@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ void System::collision(DinkyECS::World &world, Player &player) {
world . send < Events : : GUI > ( Events : : GUI : : LOOT , entity , loot ) ;
inventory . gold + = loot . amount ;
light . strength = 3 ;
light . strength = 4 ;
light . distance = 2 ;
collider . remove ( loot_pos . location ) ;
} else {
println ( " UNKNOWN COLLISION TYPE {} " , entity ) ;
@ -154,12 +155,13 @@ void System::draw_entities(DinkyECS::World &world, Map &game_map, ftxui::Canvas
if ( pos . location . x > = cam_orig . x & & pos . location . x < = cam_orig . x + view_x
& & pos . location . y > = cam_orig . y & & pos . location . y < = cam_orig . y + view_y ) {
Point loc = game_map . map_to_camera ( pos . location , cam_orig ) ;
int light_value = lighting [ pos . location . y ] [ pos . location . x ] ;
// the 2 and 4 are from ftxui::Canvas since it does a kind of "subpixel" drawing
canvas . DrawText ( loc . x * 2 , loc . y * 4 , tile . chr , [ light_value ] ( auto & pixel ) {
pixel . foreground_color = Color : : HSV ( 255 , 200 , light_value + 20 ) ;
pixel . background_color = Color : : HSV ( 30 , 20 , light_value / 5 ) ;
pixel . background_color = Color : : HSV ( 30 , 20 , light_value / 3 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -180,19 +182,12 @@ void System::draw_map(DinkyECS::World &world, Map &game_map, ftxui::Canvas &canv
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < end_x ; + + x ) {
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < end_y ; + + y ) {
string tile = walls [ start . y + y ] [ start . x + x ] = = 1 ? config . WALL_TILE : config . FLOOR_TILE ;
// "WALL_TILE": "\u2591",
// "WALL_TILE": "\ua5b8",
int light_value = lighting [ start . y + y ] [ start . x + x ] ;
if ( tile = = config . WALL_TILE ) {
canvas . DrawText ( x * 2 , y * 4 , config . WALL_TILE , [ light_value ] ( auto & pixel ) {
if ( light_value > lighting : : MIN ) {
pixel . foreground_color = Color : : HSV ( 230 , 20 , 10 ) ;
pixel . background_color = Color : : HSV ( 230 , 20 , light_value / 2 ) ;
} else {
pixel . foreground_color = Color : : HSV ( 230 , 20 , 20 ) ;
pixel . background_color = Color : : HSV ( 230 , 20 , 30 ) ;
pixel . foreground_color = Color : : HSV ( 230 , 20 , 10 ) ;
pixel . background_color = Color : : HSV ( 230 , 20 , light_value / 2 ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( DEBUG_MAP ) {
int dnum = paths [ start . y + y ] [ start . x + x ] ;
@ -206,7 +201,7 @@ void System::draw_map(DinkyECS::World &world, Map &game_map, ftxui::Canvas &canv
} else {
canvas . DrawText ( x * 2 , y * 4 , tile , [ light_value ] ( auto & pixel ) {
pixel . foreground_color = Color : : HSV ( 30 , 40 , light_value ) ;
pixel . background_color = Color : : HSV ( 30 , 20 , light_value / 5 ) ;
pixel . background_color = Color : : HSV ( 30 , 20 , light_value / 3 ) ;
} ) ;