/ *
The ORMish object - relational - mapping - ish library for knex . It ' s just enough
ORM added to knex to be useful , and anything else you need can be done with
knex . If there 's any situation where you can' t do something in ORMish it ' s
expected that you will access the ` knex ` variable in thie module and simply use
knex directly . Here 's how you' d do that :
` ` ` javascript
import { knex } from './lib/ormish.js' ;
// do your own update using a model's table name
knex ( somemodel . table _name ) . where ( where ) . update ( what ) ;
` ` `
This makes it easy to use ORMish , but still break out when you need to create
custom queries or speed things up . The only advice here is to put any special
operations in a ` class Model ` subclass as a member function .
* /
import config from '../knexfile.cjs' ;
import knexConfig from 'knex' ;
import assert from 'assert' ;
import { attachPaginate } from 'knex-paginate' ;
/ *
A preconfigured knex . js driver using the config . development configuration
by default .
_ _ _TODO _ _ _ : Need to make this configurable , even though I just use one config right now since I run sqlite3 all the time .
* /
export const knex = knexConfig ( config . development ) ;
/ *
run the PERF _TRICKS to configure sqlite3 when thing start , really need to make this
a configuration and only do it with sqlite3 , but for now just get this done
* /
if ( config . development . client === "sqlite3" ) {
const PERF _TRICKS = [
"pragma journal_mode = WAL" , // use a WAL journal to not block writers/readers
"pragma synchronous = normal" , // set concurrency to normal now that we have WAL
"pragma temp_store = memory" , // use RAM to make the temporary indices
// "pragma mmap_size = 30000000000", // use 30GB of mmap to store DB, not useful in multi-process settings
// "pragma page_size = 32768", // improve performance only if you store large stuff
"pragma vacuum" , // give it a vacuum, this could impact startup time significantly
"pragma optimize" , // optimize it, but should be done periodically
] ;
for ( let sql of PERF _TRICKS ) {
await knex . raw ( sql ) ;
attachPaginate ( ) ;
/ *
Filled in by ` load_schema ` to give access to the database scheme in the admin
tool and generally through the API .
* /
export const SCHEMA = { } ;
const load _schema = async ( ) => {
const raw = await knex ( "sqlite_schema" ) . where ( { "type" : "table" } ) . select ( [ 'type' , 'name' ] ) ;
for ( let table of raw ) {
table . _columns = await knex ( table . name ) . columnInfo ( ) ;
SCHEMA [ table . name ] = table ;
await load _schema ( ) ;
/ *
In some cases ( like the generic admin ) you need to get validation
rules but you don ' t have a specific class to work with . This function
is called by Model . validation and you can call it directly to get rules
for a database table .
_ _ _BUG _ _ _ : validator doesn 't do proper date formatting yet, so it won' t support date types .
1. ` name string ` - the table name .
2. ` rules Object ` - default rules with empty "" for the rules you want filled in
3. ` all boolean ` - set this to true if you want everything
4. ` no_id boolean ` - defaults to true , set false if you also want the id
5. ` return Object ` - the resulting rules to use with Validator
* /
export const validation = ( name , rules , all = false , no _id = true ) => {
assert ( rules , "rules parameter is required and will be modified" ) ;
const schema = SCHEMA [ name ] ;
assert ( schema , ` There is no schema for table named ${ name } . Did you forget to migrate:latest? ` ) ;
for ( let [ key , opts ] of Object . entries ( schema . _columns ) ) {
// most of the time you don't want the id
if ( no _id && key === "id" ) continue ;
if ( all || rules [ key ] === "" ) {
let required = opts . nullable || opts . defaultValue ? "nullable|" : "required|" ;
switch ( opts . type ) {
case "varchar" : // fallthrough
case "text" :
// some databases have an email type but we'll also look for ones named email
if ( key === "email" ) {
rules [ key ] = required + "email" ;
} else {
rules [ key ] = required + "string" ;
if ( opts . maxLength ) {
rules [ key ] += ` |min:0|max: ${ opts . maxLength } ` ;
break ;
case "boolean" :
rules [ key ] = required + "boolean" ;
break ;
case "integer" :
case "float" :
rules [ key ] = required + "numeric" ;
break ;
case "date" :
// rules[key] = required + "date";
break ;
case "email" :
// not all databases have this
rules [ key ] = required + "email" ;
break ;
default :
rules [ key ] = required ;
return rules ;
/ *
The base class for all models found in ` lib/models.js ` . You use this by extending it with :
` ` ` javascript
class User extends Model . from _table ( 'user' ) {
` ` `
This will create a ` User ` class that is automatically configured using the SCHEMA create from the ` user ` table in your database . You won ' t need to define the attributes on this class as it will be correctly populated from the database .
