#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dbc.hpp" namespace DinkyECS { using namespace nlohmann; typedef unsigned long Entity; using EntityMap = std::unordered_map; struct Event { int event = 0; Entity entity = 0; std::any data; }; typedef std::queue EventQueue; struct World { unsigned long entity_count = 0; std::unordered_map $components; std::unordered_map $facts; std::unordered_map $events; std::vector $constants; Entity entity() { return ++entity_count; } void clone_into(DinkyECS::World &to_world) { to_world.$constants = $constants; to_world.$facts = $facts; to_world.entity_count = entity_count; for(auto eid : $constants) { for(const auto &[tid, eid_map] : $components) { auto& their_map = to_world.$components[tid]; if(eid_map.contains(eid)) { their_map.insert_or_assign(eid, eid_map.at(eid)); } } } } void make_constant(DinkyECS::Entity entity) { $constants.push_back(entity); } template EntityMap& entity_map_for() { return $components[std::type_index(typeid(Comp))]; } template EventQueue& queue_map_for() { return $events[std::type_index(typeid(Comp))]; } template void remove(Entity ent) { EntityMap &map = entity_map_for(); map.erase(ent); } template void set_the(Comp val) { $facts.insert_or_assign(std::type_index(typeid(Comp)), val); } template Comp &get_the() { auto comp_id = std::type_index(typeid(Comp)); dbc::check($facts.contains(comp_id), fmt::format("!!!! ATTEMPT to access world fact that hasn't been set yet: {}", typeid(Comp).name())); // use .at to get std::out_of_range if fact not set std::any &res = $facts.at(comp_id); return std::any_cast(res); } template bool has_the() { auto comp_id = std::type_index(typeid(Comp)); return $facts.contains(comp_id); } template void set(Entity ent, Comp val) { EntityMap &map = entity_map_for(); map.insert_or_assign(ent, val); } template Comp &get(Entity ent) { EntityMap &map = entity_map_for(); // use .at for bounds checking std::any &res = map.at(ent); return std::any_cast(res); } template bool has(Entity ent) { EntityMap &map = entity_map_for(); return map.contains(ent); } template void query(std::function cb) { EntityMap &map = entity_map_for(); for(auto& [entity, any_comp] : map) { Comp &res = std::any_cast(any_comp); cb(entity, res); } } template void query(std::function cb) { EntityMap &map_a = entity_map_for(); EntityMap &map_b = entity_map_for(); for(auto& [entity, any_a] : map_a) { if(map_b.contains(entity)) { CompA &res_a = std::any_cast(any_a); CompB &res_b = get(entity); cb(entity, res_a, res_b); } } } template void send(Comp event, Entity entity, std::any data) { EventQueue &queue = queue_map_for(); queue.push({event, entity, data}); } template Event recv() { EventQueue &queue = queue_map_for(); Event evt = queue.front(); queue.pop(); return evt; } template bool has_event() { EventQueue &queue = queue_map_for(); return !queue.empty(); } }; template struct NameOf; using ReflFuncSignature = std::function; using ComponentMap = std::unordered_map; #define DINKY_HAS_COMPONENT(COMPONENT, ...) \ NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE_WITH_DEFAULT(COMPONENT, __VA_ARGS__); \ template <> struct DinkyECS::NameOf { \ static constexpr const char *name = #COMPONENT; \ }; template void Component(ComponentMap &m) { m[NameOf::name] = [](DinkyECS::World& world, DinkyECS::Entity ent, nlohmann::json &j) { COMPONENT c; from_json(j, c); world.set(ent, c); }; } void configure(const ComponentMap& component_map, World& world, Entity ent, json& data); }