#include "autowalker.hpp" void Autowalker::autowalk() { fmt::println("I'M WALKIN' HEAR!"); fsm.$window.handleEvents( [&](const sf::Event::KeyPressed &) { fsm.autowalking = false; fmt::println("ABORT AUTOWALK"); }, [&](const sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed &) { fsm.autowalking = false; fmt::println("ABORT AUTOWALK"); } ); if(!fsm.autowalking) return; while(fsm.in_state(gui::State::IN_COMBAT) || fsm.in_state(gui::State::ATTACKING)) { if(fsm.in_state(gui::State::ATTACKING)) { fsm.event(gui::Event::TICK); } else { fsm.event(gui::Event::ATTACK); } fsm.handle_world_events(); } auto& player_position = fsm.$level.world->get(fsm.$level.player); auto current = player_position.location; Point target = current; bool found = fsm.$level.map->neighbors(target, false, -1); if(!found) { dbc::log("no neighbor found, aborting autowalk"); fsm.autowalking = false; return; } if(!fsm.$level.map->can_move(target)) { dbc::log("neighbors is telling me to go to a bad spot."); fsm.autowalking = false; return; } int delta_x = int(target.x) - int(current.x); int delta_y = int(target.y) - int(current.y); int facing = fsm.$main_ui.$compass_dir; int target_facing = 0; if(delta_x == -1 && delta_y == 0) { // west fmt::println("WEST: {}, {}", target.x, target.y); target_facing = 4; } else if(delta_x == 1 && delta_y == 0) { // east fmt::println("EAST: {}, {}", target.x, target.y); target_facing = 0; } else if(delta_x == 0 && delta_y == 1) { fmt::println("SOUTH: {}, {}", target.x, target.y); // south target_facing = 2; } else if(delta_x == 0 && delta_y == -1) { fmt::println("NORTH: {}, {}", target.x, target.y); // north target_facing = 6; } else { dbc::sentinel( fmt::format("got more than 4 direction result: " "current={},{} " "target={},{} " "delta={},{} ", current.x, current.y, target.x, target.y, delta_x, delta_y)); } auto dir = facing < target_facing ? gui::Event::ROTATE_LEFT : gui::Event::ROTATE_RIGHT; while(facing != target_facing) { fsm.event(dir); fsm.render(); fsm.handle_world_events(); facing = fsm.$main_ui.$compass_dir; } dbc::check(fsm.$main_ui.$compass_dir == target_facing, "player isn't facing the correct direction"); if(!fsm.in_state(gui::State::IN_COMBAT)) { if(fsm.in_state(gui::State::ATTACKING)) { fsm.event(gui::Event::TICK); } else { fsm.event(gui::Event::MOVE_FORWARD); } fsm.handle_world_events(); do { fmt::println("IN WHILE MOVING"); fsm.event(gui::Event::TICK); fsm.event(gui::Event::ATTACK); fsm.render(); fsm.handle_world_events(); } while(fsm.in_state(gui::State::MOVING)); } } void Autowalker::start_autowalk() { fsm.autowalking = true; }