The database is therefore the "source of truth" for all of the models . You can then add functions to extend what this class does .
* /
export class Model {
/ *
Allows you to build a new object of this Model with the given ` attr `
already set , but really you should use the ` Model.from(attr) ` method instead .
This does _no _ object sanitization with ` Model.clean(attr) ` method , and if
it doesn ' t match the underlying database it will throw an exception .
- ` attr Object ` - the attributes for this model
* /
constructor ( attr ) {
assert ( attr , "Must give attributes." ) ;
Object . assign ( this , attr ) ;
/ *
How to actually create a new instance of this model . This
will do two things :
1. Correctly use the schema for the subclass model .
2. Sanitize the input to remove anything that shouldn ' t be in the database .
The ` also_remove ` parameter is a list of additional keys to also scrub from the object .
- ` attr Object ` -- The attributes this should start with .
- ` also_remove Array ` -- list of additional attributes to remove .
* /
static from ( attr , also _remove = undefined ) {
return new this ( this . clean ( attr , also _remove ) ) ;
/ *
Returns an object representing the schema for this Model . Remember that this
will reflect what ' s in the database schema , which is formatted however
` knex.js ` formats your database Schema . Might not be portable between
databases and only tested with SQlite3 .
_This is an attribute accessor , so just do ` obj.schema ` rather than call it like a function . _
- ` return Object ` - The schema for this model .
* /
get schema ( ) {
return this . constructor . schema ;
/ *
Uses the ` this.schema ` scrub out any attributes that are not valid for the
schema . This is effectively a whitelist for the allowed attributes based on
the database schema . You can use the ` also_remove ` parameter to list
additional attributes to remove , which you should do to sanitize incoming
objects for things like password fields .
- ` attr Object ` - The attributes to clean .
- ` also_remove Array ` - Additional attributes to remove .
* /
static clean ( attr , also _remove = undefined ) {
assert ( attr , "Must give attributes to clean." ) ;
let clean _entries = Object . entries ( attr )
. filter ( ( [ k , v ] ) => k in this . schema ) ;
if ( also _remove ) also _remove . forEach ( k => delete clean _entries [ k ] ) ;
return Object . fromEntries ( clean _entries ) ;
/ *
Returns the name of this model ' s current table . Used mostly internally but
useful otherwise . This is an attribute accessor ( get ) so you can just do :
` ` ` javascript
const name = obj . table _name ;
` ` `
Instead of calling it like a function . The main reason to use this is in
tools like the admin table browser found in ` admin/pages/Table.svelte ` and
` api/admin/table.js ` so check those files out to see what ' s going on .
* /
get table _name ( ) {
return this . constructor . table _name ;
/ *
Returns an object of basic rules meant for ` lib/api.js:validate `
based on what 's in the database. It' s meant to be an easy to
pass in starter which you can augment . It expects a set of rules
with keys you want configured . Any key that ' s set to an empty string ""
will be filled in with a minimum rule to match the database schema .
It ' s designed to be called once at the top of an api / handler to get
a basic set of rules . You could also run it to print out the rules then
simply write the rules directly where you need them . It actually just
calls the ` validation ` module function with ` validation(this.table_name, rules) ` .
- ` param rules {Object} ` - rules specifier
* /
static validation ( rules ) {
return validation ( this . table _name , rules ) ;
/ *
Delete this object from the database . We use the word "destroy" because
` delete ` is reserved . It uses this object ' s ` .id ` to determine which object
to delete and uses this ` knex ` code :
` ` ` javascript
await knex ( obj . table _name ) . where ( { id : obj . id } ) . del ( ) ;
` ` `
As with all of ORMish it doesn ' t handle any relations or references when it does
the delete so if you have constraints it will fail . Use ` knex ` directly in that
case .
