/ *
The main Svelte stores used in the application . The main one is the ` user ` , which
contains a store for the current user . Svelte stores are a useful way to maintain
information that 's used across pages. I' ve left in a few that I used for caching
in my courses at https : //learnjsthehardway.com so you can see how to use a store
for caching .
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import { writable } from 'svelte/store' ;
/ *
Look in api / login . js and client / pages / Login . svelte for where this is initially setup .
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export const user = writable ( {
authenticated : undefined , // yes, this is on purpose
} ) ;
/ *
I used this for some basic caching of course items , since constantly loading
them on every click was pointless . The course material doesn ' t change much ,
so caching it makes sense . Why didn ' t I use Service Workers instead ? Service
Workers are very unreliable when it comes to reloading . They require a lot of
extra gear just to make simple refreshing a page of content work . If what you
cache persists across refresh the go ahead and use Service Worker caching . If
not then just do it this way .
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export const cache = writable ( {
courses : { } ,
modules : { } ,
lessons : { } ,
recents : { }
} ) ;
/ *
Clears out the cache . Again , mostly a demo .
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export const cache _reset = ( ) => {
cache . update ( ( ) => ( {
courses : { } ,
modules : { } ,
lessons : { } ,
recents : { }
} ) ) ;
/ *
Use for video configuration information that ' s shared between
video pages .
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export const video _config = writable ( { video _ready : false } ) ;
/ *
The user ' s darkmode setting .
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export const darkmode = writable ( { theme : "light" } ) ;