#include "builder.hpp" #include "dbc.hpp" #include // for milliseconds #include #include #include #include #include // for allocator, shared_ptr #include #include #include // for EXIT_SUCCESS #include // for operator+, to_string #include #include #include #include using std::string; using namespace fmt; using namespace nlohmann; using namespace std::chrono_literals; #define BUF_MAX 1024 Builder::Builder(GUI &g, GameEngine &engine) : gui(g), game(engine) { std::ifstream infile(".tarpit.json"); json config = json::parse(infile); config["git_path"].template get_to(git_path); config["build_cmd"].template get_to(build_cmd); } FILE *start_command(string &build_cmd) { FILE *build_out = popen(build_cmd.c_str(), "r"); dbc::check(build_out != nullptr, "Failed to run command."); return build_out; } string read_line(FILE *build_out, bool &done_out) { char buffer[BUF_MAX]; char *res = fgets(buffer, BUF_MAX, build_out); done_out = res == nullptr; if(!done_out) { return string{buffer}; // yeah, that's probably a problem } else { return ""; } } MatchResult Builder::parse_line(const string &line) { std::regex err_re("(.*?):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):\\s*(.*?):\\s*(.*)\n*"); std::smatch err; bool match = std::regex_match(line, err, err_re); if(match) { return { .match = true, .file_name = err[1].str(), .lnumber = err[2].str(), .col = err[3].str(), .type = err[4].str(), .message = err[5].str(), }; } else { return { .match = false }; } } void Builder::building(BuildEvent ev) { // check if there's output if(build_done) { int rc = pclose(build_out); if(rc == 0) { gui.build_works(); } else { // BUG: make it not play two sounds gui.build_failed(true, build_cmd); } build_out = NULL; state(DONE); } else { auto m = parse_line(line); if(m.match) { gui.output(format("HIT WITH {} @ {}:{}:{} {}", m.type, m.file_name, m.lnumber, m.col, m.message)); game.hit(m.type); } state(READING); } } void Builder::start(BuildEvent ev) { gui.output(format("Using build command: {}", build_cmd)); fileWatcher = new efsw::FileWatcher(); dbc::check(fileWatcher != nullptr, "Failed to create filewatcher."); git_libgit2_init(); int err = git_repository_open(&repo, git_path.c_str()); dbc::check(err == 0, git_error_last()->message); listener = new UpdateListener(repo); dbc::check(listener != nullptr, "Failed to create listener."); gui.output(format("Watching directory {} for changes...", git_path)); wid = fileWatcher->addWatch(git_path, listener, true); fileWatcher->watch(); state(WAITING); } void Builder::waiting(BuildEvent ev) { if(listener->changes) { game.start_round(); gui.building(); gui.output(format("CHANGES! Running build {}", build_cmd)); build_fut = std::async([&]() { return start_command(build_cmd); }); state(STARTING); } } void Builder::starting(BuildEvent ev) { std::future_status status = build_fut.wait_for(0ms); if(status == std::future_status::ready) { build_out = build_fut.get(); state(READING); } else { state(STARTING); } } void Builder::reading(BuildEvent ev) { line = read_line(build_out, build_done); state(BUILDING); } void Builder::done(BuildEvent ev) { game.end_round(); if(game.is_dead()) { gui.you_died(); game.reset(); } listener->reset_state(); gui.output("^^^^^^^^^^^ END ^^^^^^^^^^^"); state(WAITING); } void Builder::exit(BuildEvent ev) { if(ev == QUIT) { fileWatcher->removeWatch(wid); git_libgit2_shutdown(); state(EXIT); } } void Builder::error(BuildEvent ev) { // how to avoid doing this more than once? if(ev == CRASH) { if(repo != nullptr) git_repository_free(repo); git_libgit2_shutdown(); } }