+ ` obj Model ` -- the object to destroy , just have id
* /
static async destroy ( obj ) {
assert ( this . table _name !== undefined , "You must set class variable table_name." ) ;
assert ( obj . id !== undefined , "No id in object to destroy." ) ;
await knex ( this . table _name ) .
where ( { id : obj . id } ) .
del ( ) ;
/ *
Does very basic 1 - to - 1 ( 1 : 1 ) relation , for use inside a custom function that returns
additional records . 1 : 1 mappings don ' t show up too often , as I think most modern database
designs would rather combine them into one giant table , but it does happen when you need to
add to a database without changing a "sacred" table .
This is really just a call to ` model.first(where, columns) ` and mostly acts as a kind of
documentation .
+ ` model Model ` - The other model to query .
+ ` where Object ` - The knex style selection criteria passed to ` Model.first ` .
+ ` columns ` - Passed to ` Model.first ` to restrict the columns returned .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` Model ` subclass found , or ` undefined ` if nothing .
* /
async has _one ( model , where , columns ) {
assert ( where . id !== undefined , ` where must at least have id for has_one ${ model . table _name } you have ${ JSON . stringify ( where ) } ` ) ;
return await model . first ( where , columns ) ;
/ *
Maps this model to another with a 1 - to - many ( 1 : M ) relational mapping . It queries
the other ` model ` based on the given { where } , which is usually an ` id ` in the other
table .
For example , if I have a ` user ` table and a ` payment ` table , I can have a 1 ` user ` - > M ` payment `
like this :
` ` ` javascript
export class User extends Model . from _table ( 'user' ) {
async payments ( ) {
return await this . has _many ( Payment , { user _id : this . id } ) ;
` ` `
In this situation my ` User ` model is querying the ` Payment ` model for any ` payment `
records that have ` user_id=this.id ` . That means if the ` user.id ` is 1 , then it will
find any ` payment ` records with ` user_id=1 ` .
* /
async has _many ( model , where , columns ) {
return await model . all ( where , columns ) ;
/ *
Implements a simple many - to - many ( M : M ) using an intermediary table which
maps two table ' s IDs using two columns . For example , if you have a ` User `
and ` Payment ` model , and you decide that ` Payment ` can have multiple users
then you ' d do this :
` ` ` javascript
await paid1 . many _to _many ( User , "payment_user" ) ;
` ` `
This is translated into ` knex ` as :
` ` ` javascript
await knex ( "user" ) . where ( "id" , "in" ,
knex ( "payment_user" ) // subquery in payment_user
. select ( ` user_id as id ` )
. where ( ` payment_id ` , "=" , this . id )
) ;
` ` `
The inverse operation would be :
` ` ` javascript
await user1 . many _to _many ( Payment , "payment_user" ) ;
` ` `
Which is translated into ` knex ` as :
` ` ` javascript
await knex ( "payment" ) . where ( "id" , "in" ,
knex ( "payment_user" ) // subquery in payment_user
. select ( ` payment_id as id ` )
. where ( ` user_id ` , "=" , this . id )
) ;
` ` `
# # # Performance
This will fail if you have a massive many - to - many since it uses a subquery to get
a set of IDs , but in many cases it actually might outperform a more direct complicated
query . You should use this , then resort to raw ` knex ` code to craft a better one as
needed .
# # # Cleaning
Everything returned is first ran though ` .clean() ` to and turned into the
target model so you can use it directly . This ensures that if a database
driver infects the returned data with garbage it will be cleaned and you
get pure models . In the above example you ' d get a ` User ` or ` Payment `
with only what ' s in the schema .
# # # Attributed Relations
If your relation table has extra attributes -- a super useful trick -- then this
will not pick them up . In our example above , if you have another field
` payment_user.transaction_date ` in addition to ` user_id ` and ` payment_id ` then
you won ' t get the ` transaction_date ` . In that case -- you guessed it -- use ` knex `
directly to query for those .
