/ *
This is mostly a convenience that translates the ` secrets/config.json ` file into
easily accessible imports for the code . This file should be safe to commit to
git , but _ _do not _ _ commit ` secrets/config.json ` to git . At the same time , do not
put secrets directly in here . Instead , put them in ` secrets/config.json ` then
convert it to a variable here .
The primary purpose of this file is to make it easier to safely import configurations ,
and to document what those configurations should be . You can ' t put documentation on
a ` config.json ` file but you can put it in ` config.js ` , so that ' s what I did .
The live configuration is in ` secrets/config.json ` , and that file is created from the
templates in ` commands/templates/secrets/config.json ` .
* /
import assert from "assert" ;
import fs from "fs" ;
/ *
The path to the secret config . json file .
* /
export const CONFIG = "./secrets/config.json"
const load _config = ( ) => {
try {
return JSON . parse ( fs . readFileSync ( CONFIG ) ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( error , ` You have a problem with your ${ CONFIG } . ` ) ;
return undefined ;
/ *
All of the secrets directly available . You can just impor this and
access what you want instead of using the variables below . Very helpful
if you just added something to the ` secrets/config.json ` but haven ' t
modified this file yet .
* /
export const secrets = load _config ( ) ;
assert ( secrets !== undefined , ` Problem loading config file ${ CONFIG } ` ) ;
/ *
The paypal configuration used in ` api/payments/paypal.js ` and ` client/components/Paypal.svelte ` .
The configuration is an object with :
+ ` "email" ` : ` string ` of your Paypal email . _ _ _NOT PUBLIC _ _ _
+ ` "client_id" ` : ` string ` of your Paypal _ _ _PUBLIC _ _ _ client id . This is exposed to the user , but _ _ _NOT _ _ the ` secret ` .
+ ` "secret" ` : ` string ` of your Paypal _ _PRIVATE _ _ id . _ _NEVER _ _ put the in a page in ` client ` .
+ ` "disabled" ` : ` boolean ` to indicate if this is disabled or not .
_ _ _FOOTGUN _ _ _ : You will have a very bad time if the ` "secret" ` key is placed
in any page that ' s accessible on the internet . With that someone else can
drain your account , do charges , and many other things . Consider creating a
restricted API key if you can instead of a full service one , to reduce your
risk .
* /
export const paypal _private = secrets . paypal _private ;
/ *
Your BTCPayServer configuration . This uses the BTCPayServer "greenfield" API , which is
easier to use than the old one . This is used by ` api/payments/btcpay.js ` and ` client/components/BTCPay.svelte ` .
+ ` "url" ` : ` string ` of your store ' s URL , something like ` "https://btctest.learnjsthehardway.com/api/v1/stores/HEXSTRING" ` .
+ ` "auth" ` : ` string ` Your basic auth credentials of the form "Basic BASE64HEX=" . _ _ _NOT PUBLIC _ _ _ .
+ ` "disabled" ` : ` boolean ` If this is disabled or not .
_ _ _FOOTGUN _ _ _ : Do not put the ` "auth" ` on the internet as it should be private and only used by the ` api/payments/btcpay.js ` .
* /
export const btcpay _private = secrets . btcpay _private ;
/ *
Stripe configuration used by ` api/payments/stripe.js ` , ` api/payments/stripe_webhook.js ` and ` client/components/Stripe.svelte ` .
+ '"email"' : ` string ` Your Stripe email . _ _NOT PUBLIC _ _ ? I ' m not sure about this .
+ '"client_id"' : ` string ` Your Stripe public key . _ _PUBLIC _ _ and given to the browser .
+ '"secret"' : ` string ` Your Stripe _ _ _SECRET _ _ key . _ _NOT PUBLIC _ _ . Do not expose this .
+ '"endpoint_secret"' : ` string ` Shared secret with Stripe and used in ` api/payments/stripe_webhook.js ` to validate Stripe ' s webhook callbacks . _ _NOT PUBLIC _ _
+ '"api_version"' : ` string ` The version of the API that should be used . Currently "2022-08-01" .
+ '"disabled"' : ` boolean ` Whether Stripe is disabled or not .
