', dir: '../public', sourcemap: true }, plugins: [ multi_input.default({ relative: 'build/html' }), svelte({ compilerOptions: { hydratable: true }, emitCss: false }), hydration(), copy({ targets: [ { src: '../static/*', dest: '../public' }, { src: ['build/server/**/*', '!**/*.js', '!**/*'], dest: '../public' } ] }), !watch && minify_html({ caseSensitive: true, collapseWhitespace: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true }), false && !watch && terser(), ...shared_plugins({ browser: true, watch }), ] } } export const server = ({ watch }) => { return { input: ['pages/**/[!_]*.svelte', '!pages/**/_*/**'], output: { dir: 'build/server', entryFileNames: '[name]-[hash].js', sourcemap: 'inline' }, plugins: [ multi_input.default({ relative: 'pages' }), del({targets: 'build' }), svelte({ compilerOptions: { generate: 'ssr', hydratable: true, immutable: true, }, preprocess: [preprocess] }), css_chunks.default({ chunkFileNames: '[hash].css', entryFileNames: '[hash].css' }), // rollup-plugin-node-externals speeds up the build. // However, make sure any packages you import Svelte components from are // declared as dependencies (not devDependencies) or they will also be excluded. externals({ }), ...shared_plugins({ browser: false, watch }) ] } }