#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "matrix.hpp" #include #include "dbc.hpp" using matrix::Matrix; using namespace fmt; #define texWidth 256 // must be power of two #define texHeight 256 // must be power of two #define numSprites 1 #define numTextures 11 struct Sprite { double x; double y; double elevation; int texture; }; //parameters for scaling and moving the sprites #define uDiv 1 #define vDiv 1 const int RAY_VIEW_WIDTH=960; const int RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT=720; const int RAY_VIEW_X=1280 - RAY_VIEW_WIDTH; const int RAY_VIEW_Y=0; const int SCREEN_HEIGHT=RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT; const int SCREEN_WIDTH=1280; Matrix MAP{ {8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8}, {8,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,8}, {8,0,7,0,0,5,6,0,8}, {8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8}, {8,8,0,0,0,0,0,8,8}, {8,0,0,1,3,4,0,0,8}, {8,0,0,0,0,0,8,8,8}, {8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8}, {8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8} }; const int MAP_SIZE=matrix::width(MAP); const int TILE_SIZE=RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT / MAP_SIZE; int PITCH=0; // I chose fixed textures for this instead const int floorTexture = 3; const int ceilingTexture = 6; float player_x = RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2; float player_y = RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2; // x and y start position double posX = player_x / TILE_SIZE; double posY = player_y / TILE_SIZE; // initial direction vector double dirX = -1; double dirY = 0; // the 2d raycaster version of camera plane double planeX = 0; double planeY = 0.66; #define rgba_color(r,g,b,a) (r<<(0*8))|(g<<(1*8))|(b<<(2*8))|(a<<(3*8)) #define gray_color(c) rgba_color(c, c, c, 255) Sprite SPRITE[numSprites] = { {4.0, 3.55, 0, 8}, // {3.4, 1.95, 9}, // {7.34, 5.5, 10} }; double ZBuffer[RAY_VIEW_WIDTH]; int spriteOrder[numSprites]; double spriteDistance[numSprites]; std::vector texture[numTextures]; #define pixcoord(X, Y) ((Y) * RAY_VIEW_WIDTH) + (X) uint32_t pixels[RAY_VIEW_WIDTH * RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT] = {0}; sf::Texture view_texture; sf::Sprite view_sprite; void sortSprites(int *order, double *dist, int amount); void loadImage(std::vector& texture, const char *filename) { sf::Image img; bool good = img.loadFromFile(filename); dbc::check(good, format("failed to load {}", filename)); uint32_t *pixbuf = (uint32_t *)img.getPixelsPtr(); std::copy_n(pixbuf, texture.size(), texture.begin()); } void load_textures() { for(int i = 0; i < numTextures; i++) { texture[i].resize(texWidth * texHeight); } loadImage(texture[0], "pics/tile16.png"); loadImage(texture[1], "pics/tile02.png"); loadImage(texture[2], "pics/tile03.png"); loadImage(texture[3], "pics/tile32.png"); loadImage(texture[4], "pics/tile05.png"); loadImage(texture[5], "pics/tile17.png"); loadImage(texture[6], "pics/tile10.png"); loadImage(texture[7], "pics/tile01.png"); loadImage(texture[8], "pics/portal.png"); } void draw_sfml_rect(sf::RenderWindow &window, sf::Vector2f pos, sf::Vector2f size, uint8_t color) { sf::RectangleShape rect(size); rect.setFillColor({color, color, color}); rect.setPosition(pos); window.draw(rect); } void draw_pixel_buffer(sf::RenderWindow &window) { view_texture.update((uint8_t *)pixels, RAY_VIEW_WIDTH, RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0, 0); // BUG: can I do this once and just update it? window.draw(view_sprite); } void draw_gui(sf::RenderWindow &window, Matrix &map) { draw_sfml_rect(window, {0.0, 0.0}, {SCREEN_WIDTH-RAY_VIEW_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2}, 100); draw_sfml_rect(window, {0.0, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2}, {SCREEN_WIDTH-RAY_VIEW_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2}, 150); } void draw_line(sf::RenderWindow &window, Point start, Point end, uint32_t color) { int x = int(start.x); int y = int(start.y); int x1 = int(end.x); int y1 = int(end.y); int dx = std::abs(x1 - x); int sx = x < x1 ? 