The next little game in the series where I make a fancy rogue game.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

137 lines
3.7 KiB

// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
#include <chrono> // for operator""s, chrono_literals
#include <iostream> // for cout, ostream
#include <memory> // for allocator, shared_ptr
#include <string> // for string, operator<<
#include <thread> // for sleep_for
#include <ftxui/dom/elements.hpp> // for hflow, paragraph, separator, hbox, vbox, filler, operator|, border, Element
#include <ftxui/dom/node.hpp> // for Render
#include <ftxui/screen/box.hpp> // for ftxui
#include <ftxui/component/component.hpp>
#include <ftxui/component/loop.hpp>
#include <ftxui/screen/color.hpp>
#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for ScreenInteractive
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "map.hpp"
#include "dbc.hpp"
using std::string;
using namespace fmt;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
int main() {
using namespace ftxui;
std::string reset_position;
auto c = Canvas(60 * 2, 27 * 4);
Map game_map(50, 27);
Matrix &walls = game_map.walls();
Room &start =;
Room &bad_room =;
Room &gold_room = - 1);
Point me = {.x=start.x+1, .y=start.y+1};
Point enemy = {.x=bad_room.x+1, .y=bad_room.y+1};
Point goal = {.x=gold_room.x+1, .y=gold_room.y+1};
string dead_yet = "NOT DEAD";
bool show_paths = false;
bool bomb = false;
auto map = Renderer([&] {
Matrix &paths = game_map.paths();
for(size_t x = 0; x < walls[0].size(); ++x) {
for(size_t y = 0; y < walls.size(); ++y) {
string tile = walls[y][x] == 1 ? "#" : format("{}", paths[y][x]);
if(tile == "#") {
c.DrawText(x*2, y*4, tile, Color::GrayDark);
} else if(show_paths) {
int pnum = paths[y][x];
c.DrawText(x*2, y*4, tile, Color::Palette16(pnum % 7 + 1));
} else {
c.DrawText(x*2, y*4, ".", Color::GrayDark);
if(bomb) {
/// draw
bomb = false;
c.DrawPointCircle(me.x*2, me.y*4, 4, Color::Red);
c.DrawText(enemy.x*2, enemy.y*4, "!", Color::Red);
c.DrawText(me.x*2, me.y*4, "@", Color::Blue);
c.DrawText(goal.x*2, goal.y*4, "$", Color::Yellow);
return canvas(c);
auto document = Renderer([&]{
return hbox({
gauge(0.5) | border,
text(dead_yet) | border
) | xflex_grow
}) | border;
document |= CatchEvent([&](Event e) -> bool {
size_t x = me.x;
size_t y = me.y;
if(e == Event::ArrowLeft) {
x -= 1;
} else if(e == Event::ArrowRight) {
x += 1;
} else if(e == Event::ArrowDown) {
y += 1;
} else if(e == Event::ArrowUp) {
y -= 1;
} else if(e == Event::Backspace) {
bomb = true;
} else {
return false;
if(game_map.inmap(x,y) && !game_map.iswall(x,y)) {
me.x = x;
me.y = y;
// move enemy here
bool found = game_map.neighbors(enemy, true);
if(enemy.x == me.x && enemy.y == me.y) {
dead_yet = "YOU DIED!";
} else if(goal.x == me.x && goal.y == me.y) {
dead_yet = "YOU WIN!";
return true;
auto screen = ScreenInteractive::Fullscreen();
Loop loop(&screen, document);
while(!loop.HasQuitted()) {
return 0;