import { glob, changed, exec_i } from "../lib/builderator.js"; import gen_players from "./gen_players.js"; export const description = "Deploys new changes to the app."; export const options = [ ['--dry-run', "Don't actually update, just pretend."], ['--no-content', "DO NOT deploy the render content, not the app."], ['--no-app', "DO NOT deploy the app, not the content."], ['--target', "rsync the results to this directory", "/var/www/"], ]; const config = { source_dir: "../ljsthw-private" }; export const main = (opts) => { exec_i("git pull"); // update the modules git too const cwd = process.cwd(); process.chdir(config.source_dir); exec_i("git pull"); process.chdir(cwd) const dry_run = opts.dryRun ? "--dry-run" : ""; if( { exec_i("npm run knex migrate:latest"); exec_i("npm run build"); } if(opts.content) { gen_players.main(); exec_i("node ./bando.js rendered"); exec_i("node ./bando.js load"); } const ext_list = ["html", "css", "js", "svg", "xml", "md"]; for(let ext of ext_list) { const files = glob(`./public/**/*.${ext}`); for(let fname of files) { if(changed(fname, `${fname}.br`)) { // compress the files with brotli exec_i(`brotli -Zfk "${fname}"`); } // compress the files with gzip if(changed(fname, `${fname}.gz`)) { exec_i(`gzip -9fk "${fname}"`); } } } // sync the files exec_i(`rsync ${dry_run} -av --exclude media --delete public/* ${ }`); process.exit(0); }