TODAY'S GOAL: * Neighbors needs a rewrite * Neighbors algo isn't using greater parameter * How do we do coverage reports in C++? * Better tests and more coverage. * Clean up and document as much code as possible. * Doxygen? Other docs tool? * Add a method to render.cpp that sets terminal true color. * limit as 1000 should be a constant TODO: * I can do headless windows in renderer for testing. - renderer.$window.setVisible(false); * Think up an enemy system. * Revisit map generation. * Write a method for renderer that can translate coordinates. * Can std::any be defaulted to a noop in the events? * Save file isn't saving gold. * Inventory needs to be better, but need some kinds of "weapons" or other loot to get and not just gold. * Create a few more enemy types to fight. * Devise a more complete map/world generator that can use the loot and enemies better. * Maybe an LOS system, but the hearing version works pretty well so far. * Probably a system for mapping collision types to sound effects, rather than having the GUI do it. * Write a test that generates a ton of maps then confirms there's a path from one room to every other room? * Lua integration * check out SoLoud. * BUG: When enemies die they can be overlapping another enemy.