1 : -1; int dy = std::abs(y1 - y) * -1; int sy = y < y1 ? 1 : -1; int error = dx + dy; while(x != x1 || y != y1) { int e2 = 2 * error; if(e2 >= dy) { error = error + dy; x = x + sx; } if(e2 <= dx) { error = error + dx; y = y + sy; } pixels[pixcoord(x,y)] = color; } } void clear(sf::RenderWindow &window) { std::fill_n(pixels, RAY_VIEW_WIDTH * RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT, 0); window.clear(); } void ray_casting(sf::RenderWindow &window, Matrix& map) { int w = RAY_VIEW_WIDTH; int h = RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT; // WALL CASTING for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) { // calculate ray position and direction double cameraX = 2 * x / double(w) - 1; // x-coord in camera space double rayDirX = dirX + planeX * cameraX; double rayDirY = dirY + planeY * cameraX; // which box of the map we're in int mapX = int(posX); int mapY = int(posY); // length of ray from current pos to next x or y-side double sideDistX; double sideDistY; // length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side double deltaDistX = std::abs(1.0 / rayDirX); double deltaDistY = std::abs(1.0 / rayDirY); double perpWallDist; int stepX = 0; int stepY = 0; int hit = 0; int side = 0; // calculate step and initial sideDist if(rayDirX < 0) { stepX = -1; sideDistX = (posX - mapX) * deltaDistX; } else { stepX = 1; sideDistX = (mapX + 1.0 - posX) * deltaDistX; } if(rayDirY < 0) { stepY = -1; sideDistY = (posY - mapY) * deltaDistY; } else { stepY = 1; sideDistY = (mapY + 1.0 - posY) * deltaDistY; } // perform DDA while(hit == 0) { if(sideDistX < sideDistY) { sideDistX += deltaDistX; mapX += stepX; side = 0; } else { sideDistY += deltaDistY; mapY += stepY; side = 1; } if(map[mapY][mapX] > 0) hit = 1; } if(side == 0) { perpWallDist = (sideDistX - deltaDistX); } else { perpWallDist = (sideDistY - deltaDistY); } int lineHeight = int(h / perpWallDist); int drawStart = -lineHeight / 2 + h / 2 + PITCH; if(drawStart < 0) drawStart = 0; int drawEnd = lineHeight / 2 + h / 2 + PITCH; if(drawEnd >= h) drawEnd = h - 1; int texNum = MAP[mapY][mapX] - 1; // calculate value of wallX double wallX; // where exactly the wall was hit if(side == 0) { wallX = posY + perpWallDist * rayDirY; } else { wallX = posX + perpWallDist * rayDirX; } wallX -= floor((wallX)); // x coorindate on the texture int texX = int(wallX * double(texWidth)); if(side == 0 && rayDirX > 0) texX = texWidth - texX - 1; if(side == 1 && rayDirY < 0) texX = texWidth - texX - 1; // LODE: an integer-only bresenham or DDA like algorithm could make the texture coordinate stepping faster // How much to increase the texture coordinate per screen pixel double step = 1.0 * texHeight / lineHeight; // Starting texture coordinate double texPos = (drawStart - PITCH - h / 2 + lineHeight / 2) * step; for(int y = drawStart; y < drawEnd; y++) { int texY = (int)texPos & (texHeight - 1); texPos += step; uint32_t color = texture[texNum][texHeight * texY + texX]; pixels[pixcoord(x, y)] = color; } // SET THE ZBUFFER FOR THE SPRITE CASTING ZBuffer[x] = perpWallDist; } // SPRITE CASTING // sort sprites from far to close for(int i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) { spriteOrder[i] = i; // this is just the distance calculation spriteDistance[i] = ((posX - SPRITE[i].x) * (posX - SPRITE[i].x) + (posY - SPRITE[i].y) * (posY - SPRITE[i].y)); } sortSprites(spriteOrder, spriteDistance, numSprites); // after sorting the sprites, do the