_ _ _FOOTGUN _ _ _ : Do not expose the ` endpoint_secret ` , ` secret ` , or ` email ` to the internet .
* /
export const stripe _private = secrets . stripe _private ;
/ *
Used in redirects and some links . Should be the _ _entire _ _ base URL , including ports and
protocols _ _without _ _ a trailing slash . For example :
+ "base_host" : ""
+ "base_host" : "https://learnjsthehardway.com"
* /
export const base _host = secrets . base _host ;
/ *
Configuration for the bull queue . It should just be the configuration for your
Redis server , which is usually this :
` ` ` javascript
"bull_config" : {
"redis" : {
"host" : "localhost" ,
"port" : 6379 ,
"db" : 5
} ,
` ` `
Refer to the [ Bull Documentation ] ( https : //github.com/OptimalBits/bull) for more.
* /
export const bull _config = secrets . bull _config ;
/ *
A ` string ` of either "redis" or "memory" for either a RedisStore , or
MemoryStore in Passport . js . Used in ` lib/auth.js ` .
* /
export const session _store = secrets . session _store ;
/ *
Used by the ` commands/media.js ` loader to process media files and configure the . torrent file generation . It ' s _kind _ of specific to my setup but study the ` commands/media.js ` file for what I do .
+ ` "root_db" ` : This is my private source database , which is a directory of ` .md ` and ` .js ` files I use to build my content .
+ ` "tracker" ` : Currently the Tracker WebSocket URL . For dev that 's `"ws://localhost:9001"`, and in production it' s ` wss://learnjsthehardway.com/tracker ` so you get SSL WebSockets .
* /
export const loader = secrets . loader ;
/ *
This configures the cookies in the ` commands/api.js ` for the web browser ' s cookies .
+ ` "cookie_domain" ` : "" for development , the _ _exact _ _ protocol : //host:port for your cookies.
+ ` "cookie_secret" ` : "changeme" for development but _ _ _CHANGE THIS NOW _ _ _ .
_ _ _FOOTGUN _ _ _ : Cookies are so messed up that it 's hard to debug why they fail. If you find that you can' t log in to the server , or that your login disappears after you refresh then :
1. Make sure you aren ' t using MemoryStore configuration using ` secrets.auth = "memory" ` . This will make it forget your login if the server restarts , which you might think is from browser refresh .
2. Add ` --cookies-suck ` to ` node bando.js api ` so it will dump what it thinks your cookies are and what they should be .
3. Look at the Inspector window in your browser for the Network tab and see what it ' s sending as the cookie , if any .
The best advice is that this setting must be exactly the same as what the browser sees . Protocol , port , hostname , everthing must be the same .
* /
export const auth = secrets . auth ;
/ *
During deployment I do a simple ` rsync ` of media to additional media servers . This makes a
simple dirt cheap CDN when combined with WebTorrent . These will be added to the ` .torrent `
files for each media in ` commands/media.js ` so that the browser will pull content from all
servers at the same time .
+ ` ["string", "string"] ` -- A list of full URLs to each media server , as they should be in the ` .torrent ` .
* /
export const media _servers = secrets . media _servers ;
/ *
The ` queues/discord.js ` and ` api/discord.js ` provide a very simple Discord integration where
people can request a key after agreeing to a Code of Conduct , then join a discord . It ' s
_VERY _ simple , so look in the code to see how it works .
+ ` "token" ` : ` string ` Your discord key . _ _PRIVATE _ _
+ ` "time_limit" ` : ` "24 hours" ` Verbal description of the time limit , used in emails and pages for the user to know how long they have to claim an invite .
+ ` "invites" ` : ` { "maxAge": 86400, "maxUses": 1, "unique": true} ` How the invites work . I suggest these options so you can map one invite to one user .
* /
export const discord = secrets . discord ;
/ *
Used by some services when talking to ` socket/ ` handlers for events .
It ' s mostly a security mechanism to make sure only our code is sending certain
events and should be a giant cryptographically random key .
+ ` "api_key" ` : "AHEXCODE" make it big and truly random .
* /
export const socket = secrets . socket ;
export default secrets ;