#include "status_ui.hpp" #include "components.hpp" #include "color.hpp" #include "guecs.hpp" #include "rand.hpp" namespace gui { using namespace guecs; StatusUI::StatusUI(GameLevel level) : $level(level) { $gui.position(STATUS_UI_X, STATUS_UI_Y, STATUS_UI_WIDTH, STATUS_UI_HEIGHT); $gui.layout( "[button1 | button2 | button3]" "[button4 | button5 | button6]" "[button7 | button8 | button9]" "[*%(100,300)log_view]" "[_]" "[_]"); } void StatusUI::render() { auto& world = $gui.world(); std::vector fake_items{ "cinqueda", "healing_potion_small", "torch_crappy", "barrel_small"}; for(auto& [name, cell] : $gui.cells()) { if(name == "log_view") { $log_to = $gui.entity("log_view"); world.set($log_to, cell); world.set($log_to, {}); world.set($log_to, {"Welcome to the Game!", 20}); } else { size_t selected_item = Random::uniform(0, fake_items.size() - 1); fmt::println("fake items {} but size {}", selected_item, fake_items.size()); auto& fake_item = fake_items[selected_item]; auto button = $gui.entity(name); world.set(button, cell); world.set(button, {}); world.set(button, {fake_item}); world.set(button, guecs::make_action(*$level.world, Events::GUI::NOOP)); } } $gui.init(); } void StatusUI::draw(sf::RenderWindow &window) { auto &world = $gui.world(); auto &text = world.get($log_to); std::string log; for(auto msg : $messages) { log += msg + "\n"; } text.update(log); $gui.render(window); } void StatusUI::log(std::string msg) { $messages.push_front(msg); if($messages.size() > MAX_LOG_MESSAGES) { $messages.pop_back(); } } }