projection for(int i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) { int sprite_index = spriteOrder[i]; Sprite& sprite_rec = SPRITE[sprite_index]; double spriteX = sprite_rec.x - posX; double spriteY = sprite_rec.y - posY; int sprite_texture_number = sprite_rec.texture; auto sprite_texture = texture[sprite_texture_number]; //transform sprite with the inverse camera matrix // [ planeX dirX ] -1 [ dirY -dirX ] // [ ] = 1/(planeX*dirY-dirX*planeY) * [ ] // [ planeY dirY ] [ -planeY planeX ] double invDet = 1.0 / (planeX * dirY - dirX * planeY); // required for correct matrix multiplication double transformX = invDet * (dirY * spriteX - dirX * spriteY); //this is actually the depth inside the screen, that what Z is in 3D, the distance of sprite to player, matching sqrt(spriteDistance[i]) double transformY = invDet * (-planeY * spriteX + planeX * spriteY); int spriteScreenX = int((w / 2) * (1 + transformX / transformY)); int vMoveScreen = int(sprite_rec.elevation * -1 / transformY); // calculate the height of the sprite on screen //using "transformY" instead of the real distance prevents fisheye int spriteHeight = abs(int(h / transformY)) / vDiv; //calculate lowest and highest pixel to fill in current stripe int drawStartY = -spriteHeight / 2 + h / 2 + vMoveScreen; if(drawStartY < 0) drawStartY = 0; int drawEndY = spriteHeight / 2 + h / 2 + vMoveScreen; if(drawEndY >= h) drawEndY = h - 1; // calculate width the the sprite // same as height of sprite, given that it's square int spriteWidth = abs(int(h / transformY)) / uDiv; int drawStartX = -spriteWidth / 2 + spriteScreenX; if(drawStartX < 0) drawStartX = 0; int drawEndX = spriteWidth / 2 + spriteScreenX; if(drawEndX > w) drawEndX = w; //loop through every vertical stripe of the sprite on screen for(int stripe = drawStartX; stripe < drawEndX; stripe++) { int texX = int(256 * (stripe - (-spriteWidth / 2 + spriteScreenX)) * texWidth / spriteWidth) / 256; // the conditions in the if are: // 1) it's in front of the camera plane so you don't see things behind you // 2) ZBuffer, with perpendicular distance if(transformY > 0 && transformY < ZBuffer[stripe]) { for(int y = drawStartY; y < drawEndY; y++) { //256 and 128 factors to avoid floats int d = (y - vMoveScreen) * 256 - h * 128 + spriteHeight * 128; int texY = ((d * texHeight) / spriteHeight) / 256; //get current color from the texture uint32_t color = sprite_texture[texWidth * texY + texX]; // poor person's transparency, get current color from the texture if((color & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0) { pixels[pixcoord(stripe, y)] = color; } } } } } } void draw_ceiling_floor(sf::RenderWindow &window) { int screenHeight = RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT; int screenWidth = RAY_VIEW_WIDTH; for(int y = screenHeight / 2 + 1; y < screenHeight; ++y) { // rayDir for leftmost ray (x=0) and rightmost (x = w) float rayDirX0 = dirX - planeX; float rayDirY0 = dirY - planeY; float rayDirX1 = dirX + planeX; float rayDirY1 = dirY + planeY; // current y position compared to the horizon int p = y - screenHeight / 2; // vertical position of the camera // 0.5 will the camera at the center horizon. For a // different value you need a separate loop for ceiling // and floor since they're no longer symmetrical. float posZ = 0.5 * screenHeight; // horizontal distance from the camera to the floor for the current row // 0.5 is the z position exactly in the middle between floor and ceiling // See NOTE in Lode's code for more. float rowDistance = posZ / p; // calculate the real world step vector we have to add for each x (parallel to camera plane) // adding step by step avoids multiplications with a wight in the inner loop float floorStepX = rowDistance * (rayDirX1 - rayDirX0) / screenWidth; float