/* The routes for the [svelte-spa-router](https://github.com/ItalyPaleAle/svelte-spa-router) used for multiple "pages". It's easy to use. Just import the `.svelte` file directly then place it in the default export listing. */ import Register from "./pages/Register.svelte"; import Payment from "./pages/Payment.svelte"; import Login from "./pages/Login.svelte"; import UserProfile from "./pages/UserProfile.svelte"; import ResetPassword from "./pages/ResetPassword.svelte"; import Unsubscribe from "./pages/Unsubscribe.svelte"; import Home from "./pages/Home.svelte"; import NotFound from "./pages/NotFound.svelte"; import TOS from "./pages/TOS.svelte"; import Discord from "./pages/Discord.svelte"; import Live from "./pages/Live.svelte"; import LiveIndex from "./pages/LiveIndex.svelte"; export default { "/register/": Register, "/payment/:status?": Payment, "/login/": Login, "/forgot/": ResetPassword, "/profile/": UserProfile, "/tos/": TOS, "/discord/": Discord, "/live/:livestream_id/": Live, "/live/": LiveIndex, "/email/unsubscribe/:unsubkey/": Unsubscribe, "/": Home, "*": NotFound, }