* /
async many _to _many ( model , through _table ) {
// SECURITY: doing string interpolation which might allow injecting SQL
let query = knex ( model . table _name ) . where ( "id" , "in" ,
knex ( through _table ) . select ( ` ${ model . table _name } _id as id ` ) . where ( ` ${ this . table _name } _id ` , "=" , this . id ) ) ;
let rows = await query ;
let results = [ ] ;
for ( let r of rows ) {
results . push ( new model ( await model . clean ( r ) ) ) ;
return results ;
/ *
Counts the number of records matching the ` where ` specification .
It uses a direct SQL query using the ` knex ` operation ` count ` , but
` knex ` returns a "database specific" result . This will try to
extract the count result , but will warn you when it can ' t do that .
+ ` where Object ` - knex where specification .
+ ` columns Array ` - columns to return
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` number `
* /
static async count ( where , columns ) {
// the knex count api returns a DB specific result, so we need
// to specify what we want, which is count:
const spec = { count : columns || [ 'id' ] } ;
let res = await knex ( this . table _name ) . where ( where ) . count ( spec ) ;
if ( res . length == 1 ) {
// single result, just give the count
return res [ 0 ] . count ;
} else {
console . warn ( "Your call to count in" , this . table _name , "using where=" , where , "columns: " , columns , "returned a weird result:" , res ) ;
return res ; // weird result let them deal with it
/ *
Your generic insert for this model ' s table . The ` attr ` is checked against the
database schema by ` knex ` , so you have to remove anything that doesn ' t belong .
Use the ` Model.clean ` function to do that easily . Otherwise it works exactly
like in knex with :
` ` ` javascript
await knex ( this . table _name ) . insert ( attr ) ;
` ` `
This function expects a return value that has one result with the ` id ` of
the inserted row , which might be database specific . These days if a database
doesn 't support this it' s a trash database that shouldn ' t be used .
+ ` attr Object ` - The attributes to store .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` number ` - returns the id of the inserted object
* /
static async insert ( attr ) {
assert ( this . table _name !== undefined , "You must set class variable table_name." ) ;
assert ( attr , ` You must give some attr to insert into ${ this . table _name } ` ) ;
let res = await knex ( this . table _name ) . insert ( attr ) ;
assert ( res , ` Failed to get an id from the insert for ${ this . table _name } ` ) ;
attr . id = res [ 0 ] ;
return new this ( attr ) ;
/ *
Implements an upsert ( insert but update on conflict ) for Postgres , MySQL , and SQLite3 only .
_ _ _TODO _ _ _ : allow specifying returns for databases that support it
+ attr ` Object ` - The attributes to insert or update .
+ conflict _key ` string ` - The key that can cause a conflict then update .
+ merge ` boolean ` - Defaults to true and will change the record . false will ignore and not update on conflict .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` number ` - id or undefined
* /
static async upsert ( attr , conflict _key , merge = true ) {
assert ( conflict _key !== undefined , ` You forgot to set the conflict_key on upsert to table ${ this . table _name } ` ) ;
let result = undefined ;
if ( merge ) {
result = await knex ( this . table _name ) . insert ( attr ) . onConflict ( conflict _key ) . merge ( ) ;
} else {
result = await knex ( this . table _name ) . insert ( attr ) . onConflict ( conflict _key ) . ignore ( ) ;
// returns the id of the row or undefined
return result !== undefined ? result [ 0 ] : undefined ;
/ *
Performs an UPDATE operation on the object ` what ` found by ` where ` . This
translates into the following ` knex.js ` code :
` ` ` javascript
return knex ( this . table _name ) . where ( where ) . update ( what ) ;
` ` `
So it ' s mostly just syntactic sugar over ` knex.js ` ( like everything in ORMish ) . If you
need a more complex ` update ` then just use ` knex() ` directly .
+ ` where Object ` -- The knex where options for a query .
+ ` what Model ` -- The table / Model to use as the update .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` number ` -- _WARNING _ : I believe this returns the count updated but that might be database specific .
* /
static async update ( where , what ) {
assert ( where , "You must give a where options." ) ;
return knex ( this . table _name ) . where ( where ) . update ( what ) ;
/ *
Returns one record from the table based on the ` knex ` where specification ,
and can limit the columns ( attributes ) that are returned . This is a ` static `
method so you use it like this :
` ` ` javascript
const person = User . first ( { id : 1 } ) ;
` ` `
The ` where ` can be anything that ` knex ` understands as query as well .