floorStepY = rowDistance * (rayDirY1 - rayDirY0) / screenWidth; // real world coordinates of the leftmost column. // This will be updated as we step to the right float floorX = posX + rowDistance * rayDirX0; float floorY = posY + rowDistance * rayDirY0; for(int x = 0; x < screenWidth; ++x) { // the cell coord is simply taken from the int parts of // floorX and floorY. int cellX = int(floorX); int cellY = int(floorY); // get the texture coordinat from the fractional part int tx = int(texWidth * (floorX - cellX)) & (texWidth - 1); int ty = int(texWidth * (floorY - cellY)) & (texHeight - 1); floorX += floorStepX; floorY += floorStepY; // now get the pixel from the texture uint32_t color; // this uses the previous ty/tx fractional parts of // floorX cellX to find the texture x/y. How? // FLOOR color = texture[floorTexture][texWidth * ty + tx]; pixels[pixcoord(x, y)] = color; // CEILING color = texture[ceilingTexture][texWidth * ty + tx]; pixels[pixcoord(x, screenHeight - y - 1)] = color; } } } void draw_everything(sf::RenderWindow &window) { clear(window); draw_gui(window, MAP); draw_ceiling_floor(window); ray_casting(window, MAP); draw_pixel_buffer(window); window.display(); } bool empty_space(int new_x, int new_y) { dbc::check((size_t)new_x < matrix::width(MAP), format("x={} too wide={}", new_x, matrix::width(MAP))); dbc::check((size_t)new_y < matrix::height(MAP), format("y={} too high={}", new_y, matrix::height(MAP))); return MAP[new_y][new_x] == 0; } int main() { using KB = sf::Keyboard; sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), "SFMLCaster"); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); view_texture.create(RAY_VIEW_WIDTH, RAY_VIEW_HEIGHT); view_sprite.setTexture(view_texture); view_sprite.setPosition(RAY_VIEW_X, 0); load_textures(); double moveSpeed = 0.1; double rotSpeed = 0.1; while(window.isOpen()) { draw_everything(window); if(KB::isKeyPressed(KB::X)) { println("player position: {},{}", posX, posY); } if(KB::isKeyPressed(KB::W)) { if(empty_space(int(posX + dirX * moveSpeed), int(posY))) posX += dirX * moveSpeed; if(empty_space(int(posX), int(posY + dirY * moveSpeed))) posY += dirY * moveSpeed; } else if(KB::isKeyPressed(KB::S)) { if(empty_space(int(posX - dirX * moveSpeed), int(posY))) posX -= dirX * moveSpeed; if(empty_space(int(posX), int(posY - dirY * moveSpeed))) posY -= dirY * moveSpeed; } if(KB::isKeyPressed(KB::D)) { double oldDirX = dirX; dirX = dirX * cos(-rotSpeed) - dirY * sin(-rotSpeed); dirY = oldDirX * sin(-rotSpeed) + dirY * cos(-rotSpeed); double oldPlaneX = planeX; planeX = planeX * cos(-rotSpeed) - planeY * sin(-rotSpeed); planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(-rotSpeed) + planeY * cos(-rotSpeed); } else if(KB::isKeyPressed(KB::A)) { double oldDirX = dirX; dirX = dirX * cos(rotSpeed) - dirY * sin(rotSpeed); dirY = oldDirX * sin(rotSpeed) + dirY * cos(rotSpeed); double oldPlaneX = planeX; planeX = planeX * cos(rotSpeed) - planeY * sin(rotSpeed); planeY = oldPlaneX * sin(rotSpeed) + planeY * cos(rotSpeed); } if(KB::isKeyPressed(KB::E)) { println("PITCH DISABLED"); // PITCH = std::clamp(PITCH + 10, -60, 240); } else if(KB::isKeyPressed(KB::Q)) { println("PITCH DISABLED"); // PITCH = std::clamp(PITCH - 10, -60, 240); } sf::Event event; while(window.pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { window.close(); } } } return 0; } void sortSprites(int* order, double* dist, int amount) { std::vector> sprites(amount); for(int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { sprites[i].first = dist[i]; sprites[i].second = order[i]; } std::sort(sprites.begin(), sprites.end()); // restore in reverse order for(int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { dist[i] = sprites[amount - i - 1].first; order[i] = sprites[amount - i - 1].second; } }