#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Button, operator|=, Renderer, Vertical, Modal #include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for ScreenInteractive, Component #include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, separator, text, size, Element, vbox, border, GREATER_THAN, WIDTH, center, HEIGHT #include #include #include "map.hpp" #include "dinkyecs.hpp" #include "components.hpp" #include "sound.hpp" #include "render.hpp" #include "panel.hpp" #include "lights.hpp" #include "levelmanager.hpp" using std::string; using ftxui::Canvas, ftxui::Component, ftxui::Screen, ftxui::Button; using lighting::LightRender; struct ActionLog { std::deque messages; void log(std::string msg) { messages.push_front(msg); if(messages.size() > 20) { messages.pop_back(); } } }; struct UnDumbTSS { sf::Texture texture; sf::Sprite sprite; sf::Shader shader; sf::Shader& load_shader(string filename) { bool good = shader.loadFromFile(filename, sf::Shader::Fragment); dbc::check(good, "shader could not be loaded"); return shader; } }; class DeathUI : public Panel { public: Component $render = nullptr; Component $exit_button = nullptr; std::string $quip = "You died like a dog."; DeathUI() : Panel(INVENTORY_PIXEL_X, INVENTORY_PIXEL_Y, INVENTORY_WIDTH, INVENTORY_HEIGHT) {} void create_render(); }; class NextLevelUI : public Panel { public: Component $render = nullptr; Component $yes_button = nullptr; Component $no_button = nullptr; std::string $message = "Are you ready to go further down?"; NextLevelUI() : Panel(0, 0, NEXT_LEVEL_WIDTH, NEXT_LEVEL_HEIGHT) {} void create_render(); }; class InventoryUI : public Panel { public: int $selected = 0; Component $inventory_box; Component $inventory_render; Component $inventory_table; DinkyECS::World& $world; std::vector $menu_list; std::string $item_text = "No item selected."; InventoryUI(DinkyECS::World& world) : Panel(INVENTORY_PIXEL_X, INVENTORY_PIXEL_Y, INVENTORY_WIDTH, INVENTORY_HEIGHT), $world(world) {} void create_render(); void update_menu_list(components::Inventory& inventory); }; class StatusUI : public Panel { public: ActionLog $log; string $status_text = "NOT DEAD"; DinkyECS::World& $world; StatusUI(DinkyECS::World& world) : Panel(0, 0, STATUS_UI_WIDTH, STATUS_UI_HEIGHT), $log({{"Welcome to the game!"}}), $world(world) {} void create_render(); void log(string msg) { $log.log(msg); } }; class MapViewUI : public Panel { public: Canvas $canvas; DinkyECS::World& $world; LightRender& $lights; Map& $game_map; MapViewUI(DinkyECS::World& world, LightRender& lights, Map& game_map); void create_render(); void resize_canvas(); void draw_map(); }; class GUI { LevelManager $level_manager; GameLevel &$level; StatusUI $status_ui; MapViewUI $map_view; InventoryUI $inventory_ui; DeathUI $death_ui; NextLevelUI $next_level_ui; Canvas $canvas; bool $inventory_open = false; bool $player_died = false; bool $modal_shown = false; bool $next_level = false; Component $test_button; SoundManager $sounds; SFMLRender $renderer; UnDumbTSS $paused; std::vector $active_panels; public: GUI(); // disable copying GUI(GUI &gui) = delete; void resize_map(int new_size); void create_renderer(); void render_scene(); bool modal_ui_events(); bool game_ui_events(); bool handle_ui_events(); void handle_world_events(); void draw_screen(bool clear=true, float map_off_x=0.0f, float map_off_y=0.0f); void run_systems(); void save_world(); void shake(); void shutdown(); void next_level(); int main(bool run_once=false); void pause_screen(); void draw_paused(); void init_shaders(); void toggle_modal(Panel *panel, bool &is_open_out); };