+ ` where Object ` -- The ` knex ` where specification .
+ ` columns Array ` -- List of columns to include in the returned object .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` Object `
* /
static async first ( where , columns ) {
assert ( where , "You must give a where options." ) ;
let attr = undefined ;
if ( columns ) {
attr = await knex ( this . table _name ) . column ( columns ) . first ( ) . where ( where ) ;
} else {
attr = await knex ( this . table _name ) . first ( ) . where ( where ) ;
return attr !== undefined ? new this ( attr ) : attr ;
/ *
Delete a given record -- or batch of records -- based on the ` where ` specification .
It really just calls this ` knex ` operation :
` ` ` javascript
return knex ( this . table _name ) . where ( where ) . del ( ) ;
` ` `
+ ` where Object ` -- The where specification , doesn ' t have to be an Object .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` number ` -- Number deleted , but that might be database specific .
* /
static async delete ( where ) {
assert ( where , "You must give a where options." ) ;
return knex ( this . table _name ) . where ( where ) . del ( ) ;
/ *
Returns all records matching the ` where ` specification , and also
reduces the returned columns based on the ` columns ` list . This is
the most common operation in ` knex ` , and when you do both ` columns `
and ` where ` it ' s just doing this :
` ` ` javascript
results = await knex ( this . table _name ) . column ( columns ) . where ( where ) . select ( ) ;
` ` `
As usual , if this isn ' t efficient or complex enough for you then you can
just do it directly in ` knex ` .
+ ` where Object ` -- The usual ` knex ` where specification , and can be anything ` knex ` likes .
+ ` columns Array ` -- The list of columns to return .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` Array ` of ` Model ` subclass .
* /
static async all ( where , columns ) {
assert ( where , "You must give a where options." ) ;
let results = [ ] ;
if ( columns ) {
results = await knex ( this . table _name ) . column ( columns ) . where ( where ) . select ( ) ;
} else {
results = await knex ( this . table _name ) . where ( where ) ;
let final = results . map ( r => new this ( r ) ) ;
return final ;
/ *
This is how you create your own models based on ` Model ` . It ' s a neat
trick as well , which allows you to specify a table to use to populate
a new class . First , you use it like this :
` ` ` javascript
class User extends Model . from _table ( 'user' ) {
` ` `
How this works :
+ ` from_table ` crafts an empty class with ` let m = class extends Model {} ` .
+ Since JavaScript is a scripting language you can modify this class , and return it .
+ ` from_table ` then adds a ` table_name ` and the ` schema ` to this class .
+ After that it returns the new empy class , which you then extend and now you have a class pre - configured with the schema and table _name already set .
Obviously this only works with ES6 style classes . After this setup you just add your own
methods , use ` super ` like normal , and everything else . The functions in ` Model ` will all
work because ` schema ` and ` table_name ` are set .
+ ` table_name ` -- the name of the base table in the database to use . Must be in ` SCHEMA ` .
* /
static from _table ( table _name ) {
let m = class extends Model { } ;
m . table _name = table _name ;
assert ( SCHEMA , "schema is not loaded!" ) ;
assert ( SCHEMA [ table _name ] , ` table named ${ table _name } not in SCHEMA: ${ Object . keys ( SCHEMA ) } ` ) ;
m . schema = SCHEMA [ table _name ] . _columns ;
return m ;
/ *
Determines if at least one record exists for the ` where ` specification .
This is doing a select for only an ` id ` column with a limit of 1 , and if
it gets a result then it returns true . Probably not the most efficient
but it is portable . Here 's what `knex` it' s doing :
` ` ` javascript
let res = await knex ( this . table _name ) . select ( 'id' ) . where ( where ) . limit ( 1 ) . first ( ) ;
` ` `
+ ` where Object ` -- the query specification for ` knex ` .
+ _ _ _return _ _ _ ` boolean ` -- Whether it exists or not .
* /
static async exists ( where ) {
let res = await knex ( this . table _name ) . select ( 'id' ) . where ( where ) . limit ( 1 ) . first ( ) ;
return res ? res . id : false ;
export default { knex , SCHEMA , Model } ;