{#await load_promise} {:then}



{#each Object.entries(api_register) as [route, info]} select_item(info, false, false) }>{route} {/each}


{#each Object.entries(socket_register) as [route, info]} select_item(false, info, false) }>{route} {/each}
{#if api_selected}

{ api_selected.name }

{#each api_selected.functions as func}

{ func.name }

{:else if socket_selected}

{ socket_selected.target_name }

{ socket_selected.route_path } { socket_selected.target_name } { socket_selected.file_name }

{ socket_selected.route_path }


Nothing Selected

Either you have no routes setup yet, or you haven't selected one on the left. To create a new JSON HTTP API route add a file to api with the file named after the route name you want. If you want a socket handler then create a file in socket instead. You can generate starter code each of these in the Djenterator.
