A simple program that accepts RTMP streams and then restreams them directly to other services. I use it to record at a higher rate but stream to target services at the rate they want. It's also useful for streaming to multiple sites.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
837 B

#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "dbc.hpp"
using namespace dbc;
TEST_CASE("basic feature tests", "[utils]") {
log("Logging a message.");
try {
sentinel("This shouldn't happen.");
} catch(SentinelError) {
log("Sentinel happened.");
pre("confirm positive cases work", 1 == 1);
pre("confirm positive lambda", [&]{ return 1 == 1;});
post("confirm positive post", 1 == 1);
post("confirm postitive post with lamdba", [&]{ return 1 == 1;});
check(1 == 1, "one equals 1");
try {
check(1 == 2, "this should fail");
} catch(CheckError err) {
log("check fail worked");
try {
pre("failing pre", 1 == 3);
} catch(PreCondError err) {
log("pre fail worked");
try {
post("failing post", 1 == 4);
} catch(PostCondError err) {
log("post faile worked");