import assert from "assert"; import logging from '../lib/logging.js'; import { Client, IntentsBitField, Partials, ChannelType } from "discord.js"; import { User } from "../lib/models.js"; import { company } from '../emails/config.js'; import { discord } from "../lib/config.js"; import { send_email, load_templates, debug_templates } from '../lib/email.js'; const log = logging.create("/queues/mail.js"); const client = new Client({ intents: [ IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildInvites, ], partials: [ Partials.GuildMember ], }); const load_guild_channel = async (client) => { const guilds = await client.guilds.fetch(); let temp = guilds.entries().next().value[1]; assert(temp, "Can't find any guilds/servers."); const guild = await temp.fetch(); assert(guild, "No guild after fetch."); const channels = await guild.channels.fetch(); for(let chan of channels.entries()) { if(chan[1].type === ChannelType.GuildText) {`Found guild text channel ${JSON.stringify(chan[1])}`); return [guild, await chan[1].fetch()]; } } // fallthrough, no text channels return [guild, undefined]; }"Connecting to discord server..."); await client.login(discord.token); const [guild, channel] = await load_guild_channel(client); // if it doesn't exist make it and add it to their account`Connected to Sever/Guild ${}`);`!!Sending invites from Channel ${JSON.stringify(channel, null, 4)}`); const invite_email = await load_templates("discord_email"); export const send_invite = async (job) => { try { console.log("JOB!",; assert(channel !== undefined, "Did not find one text channel."); assert( !== undefined, "user_id is required"); log.debug(`Discord invite request for ${}`); const user = await User.first({id:}); assert(user, "didn't find user"); // check the user's account to see if a code already exists if(user.discord_invite) {`Ignoring user ${ } because they already have invite code ${ user.discord_invite } sent on ${ user.discord_sent }`); } else { const invite = await channel.createInvite(discord.invites); // update the user's account with their invite code and const text = invite_email.txt({ user, invite, company, discord }); const html = invite_email.html({ user, invite, company, discord }); await User.update({id:}, { discord_invite: invite.code, discord_sent: new Date()}); await debug_templates({ text, html }, "invite_email"); // send both txt and html as attachments send_email({ from: company.mail, to:, subject: `Discord Invite for ${}`, text, html });`INVITE code ${invite.code} sent to user ${}`); } } catch (error) { log.error(error); } }